Posts Tagged: 'natasha+romanoff+%28mcu%29'

Jun. 10th, 2019



The clothing store will still be called Van Dyne's, in case anyone was wondering.

open to all / private from clint barton

We've got another birthday coming up and it's my turn to fall on the sword, as it were, for purposes of planning. Clint's is in a week.

I want to do something a little different for him, and also so we don't all OD on parties. I'm thinking outdoor movie screening, since the weather's been nice lately. He wanted beer and Blade Runner for his birthday. Beer I know we've got, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of the movie back when he first mentioned it, but if anyone's inclined to help me figure out how to rig up a way to play it on the side of one of the buildings with decent audio so everyone can see and hear, I'd be grateful.

I wouldn't mind some help rounding up popcorn, assorted other movie-type snacks, blankets to spread out on the grass - anything to make it a low key fun summer night for everyone to enjoy.

I can tell you the back of the box summarizes the plot as "In a cyberpunk vision of the future, man has developed the technology to create Replicants - humanoid androids with short, fixed lifespans - which are illegal on Earth but are used in the off-world colonies. Deckard, a Blade Runner - a police officer who specializes in terminating replicants - is assigned to eliminate four escaped Replicants who have returned to Earth."

I can't tell you if it's any good, as I've never seen Blade Runner, and when it comes to our takes on movies, Clint and I are either entirely on the same page or entirely prepared to murder each other for terrible taste, and we have never once reached middle ground between those two options. But regardless, I think it'll be a fun night and I know you all want to show up for the guy with the adorable dog who keeps us all well-supplied in caffeine.

Jun. 9th, 2019



So I guess it was only a matter of time, wasn't it. Could've done with a bit more, but

Who made the call on the electricity thing? Leaning a bit hard into the 'no work' mandate, are we?

Alright, then. Do your worst.



Something arrived for me- I wasn't aware that was something this place did, distribute items from homeworlds at random. Is this a common occurrence?

Private to Luke & Obi-Wan

A box arrived with writing on it, in aurebesh- which you don't see a lot of around here. It's a collection of what look like lightsaber spare parts, and a crystal.

You're both welcome to any of it, if you'd like it.

Jun. 7th, 2019


private ➞ gwen stacy

Promised you we'd do something cool at some point, right? One of the doors is opening up to a lot of snow. Want to check it out with me?

That was a dad joke. I won't apologize for it.

Jun. 5th, 2019


private ➞ carol danvers

I'm sorry for the other day.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Private to Natasha and Bucky



private ➞ tony stark (the elder)


Sherlock Holmes. [...] Ugh Hi.

Good, now that that's over with, I've a proposal: a public lab. Strictly chemical-based, and a means to support the agriculture and medical facilities. It will keep me occupied, and it will keep you from having to associate with me. Productive for everyone. That is, assuming there isn't a lab like this already or you enjoy being forced into unpleasant company. I wouldn't recommend the latter. I'm not one for small talk.

Yes? No? I'm doing it regardless. Come if you wish—or don't. I'm dead, everything is DULL, and I don't care.

[ ooc content warning: brief mentions of death below! ]

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Is anyone else losing track of the days? I mean, not what day it is, but how long they've been here?

Also, has anyone seen Goose? He got out the other night and hasn't come back.

Note for the new people: Goose is a large orange flerken cat. He looks very sweet, but he is very dangerous.
If you see him, do NOT go near him. Let me know and I'll come to get him immediately.

Jun. 1st, 2019


How's everybody doing today? Nice morning? No lingering hangovers from the birthday? The bowties were a great idea, right? Everyone feeling happy? Healthy?

Excellent. On an unrelated note, I woke up and there's a goat in my apartment.

A goat. Standing at the foot of my bed. It is making noises. It is staring at me. It is maintaining eye contact. It is not blinking. This is not a metaphor for what Barton looks like before he shaves and caffeinates in the morning; I'm saying this is an actual living goat.

I'm not saying that what I'm currently experiencing is panic, but.

May. 28th, 2019



If you could wish for one thing to have here in Starklandia, what would it be?

Private to Steve (MCU) )

Private to Tony (AVAC) )



What the bloody hell is going on.

And where is my phone?

Hi everyone,

Coming with a request for the library team. We're still under construction - and thank you to everyone who's volunteered their time and talent to help get the building set up, it's incredibly appreciated - but I'd like to start having specific lists we can consult when we're starting scavenging to fill these shelves that are being built.

This is a place to post any specific titles - books, DVDs, music, research materials, what have you - that you've been particularly jonesing for, so we can do our best to keep an eye out. Please feel free to message me privately if there's any requests you're not comfortable letting the general public know you'd like: I will not tell on you if what you want more than anything in the world is the Twilight series, movies about singing chipmunks, or 1970s porn magazines.

I know there are a lot of reference things we need to be on the lookout for, but please don't be shy about requesting anything you'd like for entertainment purposes, either. I'd like to have an individual list for everyone - the whole idea behind the library is to make it a true community space.

As ever, thanks for the time.

May. 27th, 2019



Has anyone been able to find any weapons on their excursions? Nothing too big, just something that can help a non-powered person protect themselves against weird looking dragons or other kinda dangers. Preferably something like a firearm, but if you're willing to try and train me in something else, I'd give it a go!

Private to Thirteen )

private ➞ dr. stephen strange

I hope I'm not bothering you, but I wondered if you had a minute for me to ask some questions about our medical facilities? I had an idea that I thought may be useful down the road, but I'm not sure if we'd really be set up to execute it.

May. 26th, 2019



Private from Tony Stark (MCU)

since when did i become the freakin' party planner?

So, apparently, it's Grandpa Stark's birthday this Wednesday. John and Kitty managed to secure some burger supplies (thanks guys), but does anyone else have suggestions? I'm not even sure if this should be a surprise or not considering, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

Steve? Nat? You know the guy more than I do.

Little Tony? Wait- it's not your birthday too, is it?

Edit: Change of plans. Cancel the party ideas for the big guy! Little Tony still wants to celebrate, so any ideas for him? We probably do need snacks or drinks provided if anyone's willing to bring them.

Private to Cap. Rogers (MCU) and Jan (AVAC)

Okay, don't kill me, but Natasha suggested I ask you about this. I realized I probably fucked up in even introducing the idea of a party for Big Tony, and I know Little Tony wants to do something to celebrate. Normally I'd just eat my own hat for this one, but I don't want to disappoint either and I don't know either of them well enough to not screw it up, I think.

Can either of you help? Maybe take over?



My fellow dimensionally marooned, in the effort of conducting research on the commonalities of our disappearance and eliminating down to the lowest common denominator, would all those willing please disclose the circumstances surrounding the time of your disappearance? What was happening in those moments in your life, perhaps even the world on a macro scale if you are so informed.

Sharing your story can absolutely be private, I understand completely. Please be assured that, as a doctor, I hold confidentiality in the highest regard. The only reason I ask is to examine why we were affected. I believe there may be parallel congruencies that left our realities and us, as individuals, all vulnerable to dimensional bleed at the time in which we were taken.

In the effort of transparency and fairness, I will share my own story. Scientific fascists had just invaded Earth and almost succeeded in wiping out every last trace of magic. My librarian and I defeated them and began to foster the rebirth of magic in reality 616. I decided to take a sabbatical to recover while it regrew when I found myself here.

May. 25th, 2019


private ➞ james barnes

Hi. I know you said you wanted a little time - is this okay? There’s something I’d like to talk to you about, but tell me if it’s too...anyway.

May. 24th, 2019


private ➞ carol danvers

Fun Fact #1: I miss you and I miss Goose. I miss having a designated catch-up time most days. I know we can pretty much see each other whenever but what would you think about setting up a standing afternoon coffee date? I don't want you to be a stranger and I want to know what's going on with you. Plus Game of Thrones, still.

Fun Fact #2: Clint panic-proposed to me tonight and there was literally no one else I wanted to tell. Men, Carol. Men.