Title: A Very Snape-ish Halloween (or “Severus and the Mars Bars”)
suitesambaPairing: Harry/Severus
Other Characters: Ron Weasley, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Satan, Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice, Severus’ Muggle neighbors
Rating: PG
Word count: 1712
Warning: *
Very bad jokes; use of potion for personal gain; absolutely no respect for real or canonical timeline; the only research done was to verify candy bar names in the UK—author did not research Halloween traditions there because the severus_sighs mods did not give adequate notice of this fest and I do have to do “real” work sometime to make a living*
Summary: Severus stays home to answer the door and give out treats on Halloween.
A/N: My dad told me the duck joke shortly before he died. We were sitting in his pickup truck at a red light. He was funny like that. Thanks to
veridari and
abrae for the quick pre-read and beta. Someone had to tell me the jokes were funny. If they’re not, you now know who to talk to.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were. Never will be. No profit is being made from this (very) amateur work.
( A Very Snapeish Halloween )