War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



February 4th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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For the record....that was not football.

January 30th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Clint and I are engaged.

And it feels almost like we have normal lives

January 18th, 2013

filtered against evil

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It looks like the television show I come from has been cancelled. What does this mean for me? Does this mean life as I know it is over? I won't lie. It has me worried.

January 10th, 2013

filtered against evil

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Gary's gone, isn't he? I mean, no one's seen him around, right?

January 9th, 2013

no evil thank you

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May I ask how the rest of you cope with constantly being told you look like the actor or actress that plays you? While I’m used to being looked at oddly by my classmates it’s become quite annoying. I’ve tried staying to the library more often than not but that only adds to the looks and gossip as its something my character would do--which I am me so it can be a bit confusing.

I also do not understand many of the jokes made my way about my name or shipping wars. What is a shipping war?

December 20th, 2012

filtered to Gary Bell

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Hey, Gary, did you make your wish yet?

December 19th, 2012

Filtered against evil (don't be smug now, Pip)

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Guess who doesn't explode in the sun any more?

December 18th, 2012

filtered to warehouse residents

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Guys, your Christmas present came early in the mail! I wanted to get something we could all share and enjoy, so I got a big basket of different foods. There’s a lot there because I know some of you eat a lot (not naming names!) There are pears, different kinds of cheese, crackers, cookies, different kinds of trail mix... It’s a lot, so don’t be afraid to dig in.

ooc: imagine this http://www.harryanddavid.com/h/4965?baseProductId=82623 only less expensive. Rachel has a job, but she’s not exactly rolling in dough.

December 11th, 2012

No evil

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So I've kinda been thinking. Everyone here has people they miss. Like, most everyone's got family or friends back home that the Seal took them away from. Or people that have passed away. Or friends and loved ones they met here that the Seal took back.

I was wondering what people might think about setting aside a day, kind of like, our own private holiday or something for the displaced. Like, to spend time with each other, and remember and honor the people who aren't here with us. Anyone else think a day like that might be nice to have?

December 10th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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The Apocalypse is bad for my schedule. It's rude to interrupt somebody's daily routine. Someone should tell Lucifer his Apocalypse is inappropriate.

December 7th, 2012

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[Filtered to Avenger Warehouse residents, Tony Stark, Janet van Dyne, Felicia Hardy, Loki, Darcy Lewis, Peter Parker, Spike]

I know we're all still recovering the crap that just happened but hopefully this'll be something to look forward to.

Given how well the Thanksgiving party went off, I was wondering if anyone would be willing/wanting to have a Christmas one if it's cool with Bruce? I'm good either way but given Christmas is about family and friends, it seems like something worth doing.

And after the hell we endured, it's a nice semblence of normal, yeah?

Anyways let me know and stuff.

December 6th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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I got my signals back....now they're bugging me because I didn't have them for awhile... can't turn it off, though.

Has anybody talked to Rachel?

I'm glad you're really back and not a hallucination caused by infrasound.

[Bruce B.]
Do you think we can try the meditation stuff you were talking about before?

November 22nd, 2012

Filtered to Avengers Warehouse/Rose/Andrea

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Everybody here treats me like a kid. Some people have even called me one. I'm not a kid. And I'm not as useless as people think, either. I'm not the liability people think I am. I may not have cop training or whatever like Bill, but ask Rachel, we don't exactly have the safest work environment at home either and Dr. Rosen and the rest of the team at home never act this way. I'm not a kid.

November 20th, 2012

to Spike

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It looks like you have a spot reserved at our table for Thanksgiving.

November 19th, 2012

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[Filtered to Avenger Warehouse residents, Tony Stark, Janet van Dyne, Felicia Hardy, Loki, Darcy Lewis, Helena, Peter Parker, Spike]

So, Thursday is Thanksgiving day and that means good food and good company. So you're all invited to Bruce's warehouse for a Thanksgiving day feast and hanging out. Friends, family, you're all invited and if you have a friend or family member you don't see in the filter, let me know and I'll add them.

Hope you all can make it. This place has given a few of us things to be thankful for.

First, you are invited to the Thanksgiving party we're having here at Bruce's warehouse. If you can come awesome if not, no worries.

Second, Bruce mentioned you could ensure that the area where we have to have this thing (a spot between warehouses) is up to snuff against the baddies so they don't crash our good time. Doable?

November 18th, 2012

filtered to warehouse residents

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So, Thanksgiving... Are we doing anything for it? A dinner maybe that we could all enjoy? I'd be willing to help prepare things.

[to Spike]
Got anything planned for Thanksgiving?

November 16th, 2012

filtered against evil

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I think that the worst part of the holiday season for me has got to be the smells. I stopped by a few stores to window shop for prospective presents for friends and my nose was assaulted by pine air fresheners and those baskets of holiday themed scented soaps and creams. I guess it's one of those things you just have to tolerate.

Is anyone doing anything fun tonight?

November 12th, 2012


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Rachel. I took your advice. I'm going to talk to Phoebe about Anna. But I also need to talk to you, too. Last night, you said your actress was playing inappropriate roles. You have an actress, Rachel. Only the fictional people have an actress. Are we fictional, Rachel?

November 10th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Katherine and Facetwins

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How the fuck does he do that? How can he tell by just looking? I'm not that obvious, am I? Seriously, how the hell does he know???

So does anyone here have a facetwin that doesn't suck? Because all of mine seem to be slightly crazy jerks who kinda scare me, and it really makes me worry. It's not like a universal thing for people with my face, is it? Do I come across that way too? If so, I am so sorry.

November 6th, 2012

filtered against evil and Gary

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Are there any psychiatrists or therapists currently residing in Lawrence? Displaced ones, I mean.
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