Two Out Of Three by suitesamba
Title: Two Out of Three
Author: suitesamba
Pairing: Severus, Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1209
Warnings: Angst
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: They each want him, but he knows they’re better off with each other.
Prompt: PROMPT 5: Severus took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his heart breaking. -- This prompt has to be included, because it has been used in every #AVD fest we’ve had. *pets it* It warms the cold, shrivelled edges of your mods’ black, black #angsty hearts. ♥
A/N: I am nothing without my betas. abrae and roozetter, I salute you!
( Two Out of Three )
Author: suitesamba
Pairing: Severus, Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1209
Warnings: Angst
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: They each want him, but he knows they’re better off with each other.
Prompt: PROMPT 5: Severus took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his heart breaking. -- This prompt has to be included, because it has been used in every #AVD fest we’ve had. *pets it* It warms the cold, shrivelled edges of your mods’ black, black #angsty hearts. ♥
A/N: I am nothing without my betas. abrae and roozetter, I salute you!
( Two Out of Three )