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Mar. 21st, 2011


Who: Will and Orin
What: Monday morning meeting - Delivery of comms/tech
Where: Monarch Industries R&D Lab
When: Monday morning
Warnings: Don't think so? Will update if needed.

Case of the Mondays? )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Ray
What: Stealing Item Number Three
When: 3/12 around 10pm - 3/13 around 1am
Where: Orin’s Boat
Warnings: Nuffin!

Stealing from Orin Monarch might just go on his criminal resume for life. )


Who: Orin Arrow and Willow Bullseye
What: An offer
Where: A rooftop because the vigilantes always hang out on rooftops
When: The day before the blackout
Warnings: Orin attempting to be parental

In truth, he kept a pretty damn close eye on her every night. )


Who: Valerie and Orin
What: A business proposal
Where: Bathos
When: Earlier this week. Immediately after this.
Warnings: None

Seems I got problems that respectability could help fix. )

Mar. 14th, 2011


Who: Will and Hayley, with a guest appearance by Orin
What: Hayley finds out firsthand what Will's ability is and Orin gets to witness a walk of shame
Where: Monarch Industries
When: Monday (3/14) night to Tuesday (3/15) morning
Warnings: Glossed-over mentions of nudity, swearing, mild violence, some very pissed off wolfies, and enough mocking to set things on fire.

We are all candy covered on the outside / Peel away the shell and we're frightened on the inside )

Mar. 11th, 2011


Who: Will and Orin
What: Plan-making in reaction to threats.
Where: Monarch Industries Research & Development Department - "The Lab"
When: Post-Mockingbird Warning, and after this
Warnings: Will's slightly cranky mood? :-D

I know how much you seem to enjoy a public scandal )


Who: Orin and Valerie
What: When in doubt, throw money at it (just don't discuss Audrey)
Where: A boat, a diner
When: Pre-Mockingbird warning
Warnings: None

He was increasingly certain this was a bad idea. )

Mar. 5th, 2011


Who: Valerie and Orin Arrow
What: A flat tire and a lift home
Where: Seattle, Outside Bathos
When: Friday night
Warnings: None

Arrow watched the entire process with a gaze that was outwardly lazy. )

Mar. 4th, 2011


Who: Orin Arrow and Thomas Bat
What: A meeting
Where: A roof
When: Tonight
Warnings: None

Your son got her a comm. I think she’ll do just fine, given the association. )

Mar. 2nd, 2011


Who: Jack Corbinian, Willow Bullseye & Orrie Arrow
What: A random meeting, An apology, A deal
Where: Some rooftop in Rainier
When: Tonight, vigilante 'o clock
Warnings: Maybe some feelings?

It didn’t matter right now; he was going to do this regardless of blood relation, and there wasn’t any use in trying to tell himself he wasn’t. )

Mar. 1st, 2011


Who: Orin and Reina
What: Orin tries to see Anton. Reina says no.
Where: Anton's offices.
When: Today, early afternoon.
Warnings: Nada

he had every right in the world to be there )

Feb. 25th, 2011


Who: Orrie Arrow and Valerie
What: Orrie is this close to sparkling and having the skin of a killer. Trufax.
Where: Bathos, and then the bar Valerie sings at.
When: Last Thursday.
Warnings: None.

You’re very sweet, Mr. Hood. )

Feb. 24th, 2011


Who: Orin Arrow and Willow Bullseye.
What: Arrow confronts his little stalker.
Where: Streets of Seattle.
When: Tonight, vigilante o' clock.
Warnings: none.

Christmas trees are green. )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


Who: Rowan, Orin, and Adam
What: Chitchat
Where: Hospital
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: Family bonding and squishy feelings oh noes

And I feel like I'm breaking/Running round for nothing )


Who: Orin and Hayley
What: An unusual job interview
Where: Monarch Industries
When: Mid-Morning on Monday
Warnings: It's Orin. Warning for that. Also sass.

If I’da known this was the dress code, I’da just come in my underwear, too. )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Who: Valerie and Orin
What: Verbal fencing, some flirting, and nobody really getting what they want.
Where: The Carnival
When: The very early afternoon before everyone arrives.
Warnings: Only suggestive conversation.

Maybe I’m just real fickle. )

Feb. 10th, 2011


Who: Will and Orin
What: A pre-employment interview/meeting
Where: Reliquary
When: This week, after this
Warnings: Nope.

In the end, Orin simply went for the most academic looking bastard in the place )

Feb. 8th, 2011


Who: Orin and Thomas
What: Playing hardball
Where: Thomas, Inc. boardroom
When: Monday
Warnings: None

The board room was loud, though Orin wasn’t participating in the argument taking place. )

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Who: Orrie Arrow and Jack Corbinian
What: One enchanted evening, you may meet a stranger (by following your bad guy to another bad guy)
Where: The mean streets of Seattle
When: Recently
Warnings: None!

It's like the Lady and the Tramp but with bad guys and no love. )

Jan. 29th, 2011


Who: Orin and Audrey
What: Delivery of first aid supplies
Where: Aubade
When: After this
Warnings: None

He had spent the day before at the convention, speaking on the needs of the Rainier Valley citizens, pushing for health care for the unemployed. )

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