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these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'maximilian+kerr'

Sep. 20th, 2012



live broadcast.

"During a small city event in New Orleans this evening, it would appear that several of the town's inhabitants have laughed themselves to death. It is rumored that an airborne pathogen was spread into the air, rendering the attendees helpless. Professionals say this horrific crime is linked to the supposed 'reincarnate' themed murders appearing widely across the world. There are no more details at this time. However, it is good to know that everyone died with a smile on their face. Ha. Haha. Oh no. Oh -- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH --" The broadcast is cut off mid stream, leaving only static in its wake.

May. 1st, 2012



News Broadcast

"Local authorities and surrounding citizens are still as baffled as the employees of Trenton Psychiatric Hospital New Jersey at the alarming breach in security that took place on Saturday, April 21st. Traumatized staff, some of which are still suffering sustained injuries from the outbreak of violence within Trenton's walls, are having a hard time identifying the outsider who was seen escaping the premises with former patient Amber Kelly at the time that a number of Trenton's patients turned hostile on its staff. A source inside the hospital says that the visitor in question and the patient he was visiting were behind the security breach somehow, but when questioned about further details, they failed to give any concrete answers. If anyone has any information as to the whereabouts of Amber Kelly or her accomplice, please call..."

((( During the news update a blurred photo taken from the hospital's security surveillance is shown, the only footage of Amber and Max as the rest of the security tapes were mysteriously destroyed on site. You can't really make out their faces, but if you look closely you can make out a wiry man holding a nightstick and a blond woman laughing maniacally beside him. )))

Oct. 4th, 2011



Who: Anyone participating in the clash between Camelot and the Resistance in Middle-Earth.
What: Comms channels! In order to keep this simple, please specify in the subject line of your comment [Camelot - Open] or [Resistance - Open] to proper interaction between the two groups. Anyone can jump into the open subthreads as long as they're in the same faction. If things get any more complicated than that, just run with it, and we'll all adjust accordingly!
When: Tuesday afternoon, October 4th, 2011

[Camelot - Open]

"Everyone, this is Ava Prince confirming the Resistance's approach! The other scouts and I are falling back in, but I repeat, the Resistance is here, and they are coming fast. Whatever you do, hold your ground, hold the line, and show them what we're made of! For the love of Camelot!"

Sep. 14th, 2011




Location: Gotham City
When: Noon on Thursday, September 15th

Pop goes the weasel... )

Aug. 21st, 2011



Reincarnate Advertisement


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come one, come all! )

Jul. 26th, 2011




Location: Gotham City.
When: July 27th, midnight.

On the steps of Gotham City Hall )

Jun. 6th, 2011




To: Each & every reincarnate.
From: An untraceable source.
Subject: An urgent message for all reincarnates )