More essays! Here for you.
What is IJ RP? This gets really basic, talking about RP itself in its different forms. Hopefully it can help you all recruit some friends into the hobby?
The Five Dysfunctions of a Game. Why do RP games break apart and breed OOC drama? Here is my hot take (sorta) and what mods and players can do about it.
How Do you Generate Plot Ideas? Okay, warning. This is just the logic I use to generate ideas. I don't actually give any good plot ideas in this post, unless you've never heard of a power swap plot before. >> *cough*
I'm also half way through a new RP essay series,
Troubleshooting Your Character• How to bring
lifeless, uninvolved characters back from the dead.
When characters are too smart and want to "solve" a game or plot.
Coming soon:
• How to make a bad guy work as a player character in a game full of heroes.
• Problems I have not figured out how to solve: case studies in dropped characters.
Please feel free to sound off if there's anything else you want me to ramble about. ♥