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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'emma+bailey'

Aug. 30th, 2013



Superhero comms

The voice that comes through is dry. A lot more gravelly than usual.

"Guys." It cuts off for a good twenty seconds while Chris tries to figure out what to say to everyone.

"Is anyone near South Brooklyn? I found my brother."

Aug. 21st, 2013



Agency intercoms

Shortly after Adrienne O'Carroll's radio broadcast, Colin gets on the intercom inside the London Agency. Their resistance group isn't the most impressive, but there's enough people inside that to reach everyone at once, the intercom is still considered necessary. It's connected to every major office and break room in the building, so anyone can listen and talk back.

"Attention all resistance fighters and former caped crusaders. This is your fearful leader speaking." Even in the darkest of times it's hard for him not to make a joke, but he clears his throat to mentally kick himself and start over. "Uh... Yeah, so, anyone listening to the radio right now probably heard that. Looks like we're gonna be in for a long night. Or nights. All in favor of night watch rotations? I'll take one of the first shifts. Somebody volunteer to be the Samwell to my Jon Snow or I'll start picking names out of a hat." Okay, so it's still pretty hard.

[ooc note: Anyone who wants to be in the London Agency resistance is welcome to comment! Ex-Agency workers especially, but anyone else as well. So far I count Colin, Owen, Emma and possibly some others but we could use more!]

Aug. 19th, 2013



Secure server.

To: Wheels.
From: Spoiler.
Subject:Get rid of your erectile dysfunction in three easy steps! )

Jun. 1st, 2013



Special Delivery

To: Emma Bailey
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: Owen Murphy and Colin Ford
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (2) Package) )

To: Chase Ellis
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: Chris Holloway
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: Elliot Knighton
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: The Joker and Harley
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: Eve Redson
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

To: Oliver Morgan
From: Anonymous

(You have (1) letter!) )

(Received (1) Package) )

May. 28th, 2013



Text message(s)

To: Chase Ellis
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Feb. 5th, 2013



Text message(s)

To: Chase Ellis
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (7) New Messages )

Jan. 16th, 2013


Extra-special deliveries

You have my calling card. )

Dec. 7th, 2012


Special delivery.

To: Damon Bailey, Emma Bailey, Jace Debney, Chase Ellis, and Colin Ford (all the Robins who attended the Resistance's Halloween party).
From: Anonymous.

Special delivery. )

Sep. 20th, 2012




To: Jace Debney
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have 1 New Message )

To: Chris Holloway
From: Emma Bailey
Subject: You Have (4) New Messages )



A very Special Delivery

Left in various (unexpected) places for Ned's tails to find:

image behind cut to save your f-list )

Jul. 12th, 2012



To: Emma.
From: Blake.
( the following messages are encrypted )

You have (1) new message! )

Jun. 7th, 2012



To: Spoiler.
From: Deadpoo.

You have (1) new message! )

May. 13th, 2012



Text Message(s)

To: Blake & Dante
From: Emma Bailey (via a temporary cell phone)
Subject: You Have 3 New Messages )

Mar. 15th, 2012



Phone call

To: Ashton Ford
From: Out Of Area (Emma "borrowed" someone else's phone)

Ring, ring, late night phone call, ring.

Feb. 18th, 2012



JL/Avengers/X-Factor Comms

A rush of static and then Natalie's voice rings out over the comms, deadly calm despite the subject of her message. "Rise and shine, heroes. Did anyone catch the six o'clock news? Never mind, there's trouble in Boston. Big trouble. We're needed."

Nov. 19th, 2011



To: Emma Bailey.
From: Ashton Ford.

You have (1) unread message! )

Sep. 25th, 2011


Backdated to Saturday, September 24. The call comes in around 10:45.

JL Comms )

Sep. 24th, 2011



To: Blake Meyers and Emma Bailey
From: Dante Mazzetti

You have (3) new messages. )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Message sent over the Justice League/Avenger comms )

Jul. 25th, 2011


Text Message(s)

To: Emma Bailey
Fwd: Dante Mazzetti
From: Blake Meyers
You have (2) new messages )