Title: Adonis
Artist: veridian_dairPairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Medium: Photoshop CS4, graphic tablet
Warnings: none
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: What's love got to do with it
Summary: An enchanting August moon changes the course of two men's lives in ways neither could have expected.
A/N: Recently, I reread
joanwilder/RaeWhit's story
Surprised by Harry and this scene, which appears immediately in Chapter 1, captured my imagination and set my muse on fire. Hopefully, I have come close to creating some piece of the amazing magic contained in her words. Thank you,
joanwilder, for giving us so many incredible stories and putting up with me
once again as I picked your brain to paint this. As always,
jadzialove was my biggest cheerleader and I couldn't have done it without her. Thank you to the mods for giving me another excuse to paint Severus. :)
( Adonis )