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Posts Tagged: 'amami+riku'

Jul. 30th, 2011




Who: Nobody here but us shadows!! REALLY!
Where: IN THE SHADOWS near the rocky cove
When: Day 258, noon

[There's a dude in orange, sneaking around in the shadowy areas. His jacket over his head as he figures out the fastest way to climb up the ladder to Hydracula unseen. He glances around. The coast seems clear! There's a soft tinkling of a bell as he makes his move.]



Game 157

Who: Everyone!
Where: The Arena
When: Day 258, bright and early
What: A game

[The arena is quiet and a chill is in the air. There are cribs--splintered and dingy and decaying with a faded coat of paint which might be your team’s color. At the moment they stand empty, though occasionally they rock from side to side, as though swayed by wind which cannot be felt. Despite the early hour, the light is dim here. Haunted’s voice drifts down from the headless statue, quieter than during her early games, raspier, more serious.]

The time grows late, but there's always time to play a little game, isn't there? It won't take very long. Unless you make it so...

Mingle | Game start | Endgame | Memories

Jul. 12th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
When: Day 252, Late Morning
What: Bein' Hydra about Plot

[After having been distracted with his own thoughts since last night couldn't even stay focused long enough to catch breakfast :| Scowl seems to have settled his mind.]

Oi. It's time we all had a meeting. We've gotten some good news recently.

Jul. 10th, 2011




Who: Riku and Albert
Where: Skull Mountain
When: Day 251, afternoon
What: conversation and memories

[busy skinning vegetables in the kitchen. probably a little closer to his face than usual. stupid lack of glasses.]

...hey, can I ask you something?

Jul. 3rd, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: The Skull of Homeyness
When: Day 250, post-game
What: Team doing team things?

[ARSON HATES EVERYTHING probably because the voice in his head is being a douchebag


Jul. 2nd, 2011




Who: Hydra + Lepus = ?!
Where: Lepus
When: Day 249, evening
What: trading for fun and profit. mostly profit.

[This fine evening, two Hydra have made their way up to Lepus tower, cooking ingredients in tow. That's not something you see every day.

Or ever.]

Okay, here goes nothing.

[and knocking on the door.]

Jun. 22nd, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 247
What: day in the life

[It's been a strange few days, Sabra. What are you up to on this one?]

Jun. 18th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 246, night (after the game)
What: Memories . . .

[Kanda is sitting at the kitchen table, glaring at . . . six memory berries . . . as if they personally offend him. Which they probably do.]

[God help you, Hydra, if you bring home another one.]




Who: Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 246, evening
What: A game has beckoned

[Today’s call is like a light touch on the back of your neck, leaving behind goose bumps. Though Haunted sits in the throne, the tacky and overly dramatic decorations are missing. Instead there is simply an unsettling stillness, and near the throne a low mist clings to the ground and the statue. The only sounds are the approaching blanks whose footsteps and voices echo eerily the closer they come to the throne.

She remains silent.]

Jun. 11th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Hydracula
When: Day 244, night

[The Hydraculas are locked safe away, wounds having been attended to, resting and recuperating. The raptors are no longer knocking. Excel is still tied to a chair. All is well in the fedora skull.]

Feed me. And untie me. And feeeed meee.

Jun. 9th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 244, evening
What: There sure was a raptocalypse 8(

[As evening falls, it's time to deal with those pesky bloodstains, debilitating injuries and frostbite. Cheer up kids, chicks dig scars!]

((OOC: Feel free to abuse this post for all your aftermath threading needs :|b))

Jun. 7th, 2011



Who: ???
Where: Everywhere
When: Day 244, later afternoon --- ?
What: dundunduuuun

[where ever you are outside, you may get the distinct feeling that SOMETHING is watching you :)]

((BEAST EVENT 8) Please put your location in the title of your comment, unless you are just running all over the place for some reason.)

[Navigation (relative-ish to team/location proximity) (thanks to Chika-mun! |D)
DelPavo: By the river (Rapunzel) | South of the cove | By the lagoon (Feathers)
Canis/Ursa: Near Canis | Canis (Curls, Bones) | Near Ursa | Between Ursa and the river (Aura, Molotov, Aven)
Fields (Nutcracker)
Pygnus: By the lake (Dove) | South of Pyxis | Near the lake (Ruby)
Lizardking: Near Lacerta (Allen) | River between Pygnus and Lizardking | Just outside Lizardking
Cetus/Orion: Tunnel near Cetus/Orion | Outside Orion
Lyvus: Near the river (Lyvus) | Lyvus
Hydracula: Hydracula
Ophi: Cave near Ophi (Arianna, Azula) | between river and Ophi dorm | Between Ophi and Dorm area (Parrot)
Northeastern wall (River, HitGirl, Thorn)]

May. 21st, 2011




Who: Hydracula & Friends
Where: Skullcrusher Mountain
When: Day 240, afternoon

[If you are inside Hydracula right now, you might notice the huge, fedora-skull-shaking THUMP up on the roof. Or maybe the hammer-like pounding that follows it. If you didn't know better, you might think it sounded like the secret knock.]

Apr. 30th, 2011




Who: Hydracula!
When: Day 236, Morning
What: MEMORIES and lingering status effect(s)

[THERE IS A PILE OF BERRIES ON THE TABLE. And one still very small Hydraculan leader trying to figure out why he can't get into his usual seat at the table >8|a]

Apr. 22nd, 2011




Where: Vicinity of Hydracula
When: Day 233, afternoon
What: DROP BEARS. no rly.

[I'm sure you were just minding your own business when you passed by this fine afternoon. But that is most certainly a furry creature WITH CLAWS that just landed on you]

Apr. 16th, 2011



game 142

Who: Everyone
Where: The arena.
When: Day 223, 
What: game 142
[The call to the arena is that of a lone note, spreading throughout the cavern.

Inside the arena, instead of the usual sand and buildings, you find yourself on a peninsula with the throne upon it. Eight boats, nothing more then canoes with canons upon the bows, rest on the sand, as well as eight roped off changing areas. The Dude sits upon the throne, conch in his lap and surfboard in hand.

The air is hot and humid: there is fog, covering the water. You can't see more then ten feet in front of you, once you get away from shore.]

[ Mingle! | Rules! | Team Posts | Matchups & Shots | Endgame | Memories. ]

Mar. 30th, 2011




Who: One irate Hydra, other Hydraculans, and the curious and/or brave
Where: The riverside just south of the cove
When: Day 227, noonish

[Most times there's a large pot suspended over a cooking fire, there's inevitably an accompanying aroma of fresh soup or stew, or a slow-cooked pot roast.

Today, at best, there's the odour of stale sweat being surpressed beneath the omnipresent hint of soap as sheet after sheet is sterilized between washings in the river.]

Confining oneself to your quarters for days on end is understandable given the circumstances, but to have lain upon the same linens through several stages of a clearly contagious illness, and then to further use the same bedsheets without so much even a thought to washing them boarders on a reprehensible lack of cleanliness. The only wonder is, perhaps, that the whole of our units were not subjected to the same periods of fever and delirium.

Mar. 26th, 2011




Who: Hydracula
Where: Mt. Skullcrusher
When: Day 226, post-game
What: Memories, and...


[what do you do]

Mar. 22nd, 2011




Who: Albert, anyone
Where: All over
When: Day 226, all morning (but not too early 8Db)
What: Social visits

[Today one member of Hydra is going around to all the dorms! Knocking on doors, saying hello, meeting new people, trading gossip, you name it. He's got a covered woven basket with him, too.]

[...Okay we lied. Maybe not ALL of them. He's probably conspicuously skipping Beardog and Lepus, but that's not to say that he has to ignore aforementioned team members if he meets one of their number on the road, right...?]

Mar. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: The northeastern tunnels
When: Day 222, evening

[It is sometime as the torches begin truly dimming and even the well lit areas by the cove become a struggle to see. The evening is peaceful as it can be, most of the creatures grazing or hunting anything smaller than itself...

When almost at once, as if obeying some unseen or unheard signal, creatures great and small take on a stance of panic and flee towards the south.

It is merely moments after that when the entire area lights up with a luminance greater than daylight, radiating from the northeast. It darkens slowly, fading to a mere glow in the distance, casting along the great cavern.]