Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
07:22 pm [xdoop]
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"Psi War!"
Tags: char: professor x/charles xavier, creator: chris claremont, creator: john byrne, title: uncanny x-men
01:30 am [xdoop]
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Emma Frost vs. Rachel Summers!
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: phoenix/marvel girl/rachel summers, char: white queen/emma frost, creator: andy park, creator: chris claremont, title: uncanny x-men
04:16 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Home, Come the Heroes Four pages from X-Men Forever #10...
Tags: creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: x-men forever
11:54 pm [roily_rogue]
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Nightcrawler & Anjulie. Because there's just not enough Nightcrawler around lately, I hereby post two pages from Excalibur #16, where Kurt has landed on an alien world and kind-of-inadvertently ended up saving a princess. She goes on to express her gratitude.
Current Mood: restless Tags: char: nightcrawler/kurt wagner, creator: alan davis, creator: chris claremont, title: excalibur
12:24 am [zechs27]
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The Magneto and Rogue Affair
Uncanny X-Men #269, + 274-275 Dial Uppers Beware!
Tags: char: ka-zar, char: magneto/erik magnus lehnsherr, char: nick fury, char: rogue/anna marie, creator: chris claremont, creator: jim lee, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
03:09 pm [schmevil]
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More old Wolverine From Wolverine #3, seven pages of overwrought, samurai shenanigans.
Tags: char: silver samurai/keniuchio harada, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris claremont, creator: sal buscema, title: wolverine
11:12 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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Uncanny X-Men: Maddy and Lockheed Another one of my favorite Lockheed scenes from the Claremont/Smith era. Scans from UXM #173.
And for no reason at all, Wolverine's single emo mantear:
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: goblyn queen/madelyne pryor, char: lockheed, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, group: x-men, title: uncanny x-men
08:36 pm [schmevil]
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Wolverine: Original Recipe Six pages from Wolverine #1. Not the Miller mini, but the Claremont/Buscema ongoing.
Tags: char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris claremont, creator: john buscema, publisher: marvel comics, title: wolverine
08:05 pm [volksjager]
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Last ,last gasp of Horror week... 70's Blade says...
...and yes 70's Blade did attend swinger parties (cause' it was London in the 70's)
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Current Music: Philip Glass "ashes streak the sky" Tags: char: blade/eric brooks, creator: chris claremont, publisher: marvel comics, theme: vampires
07:55 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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Uncanny X-Men: A Girl and Her Dragon When Kitty met Lockheed! Scans from UXM 166 and 168, by Claremont and Smith.
Tags: char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: lockheed, char: professor x/charles xavier, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
07:28 pm [arbre_rieur]
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X-Men Forever 6 Paul Smith fills in as artist for this breather issue. The team takes time to get their bearings in the wake of the upheavals of the first arc.
Tags: creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: x-men forever
05:33 am [bluefall]
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In Case You Didn't Know: Colleen and Misty are Awesome It being Martial Arts Week, and all, it seems like an excellent time to finally post a story rather dear to my heart called "Daughters of the Dragon*" first published in Marvel's DEADLY HANDS OF KUNG FU magazine back in 1976.
If you're not familiar with DEADLY HANDS OF KUNG FU, I'll let Wiki explain it, because the editor's use of scare quotes is hilarious:
This magazine was published in the early 1970s amidst the "Kung Fu" or "Chopsocky" movie craze. Bruce Lee movies were scoring huge box-office grosses, and the Kung-Fu television series was being watched by millions. Billy Jack the half-Indian, Green Beret martial arts hero was making his appearance, and people were "shaking their booty" to Carl Douglas's hit "Kung Fu Fighting". Kung-Fu was on many people's lips and the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu was there to capitalize on it. [...] Each issue had various comic stories from the above mentioned characters, both single issues stories and multi-issue arcs. Most of the issues had some kind of martial arts movie review from a recently released film. Other issues had interviews with authentic Martial arts instructors, while others had interviews with movie or television celebrities related to martial arts.
Add Women By Claremont to the mix, and sounds like fun, don't it?
* The first one, that is. Not to be confused with the second one printed later in BIZARRE ADVENTURES and subtitled "Safe Streets." Or the mini that preceded v2 HfH. The title seems to pop up a lot where these two are concerned.
Tags: char: colleen wing, char: misty knight, creator: chris claremont, creator: marshall rogers, nsfw: nudity, series: martial arts week
01:19 pm [volksjager]
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Iron Fist shows how focus can overcome raw power ! It's Humpday in Martial arts week...
The wrecking crew vs. Ironfist "nuff said"
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Current Music: Trabfugelle "cowardly skin" Tags: char: iron fist/daniel rand, creator: chris claremont, group: wrecking crew, publisher: marvel comics, series: martial arts week, title: iron fist
02:36 pm [volksjager]
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Captain America vs. Iron Fist in...Kung-fu Killer ( no seriously thats's the name of the story) Martial arts week mayhem continues !
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Current Music: Black mayonaise " I was Dave Bowman" Tags: char: captain america/steve rogers, char: iron fist/daniel rand, char: jarvis, creator: chris claremont, creator: john byrne, group: wrecking crew, publisher: marvel comics, series: martial arts week, title: iron fist
10:31 am [sherkahn]
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Martial Arts week: When Wolverine was a mere man My contribution to the melee...
going back to the classic Wolverine in Japan story (and I hope the Wolverine writers read this and STICK to it like a religion). For those of you who to young to remember the moment before Wolverine broke out as a star and before he became a parody of himself, a little set up.
Wolverine is in Japan, wooing the hand of the one woman who he loved truly and deeply: the Lady Mariko Yashida. Being the daughter of THE crime boss of all Japan and a faction of the elite ninja tribe/house, the Hand, didn't help Logan. Logan was humiliated and defeated before her by said boss with a mere wooden training sword (although he was poisoned at the time, she didn't know).
But our hero picked himself up, licked his wounds, and goes to redeem his honor. Shingen disapproves, and sends the hand to terminate Logan. And this isn't God-verine, the unkillable. This was back when he was a highly trained but very mortal man. As we reach the big finale of this epic story, we come to this.
Big ol ti, I mean, splash page!
Tags: char: shingen, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris claremont, creator: frank miller, creator: josef rubinstein
10:54 am [volksjager]
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Misty Knight , a girl you can count on... For Martial arts week ...
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Current Music: Rubbish tranies " I fuck at right angles" Tags: char: iron fist/daniel rand, char: misty knight, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: steel dragon, creator: chris claremont, creator: john byrne, publisher: marvel comics, series: martial arts week, title: marvel team-up
10:04 am [angelophile]
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Hey! It's the X-men! I haven't seen you guys in YEARS!
From CBR's preview of X-men Forever #6.
X-men Forever has been a blend of boggling and pure squee. But for me, this is the most recognizable the characters have been in years.
And what finer way to celebrate that than with an X-man tradition?
Written by Chris Claremont with art by Paul Smith and Terry Austin. It's like 1982 all over again.
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: gambit/remy lebeau, char: nightcrawler/kurt wagner, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, creator: chris claremont, creator: paul smith, creator: terry austin, genre: previews, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: x-men forever
01:00 am [perletwo]
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Avengers Annual #10 - Today, on a Very Special Jerry Springer.... ... Carol Danvers lays the smack down on the Avengers for their handling of the events of Avengers #200, so very recently posted here.
Posting 6 pages of a 38-page annual, not my scans and nothing done to them but resizing, by very popular demand.
Remember, Carol at this point has reconstructed her life history, but it's ghostly to her, no real emotions attached. Can you imagine how this'd've played if she were fully herself?
Tags: char: beast/hank mccoy, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: iron man/tony stark, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: professor x/charles xavier, char: scarlet witch/wanda maximoff, char: spider-woman/jessica drew, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: thor, char: vision, char: wonder man/simon williams, creator: chris claremont, creator: michael golden, group: avengers, title: avengers
06:11 pm [queenursula]
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X-Men Forever #5
Tags: creator: chris claremont, creator: tom grummett, group: x-men, title: x-men forever
11:06 pm [xdoop]
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The difference between Magneto and Wolverine.
Tags: char: magneto/erik magnus lehnsherr, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris claremont, creator: dave cockrum, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
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