Daily Scans
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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
12:27 pm [grazzt]
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Monster: "You can see it..." Since it seems like a few people are making "last" posts to commemorate the move, I figured I might as well join in. And since it's my last post at InsaneJournal, why not take the material from the final volume of Monster?
Of course, in a series as full of twists and turns as this one is, you could argue that most scans would be a)inexplicable to people who haven't been following along and are not in possession of some sort of flowchart and/or b) massive spoilers for the entire series. But I don't think this scene is either.
Tags: char: johan liebert, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
01:40 pm [grazzt]
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Pluto: "That's enough..." You know what scans_daily needs? Puppies! *children cheer*
Tags: char: professor ochanomizu, creator: naoki urasawa, title: pluto
01:36 pm [grazzt]
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Pluto: Character designs and story shifts. For Alternate Universe Week! Assuming we can get more people on board for this.
And what's an alternate universe without the things that make it different from the original? Today, we're going to start off with a few scans that show off some of the characters, including new characters and redesigns, and finish off with a major plot twist that wasn't (IIRC) in the original story.
Tags: char: brau-1589, char: epsilon, char: gesicht, char: herakles, char: pluto, char: professor ochanomizu, char: tetsuwan atom/astro boy, char: umataro tenma, char: uran, creator: naoki urasawa, creator: osamu tezuka, medium: manga, title: pluto
11:43 am [grazzt]
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Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 3 of 3): The Execution and a Dark Resurrection And now, we come to our conclusion, nine years after the events in Eisler Memorial Hospital. Part 1 and Part 2 for those who missed them.
Tags: char: heinrich runge, char: johan liebert, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
10:07 am [grazzt]
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Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 2 of 3): The Fallout And now for part two in our three part series on how being the nicest guy in the world can sometimes just backfire, through no fault of your own. Part 1, for those late to the party.
Tags: char: eva heinemann, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, title: monster
03:09 pm [grazzt]
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Herr Doktor Tenma (Part 1 of 3): Best Intentions Hey, I figured that since it's horror week, a bit more of Naoki Urasawa's Monster is appropriate.
Up until now, I don't think I've actually gotten into what the series is about. I've showcased a couple of characters, and I think that the themes behind the series has also been gleaned, but nothing much in terms of the overarching plot. To rectify this, how about a summary of volume 1? Let's go back in time to 1986 and witness the horrifying events at the Eisler Memorial Hospital in Dusseldorf.
Tags: char: eva heinemann, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, title: monster
01:03 pm [grazzt]
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Monster: The taste of sugar I love all of the tertiary characters in Monster. Urasawa's filler chapters are some of the most enjoyable parts of his books. Usually, it's because he peoples them with great one-shot characters. The eighteen year old girl providing medical treatment to her fellow Vietnamese illegal immigrants...the mercenary and the little girl...the country doctor with a troublesome patient...the British couple on a very sombre vacation...the ex-Nazi soldier, begging the place he loves for forgiveness...the psychologist performing a new experiment on children in an orphanage...they come and shine their own individual lights into the darkness, then fade away as the plot resumes.
I'd hate to inundate you with posts, so, I'll only share my favourite: Mr. Rosso.

Tags: char: nina fortner, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
01:34 pm [grazzt]
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Monster: "Look at how large the monster inside of me has become!" This next post needs little introduction from me. There is no context necessary. It may in fact be the scariest part of Monster, and what introduced me to the anime (I watched that before I read the manga, truth be told). It is a short video, depicting the picture book "The Monster Without A Name".
Tags: char: johan liebert, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
12:18 pm [grazzt]
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Monster: Romance in Prague When picking out scans to show off Naoki Urasawa's Monster, there are usually three criteria I use to judge which ones to show and which are best left discovered for someone reading the series:
1) How good was the scene? 2) How much does it spoil the plot? 3) How appropriate is it for scans_daily?
The next few scans definitely fail criterion number two. But I feel that I simply must post it, for reasons that shall become obvious by the end of the post.
Tags: char: jan suk, creator: naoki urasawa, title: monster
01:00 pm [grazzt]
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20th Century Boys: Rock and roll revolution and the horrible, horrible price of a customs job. Up next on my Naoki Urasawa lovefest (I may revisit the previous two series later) is 20th Century Boys. 20th Century Boys is strangely reminiscent of Stephen King to me (in a good way), only replacing King's love for classic Americana with Urasawa's native Japan (although they do intersect at times). 20th Century Boys is Urasawa's love song to his generation.
Tags: char: kenji endo, char: yukiji, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, title: 20th century boys
01:18 pm [grazzt]
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Pluto: Of Astro Boy, ice cream, and megalomaniacal robot teddy bears. So, in my very first post I mentioned that I fell in love with the works of Naoki Urasawa. To this point, however, I've only posted scans of one particular series, Monster. So how can I demonstrate this wasn't a fluke? Let's dive into another series.
Tags: char: gesicht, char: tetsuwan atom/astro boy, creator: naoki urasawa, creator: osamu tezuka, medium: manga, title: pluto
03:24 pm [grazzt]
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A perfect moment: Inspector Runge Okay, so you have an wrongfully accused man chasing a guilty one. You need a cop to chase the innocent one, too, right? Monster provides us with a rather creepy one named Runge (Lunge in some translations and the anime).
Runge has two defining characteristics. The first, is that he has an odd mnemonic device to store information. Basically, he types the information on the air, and it's stored in the computer in his head. Then simply make the appropriate gestures, and the information is retrieved. This is both very creepy and oddly cool, and the almost robotic nature of those gestures highlights his second defining characteristic: he is one of the most single-minded people in all of fiction. This is the trait we'll be examining in our perfect moment.
Tags: char: heinrich runge, char: kenzo tenma, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, series: one perfect moment week, title: monster
09:46 am [grazzt]
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One perfect moment: Roberto Behind every great criminal genius is a tough as nails enforcer, fanatically loyal, murderously tough, and just plain deadly to encounter. Monster gives us Roberto in this role.
And if that's not enough to draw you in: slash!

Tags: char: roberto, creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, series: one perfect moment week, title: monster
11:19 am [grazzt]
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A perfect moment: The Nameless Monster Okay, I've fallen in love with the works of Naoki Urasawa. So, I figured I would stop lurking and share a bit from one of his best series: Monster. Monster is...well, it's hard to describe without spoiling it. At it's heart, it's about a man wandering the world (well, Germany for the most part) and trying to set right a wrong from his past. To do this he has to hunt down a monster. Along the way, his strong sense of morality causes him to intervene in others problems, all while the police chase him and he struggles to find out more about the monster's past (the better to track him down).
But this post isn't about that man. This is about his quarry. He goes by many aliases. Many seek him out, convinced that they can harness his massive charisma and intellect for their own purposes. But the monster has his own agenda, and people who come close to him for too long have a nasty habit of dying.
Tags: creator: naoki urasawa, medium: manga, series: one perfect moment week, title: monster