RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'layouts:+media:+facebook'

Sep. 25th, 2014


FB Relationship

Hey, everyone. So I don't care for Facebook, but I have characters that do! So I made up a code for the whole "relationship" announcement that shows up on the newsfeed. So, without further ado, an example of what it looks like and the code are blow the cut! :)


Apr. 30th, 2013



Facebook Photo Code

I consider this the kind of natural extension of the wonderful Facebook codes that you can find here by [info]citadel_icons (which I'm sure most of us use on a regular basis—I know I do). One day I was RPing and said, "y'know, Facebook really just overhauled how pictures look on their site," and I endeavored to create a code that would reflect the current look and feel.

Preview Image

Coding and tips below the cut. )

Oct. 27th, 2012



Facebook Timeline Profile

You know when you have one of those days where you just want to challenge yourself and see if you could maybe, possibly, pull it off? I had one of those on Monday. And obsessed. So, I give you, a new Facebook profile page, styled after Timeline and (hopefully) easy to follow.

code & full preview under the cut )

Feb. 4th, 2011



Facebook Coding For RP Journals/Comms (Freestanding)

Their Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
__ hours/minutes ago · Like · Comment
View all comments.

( Facebook Comments, Likes,
Relationship Statuses and More
! @ [info]citadel_icons )

This is similar to the News Feed by [info]callirhoe, but it is functional in live threads/conversations, and does not require a table. I didn't see the previous similar coding until joining this community today, so I apologize if I seem like I'm stepping on toes. I feel this is different enough to remain posted, however, as they are for different purposes. :D Thanks guys, and have fun!

Dec. 28th, 2010



new facebook profile code


I was recoding my characters' old Facebooks to reflect the new Facebook profile and thought I'd share the code here in case anyone else is interested. Larger preview, images, and directions behind the cut! Tested in Safari and Firefox.

new fb profile code )

Dec. 2nd, 2010



Layout: Facebook news feed


A mockup of a Facebook news feed was requested earlier, and... yeah, I can't resist interesting coding like that. I've made it as simple as possible to modify (each post is a table row, each comment is a self-contained table), but it still does take a little bit of effort to set up. Still, hopefully it can find some use. :) Also, I may have been reading too much Alpha Flight recently. Best dysfunctional-yet-somehow-effective Canadian superteam ever.

Facebook News Feed )

Jun. 1st, 2009



Facebook Profile.


Facebook Profile Template. )