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these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'emma+bailey'

Sep. 20th, 2018



Text Message(s)

To: Kel
From: Em
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Aug. 12th, 2018



Text Message

To: Emma Bailey
From: Aurora Kenworthy

You have 1 new message. )

Nov. 30th, 2017



Whatsapp group message

To: Supergirls (Alyssa Kenworthy, Jennifer Hill, Emma Bailey)
From: Aurora Kenworthy

New chat messages )

Aug. 25th, 2017



JL comms

"Can anyone get to downtown ASAP?" You can hear the sounds of people shouting on the street and fire truck sirens wailing in the background. "There's a huge fire and it sounds like people are trapped inside. I'm going in, but I could use some back up."

Jul. 11th, 2017



Text messages

To: Tristan West
From: Avery Tremblay

You have (1) new message )

To: Alyssa Kenworthy & Emma Bailey [group text]
From: Avery Tremblay

You have (3) new messages )

Feb. 14th, 2017



Text Message(s)

To: Alyssa Kenworthy
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Oct. 2nd, 2016



Group text message(s) & phone calls

To: JL minus Owen
From: Colin Murphy
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

To: Owen Murphy
From: Colin Murphy

- ring ring -

Sep. 16th, 2016



JL comms

Jen’s voice comes in loud over passing police sirens. “I need some of you with me at [ bank location ] in Queens for a robbery in progress that’s taken hostages. Everyone else… there’s… something really weird happening in downtown Manhattan. I think the people are being gassed with Joker venom, or else another kind of gas that conveniently makes people laugh like maniacs and go on murderous rampages. Everyone should make sure they go out with protective masks, just in case. Even those of you in Queens, in case these incidents are somehow connected. Black Bird, Torch and Eggplant, I want you guys downtown. Blue Bird and Beast, you're with me on the hostage situation. Everyone sound off please."

May. 18th, 2016



Text message(s)

To: Alyssa Kenworthy
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Apr. 16th, 2016



JL comms

Colin's static-y voice comes in over the comms. "Blue bird, here. Me and Eggplant have already circled our patrol route three times and came up with nothing. There is literally nothing going on tonight, it might just be the most boring night ever. Who's up for pizza?" Emma chimes in on her end, whining a little. "Yeah, I'm starving!"

Feb. 14th, 2016



Valentine's Day Delivery

To: Alyssa Kenworthy
From: Emma Bailey

A card slipped under Alyssa's front door )

Oct. 11th, 2015



JL comms

A break in the static before Jen's voice is heard, loud and panicked over the comms. "I just texted you all coordinates, you need to get here now. I'm on my way and I can fly one person with me. This is a team effort, I need everybody in the field. Does everyone copy?"

Aug. 23rd, 2015



JL comms - backdated to Friday 8/21

A break in the static before Colin's voice speaks into the comm link. "Blue Bird here. Team Batkids is in the building. What's everyone else's status?"

Jul. 11th, 2015



Radio Broadcast

Radio 106.1 is doing a live recording session with REDO, as part of their ongoing series with having bands come in and play and talk on their show. The announcer named Kelly seems very excited about everything. So excited.

Kelly: ...and we're back, for this just tuning in, I'm Kelly, and I'm sitting here with the members of REDO, one of the biggest bands on the charts right now. Thanks for coming in, guys... and girls. She laughs.

Owen: We're happy to be here. It's one thing to hear your songs on the radio, it's another to be playing them on the radio!

Kelly: And speaking of playing songs, before we went to commercial, you played one of your songs "Take You Home", so I thought we could--

Owen: Actually, Kelly, before we go into more questions and all that, there's a song I want to play for a very special friend of mine. Her name is Emma, and this is for her.

The band plays a version of the Happy Birthday song.

Owen: Happy Birthday, Emma! The sound of everyone clapping can be heard now.

Kelly: Aww, that was great, guys! So now that you've gotten two songs out of the way, what do you say about answering a couple of questions from our listeners? And me, of course. Okay folks, if you have a question you'd like answered, you can reach us at [number] or send a message on our website. REDO will start answering them after our commercial break, and there will be even more music to listen to, tonight!

-Commercial Break-

[OOC: Have a burning question for the band? Tag with your character calling in and asking a question! Band members can respond to them and each other, and for the other REDO members, feel free to have Kelly ask your character whatever you want. Talk up the new album, tell stories, have fun!]

Jun. 16th, 2015



JL 2.0 Comms

Heard over the Justice League 2.0 communication line )

May. 15th, 2015



Criminal delivery

To: Arrow Guy
From: Spoiler

Left on a rooftop in Manhattan )

Sep. 2nd, 2014




JL Comms, for bat ears only. )

Jun. 12th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: Eleanor Kelley
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Jan. 27th, 2014



over the superhero comms )

Sep. 27th, 2013



Text message(s)

To: Owen Murphy
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )