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Mar. 5th, 2011


Who: Gideon and Katya
What: Father/daughter bonding disguised as a combat lesson (it helps that only one of them knows what it actually is)
When: Saturday morning, bright and early at 8 AM
Where: Back room of a dojo in uptown Seattle
Warnings: Rated PG-13 for mild violence and possibly some swearing. No muses were seriously harmed in the making of this log

And anything that we want to go from just a beginner to a pro, you need a montage (montage); even Rocky had a montage (montage) )

Feb. 28th, 2011


Who: Katya and Roger
What: Practicing controlling the power of her blasts.
When: At night, after [this]
Where: Paint Ball Field again!
Warnings: Not that I can think of :)

It had been an interesting experience. )


Who: Katya, and Cora
What: Helping a friend
Where: Hamartia, Katya's apartment
When: Monday afternoon

I'm gona give all my secrets away )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


Who: Katya and Gideon
What: Target Practice
Let's say last night, after the Paint Ball place closes
The same place from Quinn's Bday party
Warnings: TBD, will be updated as necessary.

It was perfect. )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Who: Kat, Gideon, Open to Anyone
What: Kat's working the bar!
Where: A Hooter's-like place near Bathos
When: Friday, from 9pm-1am
Warnings: Skimpily dressed Kat who is totally oblivious to a great number of things; Locking just in case

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: Katya and RogerNightwing
What: Katya's crime fighting and discovering her powers
When: Two days after [this], night time
Where: Streets/Alley a few blocks away from Bathos

The stars comforted her, and she promised herself then that she would do their name justice. )

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