RP Tutorials

July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'resources:+character+creation'

Apr. 29th, 2015



RIP Darkersls

The loss of Darkersls has pushed me to create this: [info]plot_central. This community can be used to put your ideas forward for a psl or gpsl if you're searching for a plot line or have an idea you want to see if anyone bites at. Line requests or line ideas for games can also be posted there as well. Game ads are not welcome but can be posted to the sister community [info]rpg_connect. Right now it's only me running it, but if anyone wants to jump on board, feel free to poke me. Spread the word and join!

Apr. 24th, 2013



Vital Statistics and the Art of Guestimation

When filling out vital statistics about my characters, like height and weight, I always look to their initial play-by. Most celebrities have their height listed somewhere on the Internet. Some even have full measurements. However, more often than not, their weight is not listed. This is when I look to the art of guestimation. To be honest, I've never been good at guessing anyone's height or weight or even the square footage of a house. I'm a writer; numbers aren't my forte.

So, what is a writer to do when the overwhelming need to guestimate something like weight is encompassing? Or rather, what do you roleplayers do? Most Web sites that calculate BMI take into account age and the body's "average"* growth rate, so I imagine in teens, BMI tends to differ drastically when considering bodily development, self-image issues, and fad diets. Should I just list a body type, e.g. athletic, muscular, slim, etc., and just be done with it?

*I say that carefully because we all know everyone's body is different.

Mar. 26th, 2013



Character Development Surveys

I have had these saved in my cdj from all the way back in '08 and I thought I would copy and post them here since there's been a few people interested in such things. So I bring you four crazy long character development survey/worksheets and one meme that also works as one.

Follow the white rabbit )

Oct. 4th, 2012



Journal Give Away

So, finally went through and organized the millions of journals I've been collecting for the past ten years. As you can imagine, there's a bunch I have no need for. Sure, I could just go in and delete them, but that just seems like a waste. So, take a look and leave a comment. After such, I'll send you a PM with the password for the journal. After that, it's all yours.

Read more... )

Sep. 12th, 2012



How to Nolanize a (comic) character: a few suggestions towards fiercly real RP characters

While this was originally written for the Gotham Falls game ([info]gotham_mod ), where the Nolanization of comic characters is quite relevant, I think it might be rather useful for anyone looking to write in a darker, gritty world filled with hardship.
There has been lots of tutorials posted here about how to write good, multi-layered, well-researched, soundly motivated characters. This addition deals with creating characters that have messed up lives and suffering from the the results of living in dark places.

In Gotham...bad things happen to good people... )

Apr. 26th, 2012




I’ll admit it; so often I rely on how people sound in tv shows/films to determine how a character speaks; all Californians sound like Elle Woods and everyone from the South has a drawl, right? Maybe not.
When it comes to accents outside of my own little corner of the world, I’m hopelessly lost and I know the exasperation at watching shows and having everyone either have perfect Received Pronunciation or Dick Van Dyke Cockney Mockney accents but I’ve found the following links so, so helpful and hope they help others.

International Dialects of English Archive ; super dupy handy website featuring real people accents from around the world.

BBC Voices ; great for localised vernacular

Jan. 12th, 2012



Plotting and PB Issues

I'm having one of those periods when you have great ideas, but the enthusiasm isn't shared between players. Instead of writing for lines, I'm writing for myself. However, all of these failed lines have left me dry in the creativity department. I think if I find the right PB, I might find that spark again, and I remember once seeing a comm here that suggested PBs. I haven't been able to find the link though. Does anyone remember the name of that comm off the top of their head?

Dec. 20th, 2011



Character Name Resources

While neck-deep in what is proving to be a difficult name search for a couple of new characters, I came across some new-to-me naming resources. Since I can't possibly be the only person who sucks at naming characters via imagination alone, I thought I'd share.

My list behind cut, plus many great options contributed in comments. )

Sep. 22nd, 2011



[info]chaperoned told me to link this here. So I linkz it.

One of my biggest inspirations for coming up with characters is astrology -- yes, yes you've heard that all before but hear me out. Namely, I like the DARK SIDE of astrology: i.e. the astrology that focus on the flaws and irritating irritations that makes us human and make characters all the more fun to work with.

For your pleasure, I have linked some excerpts in the fake-cut below. Still not sure you want to click? Samples:


Aries are reactive, not reasonable. By refusing to think before they act, Rams often ruin their chances for happiness by making wild assumptions without gathering all the facts. Being born without the humility gene has negated their ability to admit mistakes. Argue with one, and you'll suffer a barrage of irrational, angry shouting. Prove they are wrong, and they will react like that toddler who says, "Am not," then shrugs his baby shoulders and walks away.

( Follow the Fake Cut! )

Jan. 5th, 2011



Magic Baby Names

Enter some names, it gives you some more. Potentially very useful for those of us who are picky about character names.

Aug. 12th, 2010



Natal Chart Fun!

So, I know I'm not the only one that has a bit of difficulty with personality at first!! You want your characters to fit a certain mold, maybe, but not to the point where they're a cardboard cut out of a certain character theme!

That's where this comes in handy!

It's called a Natal Chart.
"In natal astrology, a natal chart is a horoscope/astrological chart drawn for the exact time of an individual's birth at a particular place on Earth for the purposes of gaining information about the individual." — wikipedia

The neat thing about Natal Charts are that they aren't nearly as cut & dry as your sun sign is. For example, my sun sign is Cancer & I am a Cancer native through & through. But my Ascendant (shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. It's basically the mask that everyone wears.) is a Libra. Which makes a lot of sense because I am ALWAYS trying to make sure that everybody is happy. I'm big on neutrality & Cancers are actually known for not being very neutral & rather over-protective. lol.

It explains all of it in your natal chart. It'll give you tons & tons of personality quirks that you can run off of. I didn't explain it TOO well, but if you give it a try, you'll definitely understand better!

Hopefully I helped somebody out!

Jul. 31st, 2010


[No Subject]

This is a slightly modified and expanded version of a conversation I had with [info]dea_caelesti where I was trying to explain to her what RP was. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it let me know!

What is RP and How to Do It 101 )

Part 2 will come tomorrow as I am about to crash and I'm sure you all want to understand what I am typing here and considering I stuffed up all the LJ tags... well that is fast approaching!