Posts Tagged: 'tony+stark+%28avac%29'

Jul. 7th, 2019



Uhm. So - Seems to me like there's a lot of people who aren't feeling great lately? Anyone need anything? Help? Soup? i'm pretty great at making soup?

maybe comment in even if you don't need anything just so we know you're not like...dead or something

Jun. 29th, 2019



It has come to my understanding, that we need more visual entertainments.

I may not understand these movies of your worlds, but I feel I go through the doors enough.

I got a list so far...


  • Footloose

  • Star Wars

  • Top Gun

  • Jaws

  • Alien

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  • Lost Boys

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark

  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  • Gladiator

  • And holy shit there is a lot here..

Are there any other titles I should be looking for?

I'll start messing with the doors tomorrow morning.

also edit:
Okay. I will keep an eye for the whole lot of these.
If I find any movies, I'll just start grabbing.

Jun. 28th, 2019



Private ➞ Tony

Has Steve ever left you on read before?

Jun. 27th, 2019



I know there have been an influx of, um, interesting creatures as of late. But uh, just as a heads up, I suppose. If you see a flying dog. Don't freak out? His name is Krypto and he probably just wants to be your friend. Or a belly rub.

Jun. 9th, 2019



Something arrived for me- I wasn't aware that was something this place did, distribute items from homeworlds at random. Is this a common occurrence?

Private to Luke & Obi-Wan

A box arrived with writing on it, in aurebesh- which you don't see a lot of around here. It's a collection of what look like lightsaber spare parts, and a crystal.

You're both welcome to any of it, if you'd like it.

Jun. 5th, 2019



Hey so I've been working on gathering some data and I could use a little help from the community at large. I'm trying to get a better idea of the patterns of the doors, if it is totally random, or if there is some larger pattern we can't see because we're all looking at it as individuals rather than as a group.

I can only gain so much information with my own trips through the doors, and I'm working on a sensor to gather some other information for me, but what would really go a long way to helping is if we could keep a list of the kinds of places we're going.

You can tell me here, and then in the future just shoot me a message about where you've gone, maybe how long you were there, anything interesting you noticed - like if you wished to go to an ice cream shop and then opened the door and you were in one - something like that.

Anyway let me know, I've got Dum-E organizing things so you know things are slow going, but we can make this work.

Jun. 1st, 2019


How's everybody doing today? Nice morning? No lingering hangovers from the birthday? The bowties were a great idea, right? Everyone feeling happy? Healthy?

Excellent. On an unrelated note, I woke up and there's a goat in my apartment.

A goat. Standing at the foot of my bed. It is making noises. It is staring at me. It is maintaining eye contact. It is not blinking. This is not a metaphor for what Barton looks like before he shaves and caffeinates in the morning; I'm saying this is an actual living goat.

I'm not saying that what I'm currently experiencing is panic, but.

May. 28th, 2019



If you could wish for one thing to have here in Starklandia, what would it be?

Private to Steve (MCU) )

Private to Tony (AVAC) )

May. 27th, 2019



PRIVATE ➞ Tony Stark (AVAC)

So, I just talked to that old version of you.

Have you talked to the old version of you lately?

I still haven't talked to the older version of me.

May. 26th, 2019



Private from Tony Stark (MCU)

since when did i become the freakin' party planner?

So, apparently, it's Grandpa Stark's birthday this Wednesday. John and Kitty managed to secure some burger supplies (thanks guys), but does anyone else have suggestions? I'm not even sure if this should be a surprise or not considering, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

Steve? Nat? You know the guy more than I do.

Little Tony? Wait- it's not your birthday too, is it?

Edit: Change of plans. Cancel the party ideas for the big guy! Little Tony still wants to celebrate, so any ideas for him? We probably do need snacks or drinks provided if anyone's willing to bring them.

Private to Cap. Rogers (MCU) and Jan (AVAC)

Okay, don't kill me, but Natasha suggested I ask you about this. I realized I probably fucked up in even introducing the idea of a party for Big Tony, and I know Little Tony wants to do something to celebrate. Normally I'd just eat my own hat for this one, but I don't want to disappoint either and I don't know either of them well enough to not screw it up, I think.

Can either of you help? Maybe take over?

May. 19th, 2019



I am having an incredibly difficult time finding amusing ways to pass the day.

What a problem to have.

May. 16th, 2019



Hey, does anyone have a hamburger. I'm dying and I have like five dollars??

May. 14th, 2019



You know, life is pretty nice here in Starklandia. Tony's working on Internet, older!Tony got the emoji's up and running, there's booze, coffee, and clothes! We just need a beach and we'll be all set!

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May. 13th, 2019



While we're on the subject of being responsible adults who ought know how to garden (which, sorry, I don't and you don't want me trying), there's some stuff that all of us probably need to be focusing on a bit more.

While I'm trying to work out a way out of here, it's slow going so for now this place is our home. We've got to work a little harder to make this place sustainable, because you never really know what those doors will or won't uncover.

That said, for those of you who go out there scavenging, it'd be really great if you brought back any of the following:

Chickens. Like, live ones, preferably.
Goats? I guess?
Vegetables / seeds for planting
Medical supplies (penicillin, bandaging, disinfectants, etc - talk to one Stephen Strange about the particulars.)
Cleaning supplies
Hygiene supplies
Non-perishable foods, bottled water
Camping gear
Cooking gear.

I'm going to make sure that one of the buildings in town can be used as a medical center, and another that's stocked with essentials that everyone can use as is necessary. Any help or further suggestions would be great.

PS: I'm working on digital stuff too. I know it doesn't seem as important to some but let's not live like sad people in the woods. I've got an upgrade ready for these phones, and we'll get a server going. Shared music and videos, anyone?

PPS: I added emoji capabilities. Please don't abuse them and make me turn this car around. β˜•οΈ

May. 9th, 2019



This is odd.

I remember being tired, and then closing my eyes. I was surrounded by people. Now I'm here and I don't think I'm sick any more. I don't feel sick...

What and where is this place?

[Added After being informed: Private Avengers and X-Men]


How are you? I'm good. Not dead. Very alive.
I'd like to stay that way.

You cool with that?

May. 3rd, 2019



Please be careful if you see an orange cat at the bar or anywhere else in town. Goose arrived out of nowhere the other day, and he can definitely be very sweet, but also very dangerous. If you want to pet him or say hello, do so with caution and probably with a treat. If he looks agitated, do not approach. Just trust me.

Apr. 28th, 2019



Private to Steve Rogers (avac)

Hey. I wondered if maybe you wanted to catch up a little bit? I mean only if you want....

Apr. 27th, 2019


likely eg spoilers in the comments, do not read if you haven't seen and plan to.


This is something different.

Anyone out there?



This thing is weird. We didn't have anything like this in Insomnia.

Um. Hello, I'm Nyx.

I'm new here, and am wondering what sort of things are about..?
What sort of things do I need to know?

Apr. 24th, 2019



Judging by the activity on this device, we're all strangers in a strange land. I'd say that's comforting, but-- well. No I wouldn't. It's not comforting. Is everyone a witch, then? I tried to open the Road and wound up here. It's like the Bar With No Doors. Except...a town.