I know we've had a handful of new arrivals since I last brought this up. If anyone here is interested in theater work of any sort, be it performing, writing and composing, management, or backstage work like set building, costumes, makeup, etc., I'm leading a group of performers. We're still in planning stages, and we could really use more help, especially for behind the scenes work.
Magic-users, we specifically need some help from you. Zatanna was going to help us with glamours so that we wouldn't attract too much attention for having celebrity facetwins. With her gone, we'll need someone else to help us out.
[Filtered to the Theater Group]
Hey everyone. Meant to send this over the weekend, but... well. Shit happened, obviously. To those of you who've lost friends, my sincerest condolences.
We're now down at least a couple of members of our already tiny group. Zatanna's gone, and Oliver, who was going to sponsor us, but they're the only ones I know for certain. I've seen a few of you popping up on the boards. Others, not so much. Please respond to this so we know who all is still here. [EDIT] Maureen is gone as well. And possibly Rachel - love, if you are here, speak up![/edit]
On a more positive note, Marguerite and I went looking around for a venue last weekend, and we've found a few places we could try renting out. I know a couple of you have money to spare thanks to the Seal or wish-baubles or what the fuck ever. I'm not going to demand any one person pays for the whole thing, but whatever you can contribute would be much appreciated.
We need to figure out what sort of show we're going to put on. I believe someone suggested a cabaret style show, the last time we met up? Anyone have other ideas, come talk to me.
I just wanted to say how very sorry I am about your boyfriend. If you need some time, I will completely understand.