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Posts Tagged: 'daniel+morgan'

Sep. 13th, 2018



Text Messages

To: Liam Walker
From: Zane Rosen

You have (1) new message )

[A few hours after the conversation above...]

To: Honey Badger [Daniel Morgan]
From: Zane Rosen

You have (2) new messages )

Jun. 26th, 2018



Encrypted E-mail(s)

To: Camelot Department Heads
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: About Zach )

Apr. 9th, 2018



Camelot Press Conference

For this Camelot press conferences, all of the usual suspects are in attendance, as well as a few additional journalists and news stations that were invited to cover the event, for the sole purpose of Camelot's message immediately reaching as many eyes and ears as possible. Instead of Zach on the podium, this time, it's Daniel Morgan, leader of Camelot, here to deliver the announcement and field any questions himself.

It's noon in London on Monday, April 9th, 2018. The room is silent aside from a few whispers, until Daniel clears his throat and begins to speak.

"Thank you for coming. Please take your seats now so we can get started. I know it's Monday, so I promise I won't keep you all long. This will be quick and painless.

Many of you have likely already heard the name Phoenix Schwartz. If you haven't, I hear there's a wonderful thing called Google. But regardless of what the news reports say, regardless of what you all may think, what I'm here to impress upon you is what Camelot thinks. Phoenix Schwartz is innocent of the crimes he's being accused of. He's also a loyal friend to Camelot, a loyalty that Camelot returns. He is one of us, and now under our protection.

It has been clear for some time that the rest of the world is not prepared to handle the reincarnate community in a way that gives them any kind of real justice. Laws that are meant to protect everyone do not protect us. There are even laws more recently established in some countries, including the United States, that were made with the intent to harm our community, and justice systems thus far uphold those laws over everything else. To the law, and to the rest of the world, reincarnates very well may be second class citizens, despite the fact that we were all born the same as everyone else. This has been a problem for years, and the case of Phoenix Schwartz is only the latest in a long line of reincarnates who were treated unfairly under the law and denied even basic human rights, but Camelot is not inclined to tolerate it anymore. We will not continue to stand by and show respect to the same laws that clearly hold no respect for us, or even recognize our community as worthy of being protected under them.

Phoenix Schwartz is now under our protection. We will not give him back to the United States, we will not answer to a system that has lost sight of what justice truly means. Until there is a time when a country's laws are written fairly for everyone, reincarnate and non-reincarnate alike, Camelot will no longer be recognizing the authority of outside governments. Because of their political leanings, that may also include the Agency.

I'll take some questions now."

A dozen hands are raised, and Daniel points to one of the reporters in the front row.

Reporter: What makes you think you can offer asylum to a wanted criminal without answering to extradition laws? Is Camelot really that powerful?

Daniel smiles. "If you have to ask that question, you obviously haven't been paying attention these last few decades. Yes, you, right there-"

Reporter: Is Camelot declaring war on the United States?

"War? Don't be ridiculous. We're simply refusing to give back someone who never should have been exposed to their barbaric legal system in the first place. Phoenix Schwartz's place is here with us, where he belongs."

Reporter: What makes you so sure he's innocent? And are you implying that reincarnates need some sort of special treatment when it comes to the law?

"I wouldn't call it special treatment. What I'm saying is that current laws, and lawmakers, are not equipped with the necessary experience and understanding to properly care for reincarnates the same way they can easily empathize with every other citizen they've sworn to serve and protect. Speaking as a reincarnate, our entire existence is far more complicated than someone who hasn't had the personal experience could ever possibly comprehend. What we need is more reincarnates in office, people who can empathize with our circumstances, and fight to protect our community under the same laws as everybody else.

As for the question of his innocence, that's an easy one. I know Phoenix personally, and I know he's not a murderer. The fact that he's been branded as one without being given a fair chance to defend himself has everything to do with our society's attitude towards reincarnates at large and little to do with what really happened. The world is much quicker to call us criminals just for being reincarnates than anything else.

Yes, you in the back -"

Reporter: So what do you plan to do about the lack of reincarnate representation in political office? Are you going to run?

Daniel laughs. "Me? No. I've already got my hands full running one organization, can't imagine an entire government. That I'll leave to my reincarnate brothers and sisters that might have dreams of a career in politics.

Just remember, Camelot is here to serve the reincarnate community. Not the Agency. Not mundy governments. Just you."

He points to another reporter. "I'm afraid this will have to be the last question."

Reporter: What does this mean for Camelot's relationship with the Agency? In more recent years, the two organizations have been working alongside each other rather than opposed.

"I regret to say that as of right now, I honestly have no idea, but I assume that our new stance will not be met with enthusiasm where the Agency is concerned. I would of course rather not sever all ties, if the Agency is willing to compromise than I'll welcome it, but Camelot is firm in its current position.

Thank you."

The press conference ends with the reporters in the front row standing up and all talking at once, trying to get in some last minute questions. Daniel ignores them and leaves the stage with a small wave, flanked on all sides by Camelot security personnel.

Mar. 19th, 2018



Encrypted e-mail

To: Camelot Department Heads
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: RE: Tomorrow )

Dec. 23rd, 2017



Text message(s)

To: Zane Rosen
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Nov. 19th, 2017



Phone Call

[The evening of this.]

To: Daniel Morgan
From: Zane Rosen

-ring ring very drunk ring-

Sep. 25th, 2017



Phone call

To: Daniel Morgan
From: Devin Blackthorn

-ring ring carefully plotted ring-

Jul. 1st, 2017




To: Daniel Morgan
From: Atticus Drake
Subject: [no subject] )

Jun. 23rd, 2017



Text Message(s)

To: Zane Rosen
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

May. 8th, 2017



Text message

To: Honey Badger
From: Zane

You have (2) new messages )

Jan. 16th, 2017



Text message(s)

To: Zane Rosen
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

May. 1st, 2016



Group texts and text message(s)

To: Morgan-Evans family (including Devin, minus Lydia)
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (2) New Messages )

To: Zane Rosen
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (3) New Messages )

Apr. 16th, 2016




To: Andrew Archer
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: Lunch? )

Feb. 24th, 2016



Text message

To: Honey Badger
From: Zane

You have (2) new messages )

Dec. 21st, 2015




To: Daniel Morgan
From: Walt Morgan
cc: Ellie Morgan, Freddie Morgan, Scott Morgan, Zach Evans, Lydia Evans, Devin Blackthorn

You have (1) new email! )

Nov. 17th, 2015



E-mails & text message(s)

To: Morgan/Evans family minus the twins
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: RE: twins birthday )

To: Zane Rosen
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

To: Devin Blackthorn
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Aug. 13th, 2015




To: Daniel Morgan
From: Devin Blackthorn
Subject: Awkward... )

Jul. 16th, 2015




To: Devin Blackthorn
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Jul. 8th, 2015



Return letter

To: Devin Blackthorn
From: Daniel Morgan

Sent to the return address on Devin's letter )

Jun. 16th, 2015



Good old-fashioned snail mail

Daniel Morgan
c/o Camelot Enterprises

The envelope is plain white, and even careful inspection will not reveal its contents as anything more than a normal letter, on normal paper. There is a return address in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but there's no name listed on the envelope itself. The letter is handwritten in black ink. )