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Posts Tagged: '%21radio+broadcast'

Sep. 17th, 2016



Radio interview - backdated to Friday afternoon

Radio Host: And we're back! Our special guest this afternoon is heartthrob bassist of REDO, David Ryan! Say hi to our listeners, David.

David: Laughs. Uh, hey.

Radio Host: Man of few words, aren't you.

David: Yeah, I guess so. Keeps me out of trouble?

Radio Host: Oh but we like it better when you're getting in trouble, David. I think I speak for all your fans when I say we look forward to seeing you again in the gossip columns.

David: Laughs again, notably more uncomfortably. Uh, yeah, well. That's kind of hard to avoid sometimes when you're in the spotlight.

Radio Host: Tell us, David, before we get into your music a little... was there ever any truth to those rumors? The people want to know.

David: Clears his throat. Rumors?

Radio Host: Laughs loudly. Now don't be a tease, David, we've all seen the YouTube videos. The rumors! About you and...

David: Cuts him off quickly. Well you know what they say about rumors.

Radio Host: Clearly disappointed with his lackluster answer. Indeed. Well, that brings me to my next question. You've been playing fast and loose with your identity for some time now where the public is concerned, but after all this more recent gossip, your LGBT fans really want to know why you haven't made a statement yet.

David: A statement?

Radio Host: We can't all have Ellen Page's flare, but yes, a statement. Are you or aren't you?

David: A long pause. I don't want to disappoint any of my fans with a wrong answer, or just a really bad one. Honestly, I don't know. This is all still really new to me, but... I've recently started to come to terms with the fact that what I thought I was for most of my life... that's not necessarily who I am now. And I think I'm okay with that.

Radio Host: So, you like men.

David: Uh - yeah.

Radio Host: But you still like women?

David: Laughs awkwardly. Definitely.

Radio Host: And there's no one special in your life right now?

David: A pause. ... No. No one special.

Radio Host: Satisfied. Well there you have it, listeners. You heard it all here first. And that's good news for one lucky lady, who just so happens to be our tenth caller and our Night with REDO contest winner! Congratulations, Jessica, you won!

Jessica: Starts screaming unintelligibly. You can maybe make out a few 'oh my god's' here and there.

Radio Host: Chuckles. Jessica is all of us right now. Jessica, as our tenth caller you've won a night with REDO bassist David Ryan at [ radio station sponsored party in LA ]. How do you feel?

Jessica: More unintelligible screaming.

Radio Host: Well David, we already know she's a screamer. Say hi to your date for Saturday night!

David: Tries to sound confident and not as uncomfortable as he actually feels. Hey, Jessica. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

Radio Host: You kids have fun. Now, David, about your surprise talent in song writing. Any plans to write another one anytime soon or...

Aug. 21st, 2015



Radio broadcast

"... And speaking of new hit singles, Bob, have you heard the latest from REDO that just dropped this week? Rumor has it this was actually written by the band's bassist, David Ryan."

"More than a rumor, Joan, didn't you catch that radio show they were on last month? If I'm being honest, it's kind of catchy. Let's play it for all our listeners, see what they think. This is 'Devil You Know', by REDO."

[ooc: They play the whole song but I wasn't going to actually write the whole thing, that's crazy. Though it's probably just as crazy to write an entire first verse and chorus line. WTV, here it is:

I see hell in your eyes
and it's really no surprise that you
came running through my door with all your
clever deals and fancy tricks up those sleeves

Trust me, you said
Believe me, you said
When you finally trust me
Finally believe in me
I will let you down

Well I'm onto you. (x2)

You were the first to lie
but I'm the first to go
Demon on my shoulder, yeah
He's the devil you know
You really got me good this time

Jul. 11th, 2015



Radio Broadcast

Radio 106.1 is doing a live recording session with REDO, as part of their ongoing series with having bands come in and play and talk on their show. The announcer named Kelly seems very excited about everything. So excited.

Kelly: ...and we're back, for this just tuning in, I'm Kelly, and I'm sitting here with the members of REDO, one of the biggest bands on the charts right now. Thanks for coming in, guys... and girls. She laughs.

Owen: We're happy to be here. It's one thing to hear your songs on the radio, it's another to be playing them on the radio!

Kelly: And speaking of playing songs, before we went to commercial, you played one of your songs "Take You Home", so I thought we could--

Owen: Actually, Kelly, before we go into more questions and all that, there's a song I want to play for a very special friend of mine. Her name is Emma, and this is for her.

The band plays a version of the Happy Birthday song.

Owen: Happy Birthday, Emma! The sound of everyone clapping can be heard now.

Kelly: Aww, that was great, guys! So now that you've gotten two songs out of the way, what do you say about answering a couple of questions from our listeners? And me, of course. Okay folks, if you have a question you'd like answered, you can reach us at [number] or send a message on our website. REDO will start answering them after our commercial break, and there will be even more music to listen to, tonight!

-Commercial Break-

[OOC: Have a burning question for the band? Tag with your character calling in and asking a question! Band members can respond to them and each other, and for the other REDO members, feel free to have Kelly ask your character whatever you want. Talk up the new album, tell stories, have fun!]