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Oct. 8th, 2012


Angstfest Wrap Up!

We came, we broke hearts, shattered dreams, tarnished the silver linings that Severus's mother tried to get him to believe lines every cloud. Severus lost his love, life, hope, will and purpose.

In short, IT WAS MAGICAL AND WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! <333 #angstfest

Thank you so much to all our players, reviewers, cheerleaders, and everyone who helped the *sighers* celebrate our FOURTH anniversary! Poor Severus - having to deal with four years of #angst and #abuse and all us crazy people.

Here's to another great year! #dances


#Angstfest Round-Up! )

That's all, folks!

Participants are now free to upload their works wherever they would like. Thank you, again, to everyone who played with us! You made #angstfest the best part of our week, and the perfect way to celebrate the [info]severus_sighs fourth anniversary. #allthelove


Oct. 6th, 2012


Dinner Plan, Fail... by [info]sealcat

Title: Dinner Plan, Fail...Or, Do Remember To Feed Your Pet Dragon...
Author: Sealcat
Pairing: Severus himself, background Snarry. Oh, and a hungry baby dragon.
Rating: G
Medium Ballpoint pens on paper.
Warnings: Err.... Food Angst? Actually I don't think it has any angst at all.....*Hiding*
Disclaimer: This is a work of Fanart. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this fanart.
Summary: Severus has a perfect dinner plan for two tonight, too bad that he forgot to feed their pet dragon...
A/N: Sort of inspired (part of) by this fanart and extra, just for fun~ Severus: "Get that steak back! You already ate the other one!" *Hoping to save one last steak* Blue baby dragon: "Nomnomnomnomnomnom~~~~~~" *Noming angus beef steak*

Dinner Plan, Fail... )


Scattered Pictures by [info]abrae

Title: Scattered Pictures
Author: [info]abrae
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 313
Warnings: Other than my purple prose?
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: His memories were once a comfort, but not anymore
A/N: I was going to give this a happy, pre-slashy ending, but it didn't quite work out that way. Ridiculous title notwithstanding; it was the best I could come up with.

Scattered Pictures )


Used to the Cold by [info]deirde_aithne

Title: Used to the Cold
Author: [info]deirdre_aithne
Pairing: Severus/unnamed male
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,133
Warnings: ambiguous loss
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus copes with loss in the only way that he knows how.
A/N: The title was shamelessly stolen from the song Over You by Miranda Lambert.

Used to the Cold )


A Perfect Day for Windworms by [info]atypicalsnowman

Title: A Perfect Day for Windworms
Author: [info]atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG (wut? pokes it)
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: Character death
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Sometimes it just isn’t enough.
A/N: The plot of this story is borrowed from Salinger and a story of a similar name. If you’re at all familiar with his work you’ll know the one. Thanks to [info]roozetter for the beta and handholding.

I still don’t know why Seymour Glass killed himself )


Back to the Single Bed by [info]akatnamedeaster

Title: Back to the Single Bed
Author: [info]akatnamedeaster
Pairing: None
Rating: R
Warnings: Nudity
Summary:A/N: I'm so sorry baby, but Auntie [info]roozetter and Auntie [info]atypicalsnowman think I don't emotionally abuse you enough.

Back to the Single Bed )

Oct. 5th, 2012


Success by [info]smallbrownfrog

Title: Success
Author: [info]smallbrownfrog
Pairing: Severus
Rating: PG
Word Count: 271
Warnings: angst, implied character death
Summary: Severus keeps trying..
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.

Success )


A Matter Of Redemption by [info]florida_minxie

Title: A Matter of Redemption
Author: [info]florida_minxie
Prereader: @RoozetteR
Summary: Everyone has an opinion about redemption.
Rating (Length): General (2 ×100)
Highlight for Warnings: *suicide*
Disclaimer: Not mine. Really.
AN: Because my darling, @RoozetteR, wooed me with words like #womance and #angstfest! (and possibly because I like to see Snape suffer.)

A Matter of Redemption  )


Eye of the Beholder by [info]suitesamba

Title: Eye of the Beholder
Author: [info]suitesamba
Pairing: Severus/Remus, Remus/Tonks, Harry/Ginny
Rating: R+
Word Count: +/- 1500
Partner Betrayal
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Happiness is in the eye of the beholder. Severus Snape wants to wipe that happy smile off of Harry Potter’s face.
A/N: Written for the 2012 [info]severus_sighs #angst!fest. Angst level increased after a pre-read by [info]roozetter (a.k.a. angst whore) (dude, say it in hashtag or don't say it at all! #angstwhore :P)

Eye of the Beholder )


Lament for the Lost Boys Reboot by [info]veridari

Title: Lament for the Lost Boys Reboot
Artist: [info]veridari
Pairing: Severus/Harry and a surprise cameo
Rating: G
Warnings: (highlight for spoilers) * not sure if this is considered crack!angst or angst!crack - the jury is still out
Disclaimer: I don't own either of them, or the books, or the theme parks or the movies. If I owned it all I'd be a billionaire, on my yacht, living off my riches.
Summary: Every evening year he returns to the Astronomy Tower and laments the deaths that stain his soul. Or at least he tries to.
A/N: I did try and go for angst. Really I did. I created the first one and before it was *even* finished my brain came up with this. I'm sorry. no I'm not really

There be angst of sorts here... )

Oct. 4th, 2012


Tethered by [info]leela_cat

Title: Tethered
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Pairing: Severus Snape, Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Snape was dead. That was the bitch of it.
A/N: This is for [info]roozetter without whom it wouldn't exist.

Tethered )


Love Before the Fall by [info]starduchess

Title: Love Before the Fall
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: One night on the Astronomy Tower before all is lost....
A/N: Written for our fourth anniversary angst prompt: “He’s under a lot of tension, but sometimes he just wants to go to the Astronomy Tower and SCREAM.”

Love Before The Fall )


What Everyone Knows by [info]roozetter

Title: What Everyone Knows
Author: [info]roozetter
Pairing: Severus/Sirius, Harry
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: +/- 2300
Warnings: Misuse of Occlumency lessons, character death
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: In sixth year, Severus is asked to resume Occlumency lessons with Harry. He uses this as a way to exonerate his own personal demons regarding the death of one Sirius Black.
A/N: Written for the 2012 [info]severus_sighs #angst!fest. Proofed by [info]atypicalsnowman and [info]suitesamba Thank you, bb’s! xoxo

What Everyone Knows )


Wait for Me by [info]knowmefirst

Title: Wait for Me
Author: [info]knowmefirst
Pairing: Severus/Remus (hinted)
Rating: G
Word Count: N/A
Warnings: main character death, angst.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this art.
Summary: Remus visits Severus, but not everything is reality.
A/N: I was going to write for this fest, however, time ran out and I didn't want to ask for another extension. So, here is another piece I made for this and if later on I finish the fic. I'll post it :D

Wait For Me )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Blood Oath 3 by [info]bertas

Title: Blood Oath 3
Author: [info]bertas
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Warnings: Slash - Vamp!Sev
Summary: 3rd in the Blood Oath series. Severus contemplates what he is to do with Harry now that he has him. Written for Severus *sighs* 4th Anniversary - Angst Fest.
Disclaimer: I really need to make a list of cool disclaimers. I own nothing you recognize.

Contemplation )


Welcoming the Darkness by [info]gingertart50

Title: Welcoming the Darkness
Author: [info]gingertart50
Beta: [info]sky_bleu_angel
Pairing: none
Word count: 1185
Rating: G
Warnings: gloom, doom and despair. You wanted those, right?
Summary: Severus did once make plans to survive, but then Albus intervened.

Welcoming the Darkness )


An Ace in the Hole by [info]torino10154

Title: An Ace in the Hole
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Severus/Bellatrix
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: ~565
Warnings: Oral sex of a somewhat non-consensual nature, infidelity in that Bella is married but since she's already the Dark Lord's plaything, it's hardly worth noting. :P
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus finally gets his revenge.
A/N: Written for and beta'd by [info]roozetter who coerced me into writing this. <3 (dub-con #womance FTW! ♥ xoxo, Roo)

An Ace in the Hole )


Between Grindstones by [info]phoenixcharm180

Title: Between Grindstones
Artist: [info]phoenixcharm180
Pairing: Severus
Rating: PG
Warnings: #angst
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus is trapped between a rock and a hard place...

Between Grindstones )

Oct. 2nd, 2012


Entranced by [info]lemondropseven

Title: Entranced
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100x5
Warnings: Highlight for spoilers: *Character death*
Summary: Severus stumbles onto something fascinating on his nightly rounds.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter world belongs to JKR.
A/N: I think I'm running out of ways to torture Severus. I'll have to start writing happy endings...*shudder* ...But not this time. XD (<--- NOT EVEN IN JEST, BB! #weeps)

Entranced )


Awakenings by [info]suitesamba

Title: Awakenings
Author: [info]suitesamba
Pairing: Severus/Kingsley
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 798
Warnings: reference to canon death
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Everything would be all right, if only Severus would just wake up.
A/N: Written for the 2012 [info]severus_sighs angst!fest.

Awakenings )

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