I missed having the annual SS Anti-Valentine, so I wrote a drabble anyway. I'll just leave this here, shall I?
Title: Slytherin Valentine
Author: Inamac
Pairing: Severus/Lucius
Rating: G (for the moment)
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
A/N: I could not let Valentines Day go without writing an anti-valentine for my boys... If only a drabble.
Two Slytherins prepare for Valentine's Day"I always get them mixed up, you know."
"Hmm?" Snape stirred another phial of liquid into the steaming cauldron.
"Saints Valentine and Sebastian. I think it's the association with arrows. And Love." Only Lucius could give the word its full capital letter.
"The arrows were from Eros," Snape said. "The Arrows of Desire." He was perfectly capable of enunciating his own capitals, when it suited him.
"Well, I thought you'd appreciate them." Lucius presented him with the boxed set of silver darts.
Snape smiled as he plucked one from the velvet and twirled the point through the finished love potion.