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Oct. 24th, 2010


RP: Green World

Characters: David Banner and Rock Lee
Time/Date: Evening, 10-24
Location: Outside the Hotel, and on the paths.
Warnings/Rating: None yet/TBD
Summary: David goes for a walk, and wonders at the new Green world.
Status: Complete

When is green good? )


RP: Coincidence?

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: afternoon, October 24
Location: Outside, west of the hotel
Warnings/Rating: none, really
Summary: Jake ponders 19, coincidence, and the nature of captivity
Status: Closed

Standing in the rain )


RP: Sense of Stone

Characters: Aang, Lily
Time/Date: Early Afternoon on October 24th
Location: Lily's Room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Aang goes to visit Lily to ask about the stones that were found.
Status: Private, ongoing

Knock Knock )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


RP: Dropping in

Characters: Remus, Tyler
Time/Date: Oct. 23, evening
Location: knocking on Tyler's door
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Remus goes to visit Tyler
Status: Complete

Yep, there's a post here. )


RP: In the Mall

Characters: Ariana, Salem
Time/Date: night time, October 23
Location: Halloween store, mall
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Ari's curious
Status: Complete

She'd never dressed up for Halloween before ... )


RP: A toast!

Characters: Severus, poking Mercy
Time/Date: Oct. 23, after dinner
Location: Their suite
Warnings/Rating: Lowish
Summary: Some low-key stalking. More like lying in wait, actually. *nods*
Status: Complete

He had no expectations at all, really. )


RP: A Real Infirmary

Characters: Simon, Mercy, Dug
Time/Date: Early afternoon, October 23
Location: the infirmary
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Simon checks out his new infirmary
Status: Complete

It was well stocked and spacious ... )


RP: Bigger Island, Bigger Fun?

Characters: Jaime
Time/Date: late morning, October 23
Location: just outside the hotel
Warnings/Rating: Her mouth
Summary: Jaime ... explores
Status: Closed

She thought about trying to find things ... )


RP: Slow, agonizing torture

Characters: Severus and OPEN Isadora
Time/Date: Oct. 23, mid-morning
Location: The library
Warnings/Rating: Probably none
Summary: Reading Avoiding someone
Status: Complete

Not if he was reading. )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


RP: Whoa!

Characters: Lee
Time/Date: Oct. 22, mid-morning (backdated)
Location: Third floor, to start with
Warnings/Rating: Probably low
Summary: Lee wakes up in a new place, again
Status: Closed (narrative)

Trees! Real, actual, live trees! )


RP: By the Light of the Moon

Characters: Tris, Remus
Time/Date: after moonrise, October 22
Location: In the jungle, the mighty jungle
Warnings/Rating: a wolfy good time?
Summary: Tris and Remus go for a romp
Status: Complete

You do your work by the light of the moon )


RP: GOOD Morning Indeed

Characters: Ichabod and Katrina
Time/Date: Morning of October 22d
Location: Their room
Warnings/Rating: IDK, It's Ichabod. Y'know.
Summary: Ichabod wakes to a pleasant surprise, and hopes Katrina does the same.
Status: Ongoing

...he would wait until whatever held her in sleep released her to the waking world. )

Oct. 21st, 2010


RP: Interesting

Characters: Dora, Spike
Time/Date: 8:30ish AM, October 22
Location: her suite
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Isadora wakes up and isn't as alone as she thought she'd be
Status: complete

Well, something had to get him up )


RP: Thank God!

Characters: Severus, poking Mercy, if she wakes up any time soon...
Time/Date: Oct. 22, morning
Location: Their suite
Warnings/Rating: Sev being a sullen arse
Summary: Someone is relieved, even if the other someone is still asleep
Status: Complete

There was only one way to find out. )


RP: New Digs

Characters: Tristan, Hugo
Time/Date: 8:15ish AM, October 22
Location: His room, the suite, Hugo's room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris wakes up and thinks he smells a live Hugo
Status: Complete

Funny how it still smelled like Hugo )


RP: The Return

Characters: Lily, Balthazar
Time/Date: early morning, October 22
Location: her room, Sev's door, kitchen, back to her room
Warnings/Rating: FtB smut
Summary: Lily wakes up to a very pleasant surprise in her bed
Status: Complete

So ... not dead ...? )


RP: Like a Ghost

Characters: Katrina
Time/Date: Evening, October 21
Location: old!island, her room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Katrina is unsure what to do
Status: Complete

She felt a bit detached )

Oct. 20th, 2010


RP: It wasn't fair

Characters: LilyLu, John
Time/Date: Late night, October 20
Location: old!island, rec area
Warnings/Rating: her mouth, angst
Summary: Lily reacts
Status: Complete

Unfair didn't begin to describe it )


RP: He had watched the video

Characters: Balthazar
Time/Date: Late evening, October 20
Location: old island, his room
Warnings/Rating: Your mom. Jk. None.
Summary: Balt is sad.
Status: Complete

we'll be washed and buried one day, my girl // and the time we were given will be left for the world )


RP: The video surely lies?

Characters: Ichabod Crane
Time/Date: Immediately following his viewing of the video
Location: AS, his room
Warnings/Rating: Sorrow
Summary: He cannot believe what he had witnessed, but it's hard to deny yet another horror
Status: Closed. Just a narrative.

It cannot be true... )

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November 2010



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