RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'question:+google+fonts'

Jun. 18th, 2017



Google Fonts in Entries

I am 97% sure this is impossible, but I needed to check: is there any way to call up Google fonts for an individual entry? I know you can't access the style or head elements for individual entries, which means you can't use @font-face. I've experimented with using the <style> tags in the body (while not technically correct, this is a possible way to code elsewhere), but IJ seems to ignore it.

So, are my only options sticking to web-safe fonts and using images of fancier text, or is there a way to call upon the vast font interwebs within journal entries? :D

Feb. 12th, 2013



[No Subject]

i was just wondering how do you upload google fonts so they actually appear for you. i haven't done it in such a long time and completely forgot the site. i also wasn't sure how to change the font in the subject line of my journal like over here.

Jul. 2nd, 2012



google fonts question


I'm working on a character directory, and google fonts are NOT working for me. The bio is located here - any ideas why it shows up as comic sans and not Loved by the King?

Jun. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

Question lovely people!

I know you can play Google Fonts in layouts but is there a way to do it for entries? Say I want each game name to be in The Girl Next Door would there be a way to do it?

I've tried


Apr. 26th, 2012


Google Web Fonts

OR Everyone's favourite SO PRETTY BUT SO FRUSTRATING web design technology in the history of the universe. Okay, not really, but whatever. I've seen a lot of people asking questions about Google Web Fonts, which is one of the coolest things I've learned this semester in my web classes. Aside from Aurora, of course. And I noticed that most of these questions were difficulties with Scribbld or the font just not wanting to work, so after talking to ~chaperoned briefly, I figured I'd go ahead and come write up a quick tutorial on how to use Google Web Fonts, and trouble-shooting some common errors. There are screenshots, although primarily this is a text-based tutorial. Bridget rambles a bit a lot.

Please note that this is a tutorial that assumes you have a bit of HTML/CSS under your belt, but no experience whatsoever with Google Web Fonts. If the instructions seem rudimentary, again, it's assuming that this is your first time looking at Google Web Fonts.

I feel like the tags on this may need some help BECAUSE I SUCK AT TAGS D:

SO! Let's use some web fonts! )

Mar. 5th, 2012



Google Webfonts in S2?

I know a while back there was a lot of fuss about Google web fonts (rightly deserved fuss) and I went crazy using them for all my s1 layout-ed journals. But does anyone know if/how you could use them for a pre-coded s2 layout? I've been poking around with where to put the font element and I can't find something that doesn't break the layout, so I'd appreciate any knowledge/thoughts anyone had on this?