RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'resources:+layouts'

Jul. 24th, 2016



More Light/Subtle Patterns


May. 3rd, 2016



The Ultimate Generator Tutorial


This is a tutorial I've been meaning to do for literal years! It took forever to get to it, but today we're going to pick apart the train wreck that is Generator in hopes that more people can actually use it to create custom content. Exciting stuff!

This tutorial is going to cover any and everything I've ever learned while fighting working with Generator, so it's going to be extremely long. It's worth it, though; I promise! If you've ever wanted to make your own Generator layout, but the task seemed too daunting, you are right where you need to be. And, with that, away we go!

Don't forget to post the creations you make using this new workable base at [info]rpresources and the new community, [info]s1generator, which I've created for all Generator-specific needs!


Dec. 19th, 2013



Three Layouts!


Codes + Guide + Info at my journal


Codes + Guide + Info at my journal


Codes + Guide + Info at my journal

Dec. 17th, 2013



Full Game Code: Tidy Icons


Codes + Guide + Info at my journal

Dec. 11th, 2013



Layout: Icon Directory


Layout + Guide + Info at my journal

Apr. 28th, 2013


[No Subject]

hey, guys! so, i've been trying to implement this layout, but for some reason i can't get the background image for entries to show up? i am clueless as to why! here's the code i'm using (procured with many thanks from [info]dazy):

if anyone can help out, i would really appreciate it!

Mar. 20th, 2013


[No Subject]


I know that what I'm about to ask is so easy that a monkey could do it, but the last thing I want to do is mess any coding up or whatnot.

I just added a layout to one of my rp journal last night. Everything is fine, and I love it. I just can't figure out how to add the number of comments my journal entry has. I know it's a little mundane, but I would like to know the number instead of just blindly clicking 'read comments' and hoping for the best.
I found the answer before, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember where I saw it.
If any of you could help me, I would really appreciate it.

Mar. 7th, 2013


first time poster, long time watcher!

Help! I need somebody!

I am hopeless when it comes to finding journals for layouts, so any and all suggestions would be absolute love. Especially if they have a layout like this. Where do you people find these things?! I'm so jealous.

Please help!

Jan. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

So! I had an idea... Since [info]nameless_layout seems to be dead? Why not make a new comm much the same?

Therefore [info]insane_layouts was born!

Nov. 17th, 2011



[No Subject]

Alright, yes this is a really basic character profile but I like it *shrugs* I can't decide if there are too many icons though....

Live example here

Character Profile )

Nov. 7th, 2011



S2 Layer Codes

I recently found several LJ layer codes that compiled without errors when importing to Scribbld. Head on over to this tutorial by [info]wastintime to get installation instructions.

I don't have a paid account here on IJ, so no guarantees if they'll work on anything other than Scribbld.

Oct. 29th, 2010



Layout: Record of Arrest, police file


A layout of a police file or criminal record was requested here, and I thought it was a neat idea. This particular layout is specific to Marvel games, but could be tweaked for any kind of setting. Good for criminals and police officers and for the grittier sort of games.

Record of Arrest )

Oct. 10th, 2010



[No Subject]


Type: Layout (S2 Bloggish)
Compatibility: Firefox, Gchrome, Safari, IE 8
( Codes and instructions )

Type: Layout (S2 Bloggish)
Compatibility: Firefox, Gchrome, Safari, IE 8
Note: This one was made with HP games in mind, with what the magical journals and all. I'll probably end up making (a) new one(s) of this same type, more specifically for houses or something, so feel free to request.
( Codes and instructions )

Type: Layout (S2 Bloggish)
Compatibility: Firefox, Gchrome, Safari, IE 8
( Codes and instructions )

Sep. 17th, 2010


Layout with Contacts table

Smexy Chap layout with contacts table )

Aug. 27th, 2010


Marvel Cerebro Files Bio

This layout has credit built in. Please do not remove it. It's really unobtrusive.

This is my first experiment with DIVs, so hopefully everything is closed and clean. This layout is for Marvel Characters and is meant to mimic the Marvel Website Cerebro Files. A live preview here.

Please DO NOT HOTLINK! Remember to replace not only the profile picture (imagenot-1.jpg), but also box.png, arrow.png, sighted.png, and information.jpg.

Code can be pretty damn theraputic.

May. 6th, 2010


[No Subject]

I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask this because it's such a tenuous link to RP - I need the information for a mod journal, though! Is there some way of applying a Flexible Squares layout code from LJ to a (paid account, if that makes a difference) journal on IJ? Thanks for any help and of course, I'll delete this if it's inappropriate!

Apr. 20th, 2010


[No Subject]

Hi, all! I have some more stuff to offer you. This time, it's a layout and a directory code! The layout is for S1 Generator, and the directory code is aimed towards Scribbld use. :)

( fake cut! )

Apr. 11th, 2010



[No Subject]

How to change your journal's tiny icons

So if you find the icons that link to profile pages ([info]t_quibbler and [info]quibblercons, respectively) as ugly as I do, here is how you can change them!

This code transforms the usericons on your Bloggish journal layout:

You can change the image, obviously, and can change the width, height, and padding to suit if you need to. This piece of code goes in with the rest of your CSS code on the Customize Options page.

The result should look like this: t_quibbler and quibblercons

You don't need to credit me for the tinyicons unless you want to, if you do want to or if you're in need of journal layouts, icons, or accessories, check out Quibblercons!

If anyone has a quick trick for doing it in an entry, rather than manually linking the image and the name of the journal, let me know? :D

Apr. 10th, 2010


[No Subject]


Type: S1 Generator
Live Examples: stolenmoonlight pansexual

Instructions )

Mar. 7th, 2010


journal layout

TYPE: journal layout (S1 - Generator)
(click for bigger preview)

note I have six layouts currently posted at [info]seventies and am working on more, all are simple generator layouts like this one. If you're interested in seeing them, or want to post a request comment at the journal and I'll add you up right away