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Feb. 2nd, 2011


Who: Orrie Arrow and Jack Corbinian
What: One enchanted evening, you may meet a stranger (by following your bad guy to another bad guy)
Where: The mean streets of Seattle
When: Recently
Warnings: None!

It's like the Lady and the Tramp but with bad guys and no love. )

Feb. 1st, 2011


Who: Corbinian Jack and Rorschach Mike
What: Medical Care and Male Bonding
Where: An Oracle Approved Emergency Room
When: Not long after the Mask Killer events conclude
Warnings: Epic bromance, Rory smiling.

Clowns to the left of me / Jokers to the right, here I am / Stuck in the middle with you )

Jan. 29th, 2011


Who: Rorschach, Corbinian, Robin, Cipher, Oracle, the Bat, and (perhaps the final appearance of) the Mask Killer Onomatopoeia.
What: Bullets, explosions, fights, and moving rescue missions. EVERYTHING ANYONE COULD ASK FOR.
Where: An apartment building at the edge of a river-like stormdrain, down a cistern hole next to it, and in the stormdrain itself.
When: After this.
Warnings: Violence, creepy, and... probably language somewhere. (Thanks Max.)

If they got out of this alive Thomas was never going anywhere on his own as long as Luke had anything to say about it. )

Jan. 20th, 2011


Who: Jack and Lilith
What: A chance meeting by romantic mistaken identity for assassination.
Where: The warehouse
When: A day or two ago
Warnings: None

It's a dull life, it's a dark place )

Jan. 15th, 2011


Who: Max and Jack
What: McDonald's! Prison McDonald's.
Where: The warehouse of imprisonment
When: Recently
Warnings: None

m is for mcgriddle and mcgriddle is for m )

Jan. 13th, 2011


Who: Clara and Jack
What: A dream
Where: Clara's version of Wonderland
When: Tonight
Warnings: Nope

The dream was Home. )

Jan. 9th, 2011


WHO: Gwen and Corbinian
WHAT: Reaverpocalypse brings people together!
WHERE: Bathos #105.
WHEN: Friday, around 6, during the breach of the Bathos
WARNINGS: Blood, violence. Standard issue Reaver log warning.
NOTES:: Crossing It’s the end of the world, time to make some amends off my zombie apocalypse checklist.

For what it’s worth... )

Jan. 4th, 2011


Who: Jack Corbinian and Thomas the Bat
What: A friendly chat. Or a discussion of what is to be done about the murdering and torturing.
Where: The ex-batcave warehouse.
When: After their discussion on the forums.
Warnings: None.

what's the point of a love makes you hate and kill for )

Dec. 12th, 2010


Who: Solomon and Jack Corbinian
What: Walking away from a body
Where: Shopping district
When: Early evening
Warnings: A dead body

there was no adrenaline )

Dec. 2nd, 2010


Who: Jack/Corbinian, Poppy/Pepper, and Rorschach
What: Final Rory Sighting AKA bringing Rory home
Where: Rainier Valley
When: Late Thursday night (12/2)
Warnings: Swearing is likely.

Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? )

Nov. 25th, 2010


Who: Anyone!
What: Luke Henry's Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Top floor, Thomas, Inc.
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings: Party log. Proceed with caution.
Notes: Place your character's location in the subject line, please.

At 8 pm, the doors to the West Wing opened, and guests were permitted entrance. )

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Who: Corbinian, Cipher, Sam, and possibly Bat
Where: Starting close to the bar where Max took Luke when he was shot.
When: After this and this.
Warnings: TBA

sun shines on the black clouds hanging over the domain. even when you're feeling warm the temperature could drop away like four seasons in one day )

Nov. 20th, 2010


Who: Jack
What: Memories plot
Where: Hamartia 602
When: Memories plot. :D
Warnings: Could be anything and everything.

Jack was sitting in the bedroom of his apartment with the door shut. Normally he would have gone into the next room to see how Ruby was doing, but this morning, all he could do was sit, it seemed.

He was looking at a photograph. The night before, he'd done a terrible thing - something that needed to be done, but a terrible thing nonetheless - and now he was looking at a photo of a dead woman and thinking, thinking, thinking.


Who: Jack and Wren
What: A chance meeting, and then pizza.
Where: Hamartia
When: Yesterday
Warnings: None

shake your head it's empty )

Nov. 16th, 2010


Who: Jack and Max
What: A check
Where: Bathos 404
When: Following this.
Warnings: None.

a truly hideous tale of merciless punishment for horrendous crimes of the soul )

Nov. 15th, 2010


Who: Cherrie & Jack
What: They have “the talk.”. Well, they have Cherrie’s version of “the talk.”
Where: Hamartia 603
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: None!

i heard you were here then you disappeared last night )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Who: Group 2 (Ava, Jack, Luke, and Poppy) and the Penguin Pals
What: Busting a Drug Deal
Where: Property for Sale in Woodinville, 139th Ave NE
When: 1 AM on Sunday, November 14
Warnings: PG-13 style violence, mentions of criminal activity, gunfire, mentions of illegal drugs.

In my day I associated with a much higher class of riff-raff! )

Nov. 10th, 2010


vigilante meet up

Who: All invited parties
What: Vigilante meet up
Where: The Academy
When: Midnight, Wednesday
Warnings: TBA

i looked for you all night )

Nov. 7th, 2010


Who: Ruby Dawson and Jack Corvus
What: Two old friends reunite.
Where: In front of the Seattle Public Library.
When: October 22, 2010, late afternoon. After this comment thread.
Warnings: Rated T for Tears! In all seriousness, probably some mild swearing on Ruby’s part.

It can't rain all the time. )

Nov. 1st, 2010


Who: Jack and Adam
What: Drinking
Where: Some dive bar
When: 9 PM Monday
Warnings: Boys getting ass-backwards drunk.

and for some ungodly reason Sponge Bob Square Pants was on the TV in the back corner )

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