War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



February 10th, 2013

Filtered to Prim

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Hey, sweetheart, I just wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing. You need anything?

February 6th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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They're gone....Katniss and Peeta. They're just gone.

I can't stay here. Can I come back to the complex? Please? I'm sorry Cindy....

December 8th, 2012

Filtered to Cindy, Katniss, and Prim

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I want t
Can I
Would it be okay if

...can I come home...? Would that...be okay with all of y...?

[edited in, after talking to Katniss]

...I think I should go home, now. Can you take me to get one of those tattoos, first, though? Because I'm too young, they won't without a signature from a guardian...

December 7th, 2012

Filtered against evil things

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So, with things getting back to normal I figure it's a good time to ask but, I was wondering if there was anyone here, in addition to my Mom, who could help teach me Russian? I have some other languages I'd like to learn but Russian's first on the list given I am half Russian.


How are you holding up after all the crazy?

And um, I was wondering if you ever wanted to come over and help me see what tricks Zeus knows and maybe help me teach him some he doesn't?

December 2nd, 2012

against evil

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[[After this
NOTE: since thread is incomplete, Katniss is...pretty seriously injured. DemonPeeta was not messing around. So if Cindy could come collect her from by the salt lines that would be swell]]

prim sty inside. peetas possssesd cindy or tom dnt let them hurthim

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Oh where, oh where has your Mockingjay gone?

Oh where, oh where can she be...?

[Other Demons]

Think she'll light up like the Girl On Fire they think she is? Because I might just go back for round two, if so...that was kinda fun.

[edited in after talking to 'Darcy']

[Sam Winchester]
Hey there, buddy ol' pal. How's that blood addiction going...? Bet you're really jonesin' right about now, huh...? I can help with that. I'm happy to share.

November 28th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Kim and Shaina have been sent home. They're dead. They're both dead and there's not a damn thing I can

The flat was empty except for Zeus. We're hanging out together in the Security Room now but he's going to need a permanent home. Abby and I are reptile people, not mammal people. Anyone want to give a home to a St. Bernard who's probably missing his mum a great deal?


You know I don't
I love you, but that doesn't change
What if I screw up with you like I

Hey. You home?

November 25th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Something is coming? I hope that everybody stays safe. And everyone please be careful.


Are you going to try and fight...or protect people from whatever is coming?

If you are will you please be careful?


Are you all right? Are you planning on trying to help with whatever is going on? Have you been staying at the complex?

If you are will you please be careful?

[Katniss and Peeta]

What are we going to do?

November 4th, 2012

no evil

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Umm..not that watching movies isn't awesome, but what exactly am I supposed to do all day?

November 2nd, 2012

Filtered against EVIL

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Just thought you lot might want to see a freakish dog. I think it's a dog, at least.

October 29th, 2012

Filtered against bad things and Regina

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a patchwork cat decided to follow me and joined my tea party. his name is binks.

Filtered to friends

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Sorry I flew off. I just couldn't handle all the chao heard someone in Africa screaming.

(OOC: Filter includes anyone at the house, Prim, Lois, Peeta, Katniss, and Loki. Possibly others I may have forgotten, so if you're not sure, ask away!)

October 26th, 2012

no evil

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Not this again, seriously seal? That just figures. Oh don't mind me, I was just trying to save my world. Not like I was doing anything important or whatever.

October 23rd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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I got an A on my math test from last week. I've looked up Halloween because everyone at school has been talking about it. I think I'm too old to dress up for this holiday. I'm not a child, so I can't 'trick-or-treat'. So, why is everyone at school talking about dressing up? And I was invited to a party, but I don't know if I should go.


How are you? I haven't been on the boards a lot lately. I hope that you're okay.


What Halloween are you going to? Party that is?

October 21st, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, Regina, Gold, and Henry

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How do I break it to my ten year-old, who's pretty much certain that I'm destined to be attacked with poisoned apples and he isn't entirely wrong that the only thing his baby sister apparently wants right now is an apple pie? Like, painfully so.

I can't even bring an apple in this house without getting in trouble!


Ten names are hard.

Filtered to Everyone under 21

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Alright, so since the good detective seems to be doing such a wonderfully terrible job of this, I guess I'll give it a shot.
I hate people my age. I really do.

Alright, here's the deal. I get there's a lot of us here whose parents/guardians aren't here to make rules about what you can and can't do. That does not mean that it's a freaking free-for-all, and it does not give anyone an excuse to be a moron. In case you haven't noticed, there are a bit worse of consequences here than getting in trouble with mom and dad.

I'm not going to tell you not to drink. I'm not going to try to be your boss or your parent or whatever. Because frankly, I don't give a shit what you all do - unless you end up endangering yourselves and others. I don't care if your parents aren't here. I don't care if you don't exist here and technically can't get arrested. You are putting people in danger with your stupidity. Period.

So if I catch wind of any of you being drunk enough that you're pulling stupid stunts again, or anything else that proves what a bunch of morons you seem to be, I will personally come find you, make sure you are filtering any posts properly, make sure you haven't gotten possessed or hurt or whatever, and then, I'm going to kick your goddamn ass from here to Kansas City and back. And trust me, you do not want to challenge me on this.

And since I know at least one person is going to try and argue with me, you should know that I am a fully certified State Alchemist and a Major in the military, and I really have no qualms about following through on this.

October 13th, 2012

filtered against evil

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I'm looking for a job again, if anyone's got work. I'm not really skilled, but I'll show up on time and do whatever needs doing. I was watching Darcy's kids for her, before they all went back. So I can watch kids. I'm a good hunter too, and I can skin a kill pretty quick, but that doesn't seem to be something anyone needs around here.

Also, since I have been unemployed I have been watching more television and there are things I don't get. Why are there all these shows on the television about people cooking? Some of them don't even tell you how to make the food, and you can't eat it. There's even websites about cake. Just pictures of cake. I catch Peeta looking at them and I don't understand. Why would you want to look at food you can't eat?

So, Peeta and I are
I have been trying to figure out how to tell you that I am dating a boy who sleeps in my bed without making you think it's okay for you to have a boyfriend in your bed.
Or any boy in your bed

How's that cheering thing going?

September 25th, 2012

filtered to friends/people who live at Cindy's

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I'm going to stay out in the woods tonight, as long as Cindy's okay with me camping on her property. That's why I won't be around, if you're looking for me. If it's an emergency you can call, I'll keep the phone on.

September 20th, 2012

filtered against evil, jerry, and katherine

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[[slightly relevant to this post: Katniss would have given notice at QI sometime last week, that's just not something she would have done over comms and I have been busy so SAYING IT HERE/NOW WOO

I took a job watching Darcy's kids for her this week, and it's going pretty good so far. They had a lot of questions about my bow, so I let them hold it without the arrows and explained it would help me protect us from anything bad, then distracted them with a bug or something and I was pretty sure that was it. Then, just before I left today, Conner handed me a folded up piece of paper. I just opened it and found this:

...I'm pretty sure this is me, in a tree, protecting us from...pants?

September 16th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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I'm sorry to everyone that is unhappy with their ghost.

I didn't even remember my dad and he's here. Now I won't ever forget him It's nice. How long will this last?


Dad says he's with you too?

I forgot what he looked like....


Are you all right? Is your ghost good or bad?
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