War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



October 29th, 2012

filtered against evil

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You can't tell me music hasn't gotten weird since my time.

(if the embedding doesn't work... http://youtu.be/0WJ3OHPL8fc)

October 25th, 2012

Filtered against current baddies.

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Holy crap, I want to go out tonight. For the first time in a while, I'm totally wired. I'm closing the med bay tonight, guys, it's been so slow the past few days and I really don't see it being a huge problem, so go ahead and close up shop, we'll open again tomorrow morning. If anyone needs it, just drop a line on the board and someone will come in.

Shaina — except instead of shopping, pub crawling. It's been a while.

Anybody else wanna come?

You coming? Also, are you going to come with me to Rose's Halloween party? Please, please, please?

[ooc: added a few minutes later]

I'm working a double tomorrow, spend time with Amy. You're welcome ;)

October 24th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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I saw a couple of people were concerned about what happened last year, when everyone turned into their costumes at the Halloween party. It won't happen this year. At least, it shouldn't - Gabriel was the one who caused it, last time, and he's gone not here.

So unless the seal decides to copy him for some reason, you don't have anything to worry about.

And if it does happen, you can't blame him, this ti

Just thought I should point that out.

October 20th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Tara

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All right, so here's thing. Some of you know me, be it from that damn tv show or from previous versions of me that have been here before, but fact is? You don't know me. Not this specific version of me. So, you know, whatever you know? Keep it mind, sure, it is part of who I used to be, who I still have the potential to be under the right certain circumstances, but who I have no intention of being again in the foreseeable future. Except the things other me's have done here. You should forget those things. Don't judge me on what I haven't done, yeah? Keep that stuff in mind, but don't pull bullshit snap judgement calls because "ooh vampire" or "I know your past" because that's just fuckin' annoying.

October 13th, 2012

filtered against evil types

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I so need a break from thinking about, talking about, contemplating demons and the devil and imminent apocalypses.

Is there someplace to play paintball around here on short-notice? Like, if I wanted to gather up a smallish group and get a game started tomorrow, is that possible? Also, would anyone be up for it?

[filtered to Sheldon]
What is the fluffiest, hokiest movie I can convince you to watch with me tonight?

October 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Jerry, demon!Meg, Regina, Katherine, and minors under 16

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Oh God, can't believe what I just saw. Anybody ever see themselves in something other than the show they're from? Or their relatives. I just flipped through some shows on the internet and saw my mom on Dexter. My real mom, I mean. Darla. I get that this happens. It's normal for here. But wow, that was a surprise seeing that for me.

October 11th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, & Regina

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So I've decided that the Youth Center's opening day is going to be October 29th. I think we're ready. So that being said, if you're already employed with us or would like to contribute, let me know now. The Seal took a few volunteers so I can use more.

Also, I want to do a big kick-off party for it. And, well, it is nearly Halloween. So I think the night of the 27th, we're going to host a costume party. From about 8 to midnight or basically whenever I get rid of you all. No one needs to bring anything but themselves. I'll have a DJ there and we'll have it catered unless anyone has an overwhelming urge to do the cooking. No need to RSVP, just show up prepared to have fun!

This should have been ours. But it's okay. Fine on my own. Always am.

And finally, you teens in the Complex and around the city, you're more than welcome to attend classes at the Center, participate in sports, or just come and hang out and watch movies or get homework help, whatever!

October 7th, 2012

to Shaina

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Hey! You wanna go to Lexi's party?

October 6th, 2012

to Kimberly

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I heard about some kind of party going on tonight. You going?

September 30th, 2012

filtred no evvil badddievamps ro peoplees that dnw OHA LSO NO KIDSS

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thihs is me savin ur eyes yupp )

September 29th, 2012

Filtered to friends minus Shaina

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Guys...let me tell her, okay? Tiptoe if you have to.

[Shaina added back into the friends filter]
In other news...uh, if I can get my hands on two hangover potions, what say we all go out tonight? You know you wanna!

September 26th, 2012

Filtered against baddies, Katherine, and Jerry

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Well...it was nice while it lasted, I guess...

How are you feeling today?

What happened and how did I miss it?

[Danielle & Penny]
I really want to be happy for Lexi...but I can't... Does that make me a bad person...?

September 23rd, 2012

filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry

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Alright, Kevin and the rest of you were kinda right. Lord of The Rings is pretty good. It's not really my thing. This fantasy stuff doesn't usually grab my attention, but I watched the first movie and liked it.

September 20th, 2012

Filtered against Evil & Jerry

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I'm not the only one that's looking forward to this, am I? Cause that would be kinda sad.

Edit: Gandalf vs. Dumbledore. Who do you think would win and why?

September 18th, 2012

filtered to Kimberly

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How's your visit from beyond going?

September 9th, 2012

Added: filter against evil & Katherine. My bad, kinda shocked here.

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Holy fucking shit...what's going on, Seal?!

Please still be here. You're still here, right?

...still here...? I'm sorry. Let's not fight okay?

[Other friends]
Guys? Still here...?

September 7th, 2012

Filtered to friends

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So, movie night. This is happening. Saturday nights, 8:30-9:00 work for everybody? My place. Starting this weekend...who's in?

Sheldon, you're coming and it's not negotiable. Don't argue. Penny & I will gang up on you. ETA: Oliver, this is also true for you. Just saying.

In other news:

Lois— Do you have anything black and strappy in the sandal department?
Steph— What's the word on paintball? Anything new?
Harry, Rory, and Danielle— Um...I miss you guys.
Jess— You realize that this invitation extends to you and Pete, right?
Jason— I'll cry a little if we don't go to the dog park soon...this really needs to happen.

Come stay the night...?

Did you guys ever go out? Details. COME ON.

August 29th, 2012

filtered against evil, Katherine

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I don't know how you guys feel about this, but I think it could be fun! Seriously! Learning a dance from a gypsy? Getting your hand kissed by a handsome knight?

So who's coming with me?

August 17th, 2012

Kimberly's birthday present

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[ooc: Hey, Kimberly, Danielle thought you might like this t-shirt... http://www.zazzle.com/what_what_what_are_you_doing_t_shirts-235718241259008932 ]

July 25th, 2012

to Kimberly

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I might have run into a kind of a snag with Reese.
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