[ video + action ]
06 February 2012 at 10:48 pm
[ Panic has long passed into curiosity for Kaylee and her new predicament. Sure she's been kidnapped, but: ]

This Acumen feller said something about a beach. With-- real sand and all? Don't think my heart could take it, bein' kidnapped and then lied to about a beach.

[ And curiouser... ]

Hope it's all right I don't have a swimming outfit...
06 February 2012 at 09:56 pm
[Okay, so he’s breaking out the Spidey-voice.] A welcome basket… it’s so… welcomey, thanks.

… Okay, so. I guess this where I’m supposed to cut to the chase and throw out the big names, and hope someone I know’s here. But the crowd I tend to tangle with happens to consist entirely of super villains and general baddies. I guess that says a lot about my social life. And I know I should hope that they’re here, being prison and all, but… This place is way too nice. I don’t want to imagine Kraven kicking back at the beach. I prefer thinking of him in his gulag. Safe and sound, and away from everyone else.


… Ugh, how did this happen. I bet the X-Men don’t get thrown in jail.
[Gamewide Mingle]
29 January 2012 at 07:27 am
[Sector 3 is a popular destination for entertainment! People may be interested in seeing a movie at the theater, getting a drink or singing karaoke at the club, playing games at the arcade, or dropping by the Brave Vesperia headquarters -- on business or otherwise. In addition, Sector 3 has a lot of apartments and small houses; maybe people are just coming and going on their daily routine, or you might be seeing a friend who lives here.]

[Everyone who might have passed through Sector 3 today -- morning, noon, or night -- is invited to thread out a chance encounter here, or a date, or a gathering of friends. Just tell everyone where your character is and what they're doing, and go!]

[ (But if your occasion takes place after dark, remember there was a bomb threat if that's relevant to your character.) ]
[video / action for housemates if desired]
26 January 2012 at 03:33 pm
[the communicator turns on with a clatter as it tumbles across the floor of Orihime's house and comes to a stop, facing her. Orihime is sprawled on the floor, having tripped over apparently nothing at all. she's still in her pajamas even though it's afternoon; she's felt sick and strange and dizzy all day, and so she stayed in bed. but now that she's finally gotten up...]


[Orihime clutches at her face as she starts to straighten. anyone who knows her may recognize that her hair is much longer, and thicker, and wavy. she is, in fact -- two years older than she was before]

[she just holds her head for a beat longer before reaching for the communicator again. when she notices it's on, she smiles sheepishly, picking it up]

Um -- good afternoon, everyone... Can I ask someone to get me something from the clothing store?

[her hair isn't all that's grown! CANON UPDATE'D]
19 January 2012 at 06:09 pm
[Welcome to the Devil's Compass, it's Poker Night.

The record player might be playing something jazzy in the background, there's (plenty of) smoke wafting in the air and the taps are just waiting to be... tapped. For those who quit the game or didn't come to play in the first place, the pool table and dart board are free. But why wouldn't you come to play poker on Poker Night? Scared of all... the big bad cheats?]
[MINGLE / Open to ALL] Snowball Fight in Sector 4!
11 January 2012 at 07:35 pm
[ Wandering around the snowy park? There are two things to look out for: (1) don't trip over the bright orange ropes that close off a large open area, (2) take cover and watch for a stray snowball, and (3) ... you know, you might want to join in for this is a Snowball Fight.

Only guidelines: no weapons, no head shots, no stuffing snow down someone's mouth, collar or anywhere else uncomfortable. Play to your heart's content! Spoiler: there's no winner.

Warm drinks and snacks are served in a nearby tent (ah, thank goodness for space heaters!), while towels and blankets are also available. You might want to take advantage of the snow as well -- make snowmen, snow angels, your own sculpture as you wind down~ ]

--- OOC Guidelines; PLEASE READ --- )
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
[video | open]
07 December 2011 at 10:14 pm
[Apparently, Kurama had no difficulty whatsoever in locating a place to stay after the Shelter's evacuation. He looks quite comfortable, seated behind a desk in what appears to be a modest study area. He has in fact claimed a small residence in Sector Four for his own, chosen for its proximity to the parks. Personal touches can already be seen in the several tropical and flowering plants he has growing on the windowsill. The space is otherwise largely empty. Kurama may be efficient, but even he can't furnish a home to his personal standards in less than a day. The purpose for his transmission has nothing to do with the move, however, and he quickly gets to the point, his hands folded on the desk in front of him, his expression calm and reassuringly confident. This is someone who most certainly does not suffer from either shyness or hubris.]

Good evening. My name is Kurama, and I hope you will spare me a moment of your time while I make a brief announcement. For those who may be interested, I will be offering a course in the mythologies of Earth at the Education Center in Sector 2. Class will be held in Room 7 from nine until ten in the morning on days ending in one and five. Students are welcome to join the course at any time. Please bring any materials you may require to keep notes. All other materials will be provided to you as needed. I ask that anyone who wishes to contribute to the subject matter of the course contact me to discuss the particulars.

The first class would ordinarily be held tomorrow, but, in light of Acumen's cleaning activities, has been postponed until Day 151. Until then, I am happy to entertain any questions you might have.

Thank you for your time.

[ooc: For anyone who wants to look at the "official" course catalog entry, it's here. Sorry I didn't post the link sooner!]
[action / open]
29 November 2011 at 02:25 pm
[the clothing store is busy today! there's a gaggle of girls in here, trying on prom dresses, cute flowy tops, winter jackets, tight jeans... it's a montage from every girly movie you've ever seen, for half the day.]

[if you come by to get some winter gear or any clothing, maybe you'll catch Orihime trying on yellow sundresses a little wistfully. mmm. it's not... quite...]

[...this is a silly idea. she laughs sheepishly at herself and moves to find something else]
26 November 2011 at 01:05 am
[Unlike yesterday, the house today is lovely, a fit atmosphere for a tea party~ The doors are wide open and anyone who wanders won't be pushed out. For now. All of the rooms are free for perusal, except two, and the living room is home to a long table, fitted with a tablecloth, as well as a platter of cakes. The room is helpfully lit up by the many floating candles hovering in the air. Just don't go touching them or you'll accidentally cut yourself~]

[ooc: Road will be mingling with everyone, and there will be a tag for your character to tag her! Sorry for the late! anyone can tag! even the people who didn't respond to Road's invitation post! /o/ get those ac threads ENJOY]
☆ voice
19 November 2011 at 04:06 pm
What do you all do for fun? You know, games, hobbies, anything.

I need new things to do.

[ Video | Open ]
16 November 2011 at 08:06 pm
[ This lady is dressed warmly, hood of her heavy green cloak pulled down to her shoulders, white knitted scarf around her neck. In a jovial but determined voice, she calls out -- ]

Touma Hashiba.

I am hereby calling you out on plans we have made over the last baseball match -- that on the day of the first snowfall, we shall have a snowball fight.

Where would you like for us to duel?

(( OOC Please Read : This post is so very open to all! I would like to draw your attention to the ooc plotting thread in the case your character wants to join in, and the fight will be postponed for better organization on another day. If you feel like handwaving your character voicing their interest, please respond to the ooc thread, or leave an ooc tag here. ))
07 November 2011 at 07:27 pm
[See Zinda Blake. See Zinda Blake looking very hungover, rubbing at her temples. ]

Jiminy Cricket, I feel worse than a wet washcloth that's been rung through a meat grinder.

Must have been some party last night, huh?

[Throughout the day, you can find Zinda in her favorite places- The Defense Force HQ, the club, or the bar. Yeah, she visits both. What are you gonna do about it?

Either way, she has no idea she's been gone. Dare you clue her in?
{ video } [[ backdated to daytime ]]
07 November 2011 at 04:36 am
[ When Claire appears on the video she is not at all looking happy. In fact, she looks rather... Well, first of all, she's furious. Second? She's kind of ... miserable. Ish. But her face is just plain horrified.

And also she has bunny ears.

I have a tail!

[ Yes. She is... Yelling. ]

Why? Why do I have a tail?! And these ears -- I'm a -- a rabbit?! Seriously? Is this some sort of stupid backwards Playboy joke or something?
[action | open | backdated to afternoon]
28 October 2011 at 01:48 pm
[Nunnally's found a nice corner in the art room to spread out with a book of Halloween-oriented origami and appropriately-colored paper. There's already a set of jack-o'-lanterns in front of her and Nunnally is currently working on a ghost for a wreath.]

[She's humming to herself and it seems like she wouldn't mind company at all.]
[Video//Action | Open] MINGLE POST~
27 October 2011 at 08:00 pm
[A bit before "sunset," a softly smiling Lacus appears in the video.]

Good evening, Marina. Thanks to an inmate request, tonight we are going to observe a lovely meteor shower in the night sky using the star projector. I have arranged viewing areas on the beach with some light refreshments. However, you should be able to see the meteors from anywhere in the dome.

If anyone would like to see star patterns or other sky-scenes from their own worlds, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you have photos or descriptions I can make a program for the projector quite easily.

I hope everyone has a pleasant evening.

And about a half-hour after dark... )
[video] backdated to shortly after her first post...
21 October 2011 at 08:06 pm
[ This is just a video of Miwako - no cats here! No sir! She looks a little frenzied, but trying to look "natural" and joking~ ]

H-Hi again, everyone!

Ha ha ha! April Fools! Except it's autumn now... Oh no... Uhm-

Mi-Miwako didn't actually get a cat! That was a lie! It was a fake cat, so just so you know, it can't be hurt or kicked or anything so you shouldn't even bother trying. I was just joking! So all the bad guys and cat-haters can rest assured that there's not actually a cat here, so you can't get him, okay? And even if there was actually a cat, I wouldn't let you get him! But there isn't a cat, so don't worry about it!

[ Somewhere off-screen, you might hear a quiet meow, which sets Miwako's teeth on edge. She looks a little frantically at the camera as if it can tell her if that was actually recorded or not, and then hastily cuts the feed.

Miwako is the worst liar ever. ]

[ ooc | inspired by this conversation with Shinji... oy vey. ]
[Action | Open]
20 October 2011 at 11:31 pm
[After that very strange morning, Schuldig is in the park. He's looking for some more amusement. Secretly he is hoping that he will run into someone that he had spoken to before so he could spend some of his energy on something for his own benefit. However, he doesn't care if it is someone that he has never met before. Anything for some fun.

So he is sitting in the park, seemingly minding his own business as he whistles a German tune. He's ever vigilant to see who was passing him by]
18 October 2011 at 03:23 pm
[ Good morning Marina~!

Were you sleeping alone last night? Well now you have company!

Were you sleeping with someone? Well, you're still sleeping with someone, but maybe you'd like to give it a look-see, before you get too comfortable.

Are you sure this is your room? You might want to check though -- who knows if you're using the same design of lampshade or if your bed really is set up against the wall...

Whether you are in your own room or not, one thing's for certain, you're in for a surprise this morning! ]

(( OOC: Many pardons for the late, but here be your Morning After Prank all-purpose post! Do your threads here if you are so inclined, or make your network freak-out posts~ Have fun!

ETA: I have used the reveal table as a handy Thread Index. I'll update this as the event rolls along [last updated: 22 October, 12:40 p.m. EST] ))

☆ video
12 October 2011 at 10:48 am
Not all of you will understand this, but... [Really, he assumes no one will. Except maybe for Zero, but he's not thinking about him or anyone else here right now.] The worst feeling is when the biggest part of your heart goes missing.