Valentine's Day, Humbug by snapesgirl
Title: Valentine's Day, Humbug
Author/Artist: snapesgirl on IJ or snapesgirl62 on DW
Pairing: Rabastan/Severus, Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1323
Warnings: Crack, pure Crack
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offence is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: True love takes a beating and keeps on ticking
A/N: Many thanks to elfflame and unbroken_halo for hand holding and beta reading.
( Valentine's Day, Humbug )
Author/Artist: snapesgirl on IJ or snapesgirl62 on DW
Pairing: Rabastan/Severus, Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1323
Warnings: Crack, pure Crack
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offence is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: True love takes a beating and keeps on ticking
A/N: Many thanks to elfflame and unbroken_halo for hand holding and beta reading.
( Valentine's Day, Humbug )