War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



October 11th, 2013

No evil/possessed/Nik

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I am going to echo what my brother and sister have repeatedly said only once. I detest repeating myself and I have absolutely no use for those who are too stupid to use their brains:

Leave. Niklaus. Alone.

He's hurting right now, he's lashing out and he's making threats.

Do you honestly think we are going to let our brother go on a rampage and give you cause to take him out as you would all love to do? Of course not. We have this under control. WE are handling it and WE will make sure that Niklaus doesn't harm anyone else.

However: If you continue to push his buttons? If you continue to provoke him? It will be me you need to be worried about because I WILL come after you and I will rip you to shreds.

Have I made myself perfectly clear? Or do I need to demonstrate what I'm capable of.

Just. Ignore. Niklaus.

October 10th, 2013


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You're okay right?

October 3rd, 2013

Filtered to those anti-Klaus/Originals

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If anyone can related to not being a fan of the Originals, specifically Klaus it's me. But what they're saying is true. It's fucking hard to kill them. Not only that but when the Original dies everyone in their bloodline they've made dies too. So if Klaus dies, Vicki, Anna, Caroline and Stefan will die as an example. Just a heads up.

But back home we had a plan to contain Klaus. We were going to dump him in the deepest part of the Atlantic ocean. Just a thought. Didn't hear it from me.

October 1st, 2013

No Evil or Possessed (Ruby and Crowley allowed)

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I don't know what to do.

I mean I know the exorcism. I know it fluently, I can translate it into several languages, I can recite it in an accent so flawless you'd think you were in 12th century Italy. But how can I do it if he's not here?

I need to save my brother. I can't... I won't lose him again. If anyone hurts him, I will rip them apart and not even blink.

ETA: The demon in Kol has told me he wants Emily Winchester. I've told him I'll arrange that. I won't actually hurt a kid, even I have limits. But Ruby, Sam? Can I borrow Emily for two minutes? Just to take a picture of myself holding her, send it to the demon so he'll arrange to meet me. I promise, Emily won't even leave the house. Assuming you invite me in in order to take the picture.

September 26th, 2013

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Hey. Any idea why I'd get a picture of that Anna chick and the words 'who would he choose?'??

[Text to Jeremy]
✉ You do love me, right?

[Text to Kol]
Should we talk about
You know that didn't mean anything righ
I love Jer
✉ You didn't send me a picture right?

September 27th, 2013


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Do you ever feel guilt for it?

It was really easy for you, you know. Killing. I wonder what that says about you.

And how is our dear old Kitty Kat?

September 15th, 2013

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It sorta feels like things are about to hit the fan around here.


You're with Adam and Mercy, right? You're safe?


I've been around for 519 years and I have no idea how to help stop an apocalypse.

September 5th, 2013

Filtered Away From Evil

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He's gone. For those of you who knew and/or were friends with Damon. He's gone.

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Jeremy Gilbert you have (3) new messages. )

September 3rd, 2013

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[Filtered to Jeremy]

Hey. I know you said not to, but I came home from camp this morning. Bobby understood and he said I can just come back to the next one.

So I'm here if you need anything.

[Filtered to Caroline]

Hey. I'm back. How are you doing today?

[Filtered to Mac]

I'm back.

September 2nd, 2013

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[Screw evil and the douchebag Originals and Katherine]

Screw this place up the ass.

August 30th, 2013

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[Text meant for Mac that goes to Kol]

I have an idea about the whole school thing. I might be able to help. If you're interested.

[Text meant for Caroline that goes to Jeremy]

Êtes vous appréciant votre français de classe cette semaine?

[Text meant for Elena that goes to Mac]

Maybe we could hang out sometime and go shoe shopping or something? Once you're feeling up to it.

[Text meant for Kol that goes to Caroline]

How's Vicki doing?

August 23rd, 2013

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[Filtered to Family & Friends + Lupin]
So we're going to try this thing to get me not go crazy over blood and so I won't almost hurt people or anything. It's starting Monday and I won't be around for a while. You can still reach me on my phone, though, and I can check the network from it.

[Sam Winchester + Bobby Singer]
Hi. Um, Kol is going to try this thing with me that will keep me from going crazy over smelling blood again, where I get desenitized against it and can be around it. I just wanted to let you two know so you don't think you have to kill m.

August 14th, 2013


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I need brain bleach stat.

No evil, no Matt, no Elena. no...idk anymore

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[ooc: We are all going to pretend this post happened at like 2 am in Ireland even though its like 1pm something in Ireland. TIMEY WIMEY PEOPLE]

You know when you're on a haunted castle tour and listening to the guide prattle on and on about things that are supposed to make you all scared but hey you died at 17 and some things just aren't scary after that? And then somehow it went into wolf legends and how the Irish wolves were exterminated and then supposed wolf mating habits and I'm going how is this related to haunted castles????

The whole wolves mate for life thing is bullshit, right? Which, hey internet, being all 50/50 on this is so not helpful!

So. Inquiring minds possibly drank a whole lot of gin to get to this point.

Werewolves don't mate for life, right?

And then what’s even a mate?

I need to stop hanging out with werewolves. I’m like the little vampire who shouldn’t be. Like seriously, their bites kill. I'm a masochist. That has got to be the answer.

I need more gin.

August 12th, 2013

Filtered to Vicki

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Are you okay? I just heard what happen. Can I do anything?

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[Texts to Vicki]
Not what I planned to come back to but
>>Are you okay?


So in case you're like me and try to avoid any post posted by the Originals...

Kol had to compel Vicki to keep her from attacking Bobby from an accident while they were up at camp. Which means she was talked out of But in this case It does seem it was the better


May have to raincheck tomorrow. Or just make sure it's during the day because Matt's going to be home tomorrow night and well, yeah. He needs me.

August 2nd, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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How does one...feed around here? I'm hungry but I've never liked feeding off humans. Are there blood bags available?

[House of Misfits]

Hello. I'm Rose. Elena has invited me to live with you all and I just wanted to introduce myself.

August 1st, 2013

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When Elena returned from her surgery late last night/early this morning, this PRESENT ) giant stuffed Zebra was awaiting her in her room with a get well card from Jeremy

July 29th, 2013

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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Well, that was a timely return, Seal. Thanks for the sugar. I'll take it as a birthday present.

I still want to turn Katherine into a Scarecrow and set her on fire. But that would be bad, right?
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