Daily Scans - September 14th, 2009
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01:02 am [batcookies]
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lol, Green Lantern was drugged and molested (or maybe even raped)! Since we apparently have a theme going...
Garth Ennis' "Hitman" featured many memorable side characters. One of particular note was Bueno Excellente, "an obese, sweaty, and bald Latino in an overcoat who 'defeats evil with the power of perversion.' Generally, the only thing he says will be "Bueno", often preceded by a creepy chuckle."

Tags: char: green lantern/kyle rayner, creator: garth ennis, nsfw: rape, publisher: dc comics
03:33 am [superfan1]
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The New Teen Titans #93 ( Marketing madness )
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: pantha/rosabelle mendez, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, nsfw: nudity, publisher: dc comics, title: new teen titans
11:43 am [grazzt]
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Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 3 of 3): The Execution and a Dark Resurrection And now, we come to our conclusion, nine years after the events in Eisler Memorial Hospital. Part 1 and Part 2 for those who missed them.
Tags: char: heinrich runge, char: johan liebert, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
12:23 pm [sun_soraya]
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Me am villain. I really like the classic enemies of the Teen Titans; besides trying to finish our heroes off, Deathstroke, Brother Blood, Trigon etc. have something else in common: good use of grammar. In New Teen Titans #24 (1982) we meet Lord Damyn, who not only has his own grammar rules, but also a very special humour and sense of beauty.

Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: blackfire/komand'r, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
02:20 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/10141791/376381) [Link] |
Question concerning the "Horror week" tags
I looked through the tags, and I noticed (at least) three different variants of the "Horror week" tag, either classifying it as "theme", an "event" or a "series". Which one is the proper one?
Tags: creator: junji ito, genre: horror, medium: manga, series: horror week, theme: body horror, title: uzumaki
02:36 pm [espanolbot]
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Robotman vs. a popular Internet parody series ( He probably wouldn't have had this trouble... in America! )
Tags: publisher: dc comics, title: doom patrol
03:35 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Mr. Incredible goes to see the doctor From July's issue of The Incredibles...

Tags: creator: marcio takara, creator: mark waid, publisher: boom!, title: the incredibles
03:39 pm [dytabytes]
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MA:Avengers 14 So the Avengers are called to a pocket dimension helping a farming tribe defend themselves from barbarians. The thing is, they realize that if they just defeat them this year, the Marauders will just regroup and try again later.
( The obvious solution is to teach the tribe how to defend themselves )
Tags: char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hulk/bruce banner, char: iron man/tony stark, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: jeff parker, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers
04:47 pm [ashtoreth]
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Strange Tales of Spider-man Two scans from Strange Tales 1. These are bizarro ooc stories of your regular Marvel characters...
Tags: char: mary jane watson, char: may parker, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: aki yanagi, creator: c.b. cebulski, creator: johnny ryan, creator: junko mizuno, publisher: marvel comics, title: strange tales
05:02 pm [schmevil]
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Tag Trolling The Van Lente controversy has brought us an influx of new members and anons. Which is great, but we've also had another round of tag trolling. For the time being, tags are maintainer-only.
What does this mean?
Only skalja, angelophile, sandoz_iscariot and myself have the ability to add, delete or edit tags, for new and existing entries.
We ask that members add a list of tags to the body of their posts, so that the mod team can C&P them into the tag field.
Anything that the team misses during the down time, will be caught up via backtagging by mods, wranglers, and other members.
We will keep you posted.
Tags: admin: mod post
05:56 pm [queenursula]
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Green Arrow/Black Canary #24 preview http://www.newsarama.com/php/multimedia/album.php?aid=30700
Tags: char: speedy/mia dearden, genre: previews, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow/black canary
06:55 pm [dr_hermes]
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The Beatnik life with Jack Davis

Here's a few samples from the first issue of YAK YAK in 1961, from Dell (there would be a second issue in 1962, not a sign of fevered public demand for this material). Weird comic. No ads, and some of the art was in regular four color but most was an odd experiment. The figures were left white, while the rest of the panels were light blue or pink or green. No borders on the panels and the dialogue was in rectangular balloons. It might not have been very good but it was distinctive. This was a style we later saw split-off Gold Key use on DR SOLAR.
Whether he was doing humor or horror, adventure or Westerns, Davis was always unique and enjoyable. Too bad the writing on this was so weak.
Tags: creator: jack davis, genre: humor, publisher: dell comics
07:36 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/9717794/376381) [Link] |
From today's daily Spider-Man comic...

I wish Stan would write for the regular comics. This is better than anything the "Webheads" have put out.
Tags: char: sandman/flint marko/william baker, creator: stan lee
07:37 pm [taggerung301]
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Happy Warm Feeling Post!!!! :D
Current Location: home Current Mood: refreshed Tags: char: j. jonah jameson jr., char: may parker, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: mark bagley, publisher: marvel comics, title: ultimate spider-man
07:52 pm [selke]
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Storm smash!
Tags: creator: ig guara, creator: jeff parker, group: avengers, group: wrecking crew, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel adventures avengers
07:55 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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Uncanny X-Men: A Girl and Her Dragon When Kitty met Lockheed! Scans from UXM 166 and 168, by Claremont and Smith.

Tags: char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: lockheed, char: professor x/charles xavier, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
08:33 pm [queenanthai]
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OH GOD WHY You know, I basically live on the internet. There isn't a whole lot of stuff in modern media that can squick me these days. And then I read FREDDY VS. JASON VS. ASH: NIGHTMARE WARRIORS #3.
( And there was squick. )
Tags: creator: james kuhoric, creator: jason craig, creator: jeff katz, genre: horror, title: freddy vs. jason vs. ash
08:34 pm [volksjager]
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Rape week ?/ Rape discussion week

On rape, its use as a plot device and character development in the medium of comics.
Perhaps not for everyone :)
( Read more... )
Current Music: Strumvogel " I am curious Orange"
08:55 pm [groosealoose]
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A comic to lift your spirits ( Read more... ) The guy shown here is not supposed to be representative of scans daily posters as a whole who I know to contain a number of real actual women and also furries.
Oh, and for legality:
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, medium: webcomic, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
09:17 pm [daniellau]
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Junji Ito's Frankenstein (2/3)

Another pivotal scene from this manga take on Frankenstein - his first meeting with the monster since its creation in part one. Then we hear straight from the monster's mouth, how he didn't really become a monster until years after Frankenstein left.
I realise this is a lot of scans, but it's a long work so it's not even close to a rule breach, I don't think.
Spoiler alert if you've been following along the story at its natural pace.
Tags: creator: junji ito, medium: manga, series: horror week, title: frankenstein
09:49 pm [mysteryfan]
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Batman Uses a Gun!

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: superman/clark kent, publisher: dc comics
10:10 pm [parsimonia]
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It's okay, Babs, I think the flying monkeys are scary, too!
[TAGS: title: superdictionary, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, creator: kate beaton, char: green arrow/oliver queen, medium: webcomic, title: hark! a vagrant]
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: green arrow/oliver queen, creator: kate beaton, medium: webcomic, title: hark! a vagrant, title: superdictionary
10:45 pm [superfan1]
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Before the tights:Tim drake ( Read more.. )
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: jim gordon, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: two-face/harvey dent, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, publisher: dc comics, title: new teen titans