Title: Sev's Challenge
Author: BertaS
Date: 1/26/2014
Pairing: Severus and ?
Rating: G
Word Count: 175
Warnings: None - Meta
Challenge: I, and Severus, challenge you to write something that will make Severus growl, swear, smirk or laugh. Preferably something that will earn, or retain, you a seat on the naughty sofa.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize I most likely stole so I could play with them.
Sev's Challenge
Severus looked around his lab his eyes narrowing. He frowned as he realized that there was no noise coming from the door to the Lounge. Sighing and knowing he was going to regret it, he opened the door and walked toward the naughty sofa. He noticed that there were very few women in the room and most of them were hiding in the shadows.
Raising one eyebrow at the cat on said naughty sofa before speaking to the woman seated on the hearth rug, "Where the hell is every one. I haven't been disturbed by anyone, other than This Old Cat, in months."
The woman shrugged, "I know. We didn’t even celebrate your birthday. Should I issue a challenge, to write something that will make you growl, swear, smirk or maybe laugh? Preferably something that will earn, or retain, the author a seat on the naughty sofa?"
Severus glanced around where some of the shadowy figures were becoming more distinct. "Indeed. I am beginning to get bored."
Okay everyone, write Severus a story. BertaS