RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'tools:+thread+unfolder'

Aug. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello my lovelies!

I looked all over the tags and can't find it, but I know there used to be a super helpful post on here with all kinds of tools for those of us stuck in the stone age and still using Firefox.

In particular, I am looking for a comment thread unfolder. I have recently replaced my old laptop and forgot to save what I used on there and am severely missing it. Any ideas on where that post of resources might be, or a thread unfolder for Firefox? Cheers!

Jul. 10th, 2014


thread unfolder with unfold all

i used to have thread unfolder with unfold all through chrome, but when google chrome disabled all non store add ons, it stopped working. is there any way to get around this or another script to use through tampermonkey? i'm feeling desperate because i hate having to click on each thread individually to read a few comments.

Sep. 11th, 2012



Thread Unfolder with Unfold All that --always-- works

So, I don't remember who it was, but not long ago, someone posted about a userscript for Tampermonkey on Google Chrome that unfolds comment threads. Only problem was that it did not like nested comments or heavy commenting (200+) on the same page. This gave me hives and I vowed to make it work. Well, tonight I have accomplished my goal! \o/

Here's what you need to do

1. Install Tampermonkey
2. Go to the Tampermonkey icon now on your address bar and choose "Add new script..."
3. Paste this code into the Editor box and hit the save icon
4. You should be taken to a list of scripts, click on the new one's name (LJ Thread Unfolder) to go to its Editor tab
5. Go to the Settings tab and scroll down to User Includes and add "http://*.insanejournal.com/*" and (optionally) "http://*.scribbld.com/*"
6. Go test it on a huge thread/post on IJ or Scribbld and marvel at the awesomness

Let me know if you have any questions. I take donations in the form of artisan teas and smiley!Hoechlin GIFs. *bows*

May. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

Lovely people of the [info]rp_tutorials! I have come to share my wisdom and knowledge with you and let me tell you, that doesn't happen very often. I normally troll through [info]rp_tutorials because I am coding/html/EVERYTHING illiterate and this lovely place helps change that but lo and behold I found something I can share!

I have discovered that most rpers tend to use either Firefox or Chrome as their preferred browsers because they both have amazing add ons that make rping WAY easier for those of us who do it than IE does. (Seriously, if you're still using IE? COME LET US SHOW YOU THE LIGHT...and give you cookies because who doesn't like cookies?) The feature that I have seen most rpers use though that for some reason Chrome hasn't been compatiable with is a thread unfolder. For those have no idea what this a thread unfolder can take a page that looks like this and make it look like this without having to open a new window to unfold threads and without having to open new tabs.

Thread unfolder for Chrome! )