Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
06:47 pm [sun_soraya]
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Gar Logan on Space Trek 2022 We didn't have any New Teen Titans stuff recently, and with the scans of Gar Logan's first appearance a few days ago I thought I could dig out the Gar issue from the Tales of the New Teen Titans mini series (1982). Flashbacks of Gar getting sakutia are repeated every now and then, but the TotNTT mini also has a few nice scenes of Gar's tv show Space Trek 2022 plus the Titans sitting around a camp fire being all cute and kind with each other (which I miss these days). So, Space Trek, camping Titans, Hot Dog drama and Gar Logan in top shape are right ahead:

Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
07:35 pm [starwolf_oakley]
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NEW TITANS #101: Dick vs. Roy I thought I'd post one of the earliest Dick Grayson vs. Roy Harper fights I know of, and send out a request for other "Dick vs. Roy" brawls.

In NEW TITANS #101 (the TEEN had been dropped), Sgt. Steel has contacted Arsenal saying he doesn't want Nightwing in charge of the Titans anymore. Nightwing is still angry over his wedding to Starfire going so wrong and Kori going into a coma.
( Battle of the cuties after the cut. )
Tags: char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, group: titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
07:29 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Blackest Night: Titans #3
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: dove/dawn granger, char: impulse/kid flash/bart allen, char: robert long, char: terry long, char: wonder girl/cassie sandsmark, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: ed benes, creator: j.t. krul, event: blackest night, publisher: dc comics, title: blackest night titans
04:45 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353887/376622) [Link] |
Blackest Night: Titans #2

Current Mood: scared Tags: char: impulse/kid flash/bart allen, char: robert long, char: terry long, char: wonder girl/cassie sandsmark, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: ed benes, creator: j.t. krul, event: blackest night, publisher: dc comics, title: blackest night titans
12:53 pm [sherkahn]
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Blackest Night: Titans #2 Preview IGN has the full preview of how the Titans are handling Blackest Night. And a scene worthy of those "evil children/babies" movies of the 70s.
Tags: char: terry long, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: ed benes, event: blackest night, publisher: dc comics
12:23 pm [sun_soraya]
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Me am villain. I really like the classic enemies of the Teen Titans; besides trying to finish our heroes off, Deathstroke, Brother Blood, Trigon etc. have something else in common: good use of grammar. In New Teen Titans #24 (1982) we meet Lord Damyn, who not only has his own grammar rules, but also a very special humour and sense of beauty.

Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: blackfire/komand'r, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
09:24 pm [batcookies]
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Wonder Woman Villains - Giganta (It's a big one!) Been a while since I did one of these. Here's the old ones:
Egg Fu/Dr. Chang Tzu Angle Man Dr. Poison

Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: giganta/dr. doris zeul, char: hercules/dc, char: paco, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: john byrne, creator: phil jimenez, series: world of wondy
07:23 pm [sun_soraya]
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Team up with old friends. The Best of DC - Blue Ribbon Digest #18 (1981) is a 100 pages-comic full of Teen Titans stories and offers a nice little short story, in which the New Teen Titans team up with their old friends Speedy and Aqualad. Together they go up against some drug smuggler... maybe not as mind-blowing as battling against gods, Brother Blood or Deathstroke, but hey, it's a team up with a classic 1980's 'Don't Do Drugs'-lesson. Gar is a bit busy, though...

Tags: char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
03:07 am [jcbaggee]
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Oh. Oh my. More proof that I've been hanging out in this community for far too long.
( One page from Titans #17 )
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: raven/rachel roth, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, group: titans, publisher: dc comics, title: titans
07:43 pm [sun_soraya]
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Apparently Starfire doesn't only fall for short pants and smooth legs.
saralakali requested scans of Starfire's first boyfriend... yes, there was a man in Kory's life before she got together with Dick. Obviously it didn't end all too well...

Kory's first love story, a singing Dick, Donna wearing an... interesting bikini, a space photoshoot and lots of drama right ahead in New Teen Titans #16 (1982).
Tags: char: cyborg/vic stone, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: terry long, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
02:15 pm [04nbod]
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Blackest Night:Titans #2 Preview
Tags: char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, event: blackest night, genre: previews, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
03:32 pm [sun_soraya]
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Horror week: The Teen Titans are also dealing with ghosts. And the New Teen Titans run continues...
Ever locked yourself out? If yes, were you lucky enough to have some clothes on? No? Then maybe it comforts you that this also happens to superheroes. In this case, Dick is the poor victim of a sinister door that suddenly closes behind him...

Aaw. If this was a classic Roman Elegy, the door would now start talking to Dick and probably make demands for letting him in while totally checking him out. Which would be smart.
Actually I wanted to post only this image because it can easily stand for itself, but since we have horror week and New Teen Titans v2 #12 (1985) also offers a nice ghost story besides the almost naked Dick standing in the hallway... why not combining our NTT run with the theme?
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: jericho/joseph wilson, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, series: horror week, title: teen titans
12:57 am [icon_uk]
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Well, if we can get Wonder Girl making her O face, we can have Robin doing what he does best. (IMHO) This was one of the more popular posts I made on SD_1.0 two years ago, and whilst I apologise I don't have anything new to post at the moment, since we're on a New Teen Titans kink kick, time for some equal opportunity perving. (Now with added cover fun!)

Tags: char: brother blood, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, in-joke: bondage, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
11:45 pm [sun_soraya]
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A serious competition for Terry Long?! As requested I continue posting random 80's Teen Titans stuff.
So... not happy with Terry Long being Donna's lover? Too old? Too annoying? Too creepy? And on top of that a silly haircut? Well, in New Teen Titans #11-12 (1981) he's getting a rival:

See for yourself if the new guy in town can keep up with Terry!
Tags: char: raven/rachel roth, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: terry long, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
06:40 pm [sun_soraya]
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Wolfman and Perez meet the Teen Titans... for real. I've got more New Teen Titans crack for you (yeah, blame me for re-reading the 1980's NTT comics and finding funny stuff here and there). This time it's a short story that was attached to New Teen Titans #20 (from 1982), in which Marv Wolfman and George Perez meet our favourite teen heroes. Oh, and it also includes a mad scientist named Igor Igorigorigorivich, his dumb assistant, a few killer robots and the whole crew behind the comic. And if that's not enough, have a small teaser:

So, what made Wolfman and Perez create this story? Were drugs involved? Did they lose a bet? And the biggest question: will there be another dance scene?
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
11:56 pm [sun_soraya]
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... some kind of fashion disaster I'd guess while reading older comics you get pretty much used to every kind of... let's say, interesting clothing, but this bold combination Kory's wearing really cracked me up:

Wouldn't an image of Dick fit better? And while I'm at it, the whole scene from New Teen Titans #6 (from 1984), featuring a camp fire, some emo heart-to-heart conversation and Vic posing dramatically. (8 pages in total, which should still be fine with the posting rules since the issue has 25 pages.)
Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: terry long, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: dan jurgens, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
05:53 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353873/376622) [Link] |
Blackest Night: Titans #1

Current Mood: disappointed Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: dove/dawn granger, char: hawk/hank hall, char: hawk/holly granger, char: robert long, char: terra/tara markov, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: ed benes, creator: j.t. krul, event: blackest night, publisher: dc comics, title: blackest night titans
02:51 am [bunniegrrl]
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More Wonder Woman Fanart

Tags: char: alkyone of themyscira, char: bane, char: black bolt/blackagar boltagon, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: dark angel, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: head, char: judge dredd/joseph dredd, char: nu'bia, char: scandal savage, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gail simone, genre: fanart
07:13 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353875/376622) [Link] |
Slade Wilson and Tara Markov: A Love Story
 In this post I will be showing the classic romance of Slade Wilson and Tara Markov, by Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
Tags: char: adeline wilson, char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: deathstroke/slade wilson, char: jericho/joseph wilson, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, char: terra/tara markov, char: william randolph wintergreen, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, creator: ron randall, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans
06:09 pm [lipsofpoison]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/22968449/47029) [Link] | I bring you some friends fun from The Titans: Secret Files & Origins, where the Titans head off to surprise Dick with pizza, finding him hanging out with Clancy.
( 4 scans under the cut! )
Tags: char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: jay faerber, creator: paul pelletier, creator: tom mccraw, title: titans
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