Daily Scans - September 13th, 2009
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12:02 am [cyberghostface]
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Norman Osborn's Childhood

I figured with Norman's current status as Official Bastard of the Marvel Universe, it might be time to take a trip down memory lane...
Tags: char: green goblin/norman osborn, creator: mark buckingham, creator: paul jenkins, title: peter parker spider-man
12:07 am [arbre_rieur]
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Magog #1

Tags: char: magog/david reid, creator: howard porter, publisher: dc comics, title: magog
12:23 am [ech1969]
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War of Kings: Who Will Rule (spoilers) WoK .
Tags: char: crystal/crystalia amaquelin, char: polaris/lorna dane, creator: andy lanning, creator: dan abnett, creator: paul pelletier, event: war of kings
05:06 am [jlroberson]
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Mine for Horror Week: Wrightson's FRANKENSTEIN My contribution to horror week. Nice juicy scans of five of the illustrations Berni Wrightson did for FRANKENSTEIN. Along with "the Black Cat," this is the apex of his career, for me.
Current Location: Seattle Current Mood: calm Current Music: Thom Yorke/UNKLE, "Rabbit In Your Headlights" Tags: char: dr victor frankenstein, char: frankenstein's monster, creator: berni wrightson, creator: mary wollstonecraft shelley, series: horror week
10:07 am [grazzt]
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Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 2 of 3): The Fallout And now for part two in our three part series on how being the nicest guy in the world can sometimes just backfire, through no fault of your own. Part 1, for those late to the party.
Tags: char: eva heinemann, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, title: monster
03:13 pm [daniellau]
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Horror week - Junji Ito's FRANKENSTEIN

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, as imagined by Junji Ito, of Gyo and Uzumaki fame. Renowned for being one of Japan's most unsettling horror manga artists, his take is suprisingly straightforward but solidly decent.
Here, for horror week, is the birth of Frankenstein's monster.
Tags: creator: junji ito, medium: manga, series: horror week, title: frankenstein
04:48 pm [drsevarius]
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Fred Van Lente update on the Chameleon controversy

I got another e-mail from Fred Van Lente, that he's asked me to post.
First off, while I believe he had the best of intentions, the poster "DrSevarius" wrote me under his real name and asked me a question I thought I was answering in private, to him. He posted my response without my permission and without telling me beforehand it was supposed to be for public consumption.
If he had told me that, I would have, first off, made it clear that I am not a Marvel employee. I am not a Marvel spokesperson. I am a freelancer. I speak only for myself. That is just as true for the following statement as the previous one.
Also, if he had told me that, I may have been less coy about the following "Spoiler Alert". Anyone who cares not to have stuff that's in ASM #605 revealed now should avert their eyes.
Amazing Spider-Man #605, which went to the printer weeks ago, makes it clear that Michelle and Chameleon did nothing more than make out in the kitchen scene in #603.
There was no sex, and therefore no rape.
And I'll simply point out that in the scene in ASM #604 when Peter comes home he has no idea why, exactly, Michelle is treating him differently, only that she is. He learns why-- at least partly -- and he responds, in #605.
Thanks for listening. I appreciate it.
Best, Fred Van Lente
Tags: char: chameleon/dmitri smerdyakov, char: michelle gonzales, creator: fred van lente, title: amazing spider-man
05:07 pm [mysteryfan]
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Bruce and Dick and Batman and Robin

Posting this as a follow up to the first part, here (http://asylums.insanejournal.com/scans_daily/941798.html) to show the progression of Bruce and Dick's relationship. How it started, and how much it meant to each of them by the time Dick went away to college.
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: dick giordano, creator: frank robbins, creator: jim aparo, creator: len wein, creator: neal adams, title: batman, title: untold legends of the batman
06:26 pm [trelas]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7757396/390949) [Link] |
Going Silently in to the Night Small foreword before starting the post itself. I originally intended to this post back in the Martial Arts week a few weeks back, but then I was snared by the simple awesomeness of Batman: Arkham Asylum, after which I had to return to work with my vacation having ended. So this post kind of simmered away, but I still kind of wanted to do it due to several discussions I have had and read on the subject, so here it is finally happening. With that said, to the first part of the topic itself.
Tags: char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: jeph loeb
06:52 pm [arbre_rieur]
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When Alan Moore was crap (Spawn/WildCATs, Part 2; Guest-starring Gen13) The worst thing Alan Moore's ever written, I'm sure of it.
There's one scene in particular here that's in such bad taste, I don't have words.
Tags: char: grifter/cole cash, char: spartan/hardian/jack marlowe, char: spawn/al simmons, char: warblade/reno bryce, char: zealot, creator: alan moore, group: gen13, group: wildcats, publisher: image comics, publisher: wildstorm, series: when alan moore was crap, title: spawn/wildcats
07:00 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 2
 This is the second part of my "Essential Mr. Bones" series. For Part 1, click here.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: brainwave/henry king jr., char: dr. love, char: dr. midnight/beth chapel, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: hawkgirl/shiera sanders, char: hawkman/carter hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: northwind/norda cantrell, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: obsidian/todd rice, char: penny dreadful, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, char: wildcat/yolanda montez, creator: dann thomas, creator: denys cowan, creator: mike clark, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, event: crisis on infinite earths, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.
08:26 pm [volksjager]
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Can you guess who's who ?

So there's a costume ball at Barry's police dept. Everyone is dressed in super heroes/super villain costumes. Some from different Earth's
( Read more... )
Current Music: Insekt 5 " Only For Killing " Tags: char: flash/barry allen, publisher: dc comics, title: the flash
09:24 pm [batcookies]
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Wonder Woman Villains - Giganta (It's a big one!) Been a while since I did one of these. Here's the old ones:
Egg Fu/Dr. Chang Tzu Angle Man Dr. Poison

Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: giganta/dr. doris zeul, char: hercules/dc, char: paco, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: john byrne, creator: phil jimenez, series: world of wondy
09:28 pm [dr_hermes]
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Rebus Time First, trying something ill-advised against the Hulk.

Thirty seconds, GO!
Tags: char: hulk/bruce banner, creator: jack kirby
10:19 pm [foxhack]
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Alfred! What'll Tim say about this?

Why is Alfred kissing Spoiler?!
Current Mood: amused
11:29 pm [ficticons]
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Some October and November solicits The variant covers for Dark Reign X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas have been posted.
All from this page at Newsarama.
The cover for Nomad: Girl Without A World #2 is also available now (the link goes to the Marvel Catalogue page, where you have to click on the preview image to see it in a larger size).
Current Mood: cold Tags: char: bucky/nomad/rikki barnes, char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: cyclops/scott summers, char: gorilla man/ken hale, char: iceman/bobby drake, char: jimmy woo, char: m-11, char: namora/aquaria nautica neptunia, char: pixie/megan gwynn, char: rockslide/santo vaccarro, char: storm/ororo munroe, creator: gerald parel, creator: humberto ramos, creator: rafael albuquerque, genre: solicitations, group: agents of atlas, group: x-men, title: nomad: girl without a world