RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'coding:+instagram'

Feb. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]

does anyone have an updated instagram profile code? similar to this one but for the newest incarnation of the web instagram profile? it's gotta be floating around somewhere, right? thanks in advance! <3

May. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

You know this FABULOUS instagram layout Tess made? I'm curious if anyone knows how I can put more than one month in a row?

For example...say a character only posts 2 photos during a month. Then the next month they post like 3. Is there a way to make it so it's in one row, verses doing an entirely different row for each month?

...hope that makes sense.

Nov. 11th, 2013



instagram embed mock-up!


i tried my hand at a mock-up of the instagram embeds, it's not perfect but i think it comes close, and i made it as simply as i could, since i would have confused myself if i tried to make it too exact!

this should be really really simple to edit! the only things you need to change is the userpic, the username link, the picture itself, and how many likes/comments you'd like for it to have! the width and height is easily changed, as is the color of the border. and that's it :) i hope this is useful for someone!

the 'instagram' logo is a link to my journal, i only ask that you leave that there! :)

color codes:
picture border: #d1d1d1

live preview! )

Aug. 1st, 2013



Instagram Layout!! ♥

So, I apologize in advance if these instructions are weak, but I made an Instagram layout and I thought I'd share!

The Preview: )

The HTML: )

The Instructions: )

Apr. 11th, 2013



[No Subject]

I have more than one question so bare with me folks. I'm not always great at explaining things.

1. Does anyone know a good website to create faux invitations? Or a free program?
2. Is there a way to post a picture in an entry that will get larger if someone hovers over it?
3. I've noticed a lot of great faux instagram pages for characters lately. Does anyone have those codes?

Jan. 10th, 2013



Instagram Gallery


Code + Guide + Info at my journal