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Posts Tagged: 'yoi-te'

Apr. 24th, 2011




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 234, evening
What: Memories!

[both teams have memories at the same time, yay! . . . also a mysterious overabundance of meat that Lelouch has spent most of the afternoon cooking. all the delicious dinner!!]

Apr. 12th, 2011



Who: Lyvus + visitors
Where: Lyvus dorms
When: Day 231, afternoon?
What: Crovus' newest members awakens!

[There's someone new roaming around the dorms! He's looking around the place, and doesn't seem particularly satisfied]

Boring! Boring! Boooooring! This place couldn't be any more boring even if it tried.

Apr. 9th, 2011




Who: YOU.
Where: By the cove.
When: Day 230, just after game start
What: An announcement by a kid with one arm and the title: Overlord. :)

Gather around, peons. You'll never get an offer better than this one. For today only, you have the option to lend your support to the soon-to-be ruler of Sabra la Tau.

All you have to do is do as you're told, and you'll be safely on the right side when the conquest begins.

Apr. 8th, 2011



Game 141

Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When: Day 230, afternoon?

Is a person born or made? What impact does the way that others perceive us influence the selves deep down in our hearts? And what if you were to look through the eyes of another? What do you think you'll learn?

And... how shall I grade what you did? Hmm...

۞ Which team can stay the course with the titles they are given?
۞ And which can reclaim those that originally belonged to them?
۞ Which team will take any title they prize?
۞ And which will have the most taken?
۞ Who can make the most trades?
۞ And whose final titles will win the Judge's favor?

((SIGN-IN/RECEIVE TITLE | How to play | How to WIN

Once you have received your title and read the info, feel free to use the rest of the post to interact in and/or make your own posts for the rest of the weekend. Prep was here if you missed it.

You are free to jump into/sign up for this game anytime, but you gotta GET EXCEL'S ATTENTION to get your title! :|b))

Apr. 6th, 2011




Who: Spear, Colt, anyone~
Where: around the river and pool
When: Day 230, morning
What: time to teach the new kid how to earn his keep

[A ninja and his mage-ling are heading to the pool with fishing spears and baskets in hand.]

Alright, this looks like a good place to start.

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Game 140

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 229, noonish
What: [On the throne today is a smiling youth, face ringed by black curls. He has a harp-like instrument in his lap and a pen behind his ear. It's been a while since any have seen him, but, perhaps, to the oldest and most keen observers here, he seems perhaps a touch thinner than last time. The Arena is not terribly decorated for his appearance, indeed, if not for the statue sitting there, one would not be sure this was really a call at all.]

Good afternoon, duckies, good afternoon! Who's ready for some wholesome (and platonic!) self-exploration and completely non-fatal fun, hmm? I know I certainly am.  Yes, I'm sure you've all been having just unbearable amounts of fun, but you know, let's just- . . .

[clears his throat]

Ahem. Sorry, I was saying, let's just slow it down.  Maybe, oh, I don't know, talk about our feelings a while.

((Technically, yes, this is a loser game, but anyone can play.))

Mar. 30th, 2011




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 228, Morning

The call today was an odd one of sorts. It didn't have the flare of the King or the class of the Lover. No, instead, it was a mix of noises, of grunts and growls, of gurgles and yowls. The blanks could hear the bleating of sheep, the crowing of cocks, and the neighs of steeds. If they listened just a bit harder, it would seem the the howl of a mongrel was mixed in there as well.

Upon entering the arena, why, it seemed as if they had stumbled into a farm! Pigs, chicken, cows, and sheep all pranced about merrily. Of course, it turned out they were all made of cardboard. That didn't stop them from enjoying their cardboard grass though.

On the throne, the Judge called the Storyteller stood over the strange gathering of animals, frowning at an open book.

"I've never been a fan of sequels, but let's see if this manages to be interesting."


((Alright guys! You have until 8pm tomorrow EST to decide on your final vote for A)Ousting and B)The Actions against other teams! I MUST have those by tomorrow! But otherwise feel free to backthread as much as you want! Holla at Ash or Rabi in IRC for any clarification or questions!))

((ETA CLARIFICATION: When are picking for B)The Actions Against Other Teams! Please specify WHICH teams you're 'attacking'. It doesn't have to be the same team you voted to go for ousting! Both can be used on the same team as well, or entirely different ones!))

Mar. 22nd, 2011




Who: Albert, anyone
Where: All over
When: Day 226, all morning (but not too early 8Db)
What: Social visits

[Today one member of Hydra is going around to all the dorms! Knocking on doors, saying hello, meeting new people, trading gossip, you name it. He's got a covered woven basket with him, too.]

[...Okay we lied. Maybe not ALL of them. He's probably conspicuously skipping Beardog and Lepus, but that's not to say that he has to ignore aforementioned team members if he meets one of their number on the road, right...?]

Mar. 18th, 2011




Who: Lyvus & visitors
Where: Lyvress
When: Day 225, morning (post-game)

[Sometimes, you and your team are having a shitty week. And then you have a game that depresses the hell out of you. But you win memories!]

[And then sometimes there's two fewer memories than there should be, and you're staring at them on the table, and just—ffffffffffffffffffff.]




Who: YOU
Where: ARENA
When: Day 225, morning
What: ~*Game*~

[TODAY on our throne is none other than our buddy Angel, flanked by her usual enormous maze. There are eight entrances to the maze, each blocked from view by fluttering coloured fabric.]

Hey, hey, is it really scary to lose things? That stuff you're holding onto, would you really be worse off if you didn't have it? And, and, that stuff you want to lose? Is that important too?

[Prep | Mingle (4:30PST - 5:30PST) | MAZE (5:30PST - 8:30PST) | Endgame | Memories]

Mar. 12th, 2011




Who: Lynx & visitors
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 223, evening (post-game)
What: Bad decision kittysaur.

[after a fairly enjoyable game, it is time for nice tea time in front of the fire!]

You know, I think we all have two memories to take, now.

Mar. 13th, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 223, afternoon 
What:  Masquerade~ Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you~

[The arena is dim today, the light of the torches giving way to a shimmering sort of half-light as one approaches. The ambiance is more that of twilight than dawn, and it flatters the smiles on the statue of the Twins high above. Tiny white lights flicker and disappear in the air, swaying and dancing like fireflies, but to any who examine them closely, they seem to lack substance.]

[What stands in the rest of the arena, however, remains a mystery- for towering to an improbable height near the foot of the stairs is a gate of ornate iron scrollwork, and the wall attached encircles the arena, blocking off the space closest to the statue. Lanterns of colored paper and whimsical metal shapes have been hung from the top of it, adding a splash of color- here Cepheus purple, there Hydra green, and all the teams represented in their turn. From above the gates, there rings out a voice that is pleasant and more than a little amused.]

A pleasant evening to you, little blanks. I trust you've had word from Ophiuchus? Do prepare yourselves accordingly. I've arranged a game for you, and my dear sister has agreed to help me put it on.

Sign in | Mingle | Game start- dance floor, food, reflecting pool. | Ophi enters- The catwalk, Two truths and a lie, costume contest. | Status report | Endgame | Memories

((OOC- Please sign in with your team and character name if you're playing. Also, before you do, make sure you've filled out this.))

Mar. 9th, 2011




Who: Lyvus, visitors, someone new
Where: Lyvus, possibly other places
When: Day 222, afternoon
What: the newest Corvus awakens. Well, when I say awaken...

*There's an unfamiliar guy in Corvus uniform, at the table in the Lyvress common room. His head is pillowed on his arms, and he appears to be asleep.

Poke him?*

Mar. 7th, 2011




Who: Anyone
Where: At the waterside
When: Day 222, morning
What: ...having a hangover mostly

[Yoi-te went out this morning to resupply some painkiller plants and oh god all the bending over to pick things was a bad idea. Sits for a while, then just kind of topples onto his side and lies down for a while.]

...Never drinking again.

Mar. 5th, 2011


GAME 135


[The fully-stocked bars that accompany each of Soldier's game are always impressive, but today's is truly a masterpiece of boozology. Enough liquor to kill the entirety of Sabra La Tau sits on its magnificent shelves. Watch out for the antifreeze.]




TATTOO YOUR TEAMMATES! Important points:

* Tattoo guns work on everyone, even if it doesn't make any sense at all. No exceptions.
* Feel free to hop other teams' threads; they're basically only split up to make this post as navigable as possible.
* If you want a tattoo but come in late (EVEN AFTER ENDGAME), go right ahead and retcon yourself a thread!

Show off your final tattoo designs HERE! You have until 8 PM PST/11 EST/1 JST due to IJ hookerdom and Excel having the plague, game extended overnight! Memories will be up tomorrow

MEMORIES & TO-GO KITS! - Pavo, Cepheus, Lepus, Lynx, Mono))

Mar. 3rd, 2011




Who: Lyvus & Lacerta
Where: Lyvus
When: Day 221, mid-morning
What: Lelouch's Heart

[This morning in Lyvus, after breakfast of course, the attitude is kind of grim. One of the beds has been pulled out into the main room, near the fireplace, and Royal is sitting on it, pointedly looking down at his hands.]

[Once company arrives, well . . .]

[ pre-heart run | preparation | staying outside | chessboard | memory museum | deeper | world of c | battlefield | back in | atb | fallout ]

Mar. 2nd, 2011




Who: Lyvus + Visitors
Where: Lyvus dorms
When: Day 220, evening
What: Memories and sparkly things

[Hey Lyvus on the table are:
- A bunch of memories for Corvus
- Two boxes of glittery stuff with which to make outfits List )]

...Which should I do first...

Feb. 28th, 2011




Who: Aeon and others!
Where: By the river
When: Day 220, afternoon

[There is a makeshift little booth that's been set up by the river. Aeon is sitting right beside it, with a basket of apples on one side and loaves of bread on the other.

There are also tons of boxes by his feet. And he's just sitting there, humming a tune.]

((OOC: Storyteller apples + twin boxes! Come by if you want one or the other or if your team doesn't have their boxes yet.

For a reminder of what the apples do: The Serpent and the Apple - Blank must eat the apple of temptation unknowingly. Will be ~TEMPTED~ to attempt little feats that have been nagging them, such as wanting to punch a shret in the face or stealing a quick kiss on someone's cheek. Temptation stops short of seriously injuring another. (worth one loaf of fresh bread, a generous wedge of cheese, and 6 eggs))

Feb. 26th, 2011




Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When? Day 219, morning?
What: It's that time again!

[Persona on the throne, people on couches, you know the drill!]

How will things go today?

((Sign-up | Gawk at unconscious people | Mingle - Game start


Endgame - Memories - Vulp Pyxis Lacerta Ursa Corvus))

Feb. 23rd, 2011




Who: Dean and others
Where: the river!
When: Day 218, afternoon
What: fishing and mingling

[so the rarely-seen Corvus is out and about and working on fishing. might even be whistling Heat Of The Moment as he works]