RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'resources:+game+creation'

Apr. 29th, 2015



RIP Darkersls

The loss of Darkersls has pushed me to create this: [info]plot_central. This community can be used to put your ideas forward for a psl or gpsl if you're searching for a plot line or have an idea you want to see if anyone bites at. Line requests or line ideas for games can also be posted there as well. Game ads are not welcome but can be posted to the sister community [info]rpg_connect. Right now it's only me running it, but if anyone wants to jump on board, feel free to poke me. Spread the word and join!

Sep. 17th, 2012



Has anyone...

heard of and thus use the "Universal RPG Rating" system?

It's popular on Invisionfree/Proboards/Jcink/otherboardhost RPGs, but I've yet to see it being implemented on journal role-plays outside of my own sandboxes. (As far as I know, I regularly browse ad communities.)

Personally, I find it does the job perfectly: the 'job' meaning what is and isn't allowed in a game, concerning language, sexual content and violence. The order is Language, Sexual content, Violence, and is colour-coded for our convenience. It's ranked in stages: 0, 1, 2, 3. You rate your game according to what levels are acceptable. Green 0 is the lowest level, whilst orange 3 is the highest. It's a simple matter of clicking 3 tick-boxes, one per category, and copy/pasting the supplied banner code into your game ad- or wherever you think is best to display your rating.

When I come across a game rated 2-2-3, 3-2-3 or  2-1-2, I understand what the game will entail. I either dive into the game links, or I hit the Back button.

On the other hand, with a typical game that's proclaimed as R, PG, NC-17... What constitutes an R or MA rated movie (or RPG, in this case) changes with each individual game. To me, R means zero censorship. That said, I'm somewhat lost when I find a game that's R, but I'm not permitted to write gore, swear, or explore substance abuse. This should've effectively lowered the R rating.

I've long since learned that R simply means that you have to be 18yo in order to join- the rules themselves may require players to keep profanity and graphic violence to a minimum.

What do you use to rate your game? Are you interested in the Universal RPG Rating system?

I am curious, and I want this to be a constructive mission. At the end of the day, I'd like to have a tally of yes and no answers. I do not want personal life stories; a simple yes or no is good enough! The feedback that will be most helpful to me are answers like "Yes, I use this system because it's concise and crystal clear, instead of opting for the MPAA system which I think is inappropriate for role-play." , as opposed to "The MPAA system sucks! I like ______."

Nov. 16th, 2011



[No Subject]

In order to help with game promotion, I will be creating a post to show up on the front page of my icon journal. With as many players who use icons on a daily basis, I'm hopeful the list of roleplays will get quite a few glances. If you have any you would like for me to list, please go here to fill out the form!

Aug. 30th, 2010



[info]rpg_reviews is a new community that accepts moderated-submitted games for review. Working from a detailed rubric, [info]rpg_review_mod assembles a thorough review of the game as a whole. Great for players who want to make informed decisions and excellent for moderators looking to establish themselves in the RPG community with a strong, respected game. Each submission is guaranteed a review, an html banner, and full rights to repost/quote sections of their review.
Questions? Feel free to utilize our dropbox or reply to this thread.
x-posted to the [info]modcooperative

Apr. 26th, 2010


Hogwarts Class Schedules

Below are class schedules for Hogwarts classes, years 5-7. Core classes are taught two houses per class, but other than that, there is no overlap for the teachers. Sadly, this system doesn't work if you try and expand it to all seven years, so I wouldn't suggest trying. (The teachers would need time-turners to get by, although oddly the students wouldn't nearly need one to take every single class. GoF!fail) I have no idea how to justify this detail and content myself with ignoring it, which is really easy since most games focus on the older students anyway.

This code was a composite effort between myself and [info]t_quibbler.

Tables and Codes )

Calender Codes

Below are some codes to make small calenders to help keep track of IC and OOC events and days. They are especially useful for games where the IC date and the OOC date don't match, for whatever reason. I've cobbled together a couple versions of the code, so hopefully one will suit your needs!

Also, this is my first post here, so be nice. ._.

Follow me to the codes and more! )

Apr. 14th, 2009



Tagging systems and organization!

Okay, so you want to keep your game organized. You want to be able to see easily who's being active, what places, or people or things are being used, visited, or played the most. Make it easy on yourself and your players: use tags.

Tag, you're it! )

Apr. 7th, 2009



[Table] Character Attributes


Quick Reference Attributes Table )

Apr. 6th, 2009


Its a Table!

I'm putting together a game at the moment, and a frequent poster here *cough*[info]advertisemyrp*cough*

So! I bring you a very simple table. You can use it for rules, premises, or FAQs. And I think it is wonder. I could be bias though.

Useful Table )

Mar. 31st, 2009


Site Maps -- How and Why?


Building a Site Map )