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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'jett+doyle'

Jul. 26th, 2012



E-mails & Texts

To: Jett Doyle
From: Unknown Sender
Subject: No Subject )

To: Christian Malone
From: Willa Thompson
You Have 1 New Message )

May. 23rd, 2012


Encrypted email.

To: Willa Thompson
From: Jett Doyle (via his private account)
Subject: Update. )

Apr. 13th, 2012



To: Jett Doyle
From: Unknown Sender
Subject: A professional inquiry )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Official Agency Announcement

As of 5:58 PM GMT, the R&D and Magics Departments of the Agency are pleased to announce that the MTN system has regained full functionality. Two weeks of necessary repairs and extensive testing have made it as though the February 19th attack never happened; as such, the MTN is safer to use than ever, and we've gone through extra lengths to make sure a second attack does not happen. Additional security measures have been incorporated for your own safety as well as that of your fellow reincarnates, most of which are magical in nature and impossible to fool. Similarly, a list of prohibited items is posted at every MTN hub – these items, mostly weapons, will not be allowed through the MTN under any circumstances, and if non-volatile, the Agency will hold onto them until you return to claim them. As always, a valid ID is required for use of the MTN.

We sincerely regret that these extra measures have been made necessary, but the Agency's priority is first and foremost your safety. As long as you have good intentions, these new security policies will affect you very little. If you do not, then the MTN will be closed to you. Please keep this in mind as you use the MTN in the future. Thank you.

- Jett Doyle, Director of Magics

Feb. 14th, 2012


Left for Jett at their home. )