Nov. 9th, 2010


RP: On the Boat

Characters: Lily, Balthazar // Jaime, Mal // Dora, Spike // Tyler, Remus // John, LilyLu
Time/Date: Wednesday, November 10
Location: On a Boat!
Warnings/Rating: angst!!!!
Summary: There are some characters, on a boat ...
Status: Complete

( Fake cut is so fake )

Oct. 21st, 2010


RP: Interesting

Characters: Dora, Spike
Time/Date: 8:30ish AM, October 22
Location: her suite
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Isadora wakes up and isn't as alone as she thought she'd be
Status: complete

Well, something had to get him up )

Oct. 20th, 2010


RP: Too Much to Take In

Characters: Spike and River
Time/Date: Noon-ish, October 20th
Location: Algul Siento, Spike's room
Warnings/Rating: Language. Violent thoughts. Angst.
Summary: Dora's alleged death has Spike on the brink of mass homicide. Mutual angst happens. And... not so much with the homicide?
Status: Private, ongoing
[ Yes. There is a lyric theme for the title and cut text. Shh. ]

If I hide my pride and let it all go on, then they'll take from me 'til everything is gone... )

Oct. 1st, 2010


RP: Silence really was golden

Characters: Isadora, Spike
Time/Date: Evening, October 1
Location: Library
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Dora is glad the music is gone
Status: Discussed

She hadn't realized how tense she was )

Sep. 18th, 2010


RP: Catching up

Characters: Dora and Spike
Time/Date: after dinner, September 18
Location: Library
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Dora wants to make sure Spike is really here
Status: Complete

This was a pleasant surprise. So of course she mistrusted it. )

Sep. 7th, 2010


RP: To Trap the Trappers

Characters: Dora, Spike
Time/Date: After dark, September 7
Location: down by the south shore, two miles from the hotel
Warnings/Rating: devious plotting
Summary: Dora makes arrangements
Status: Complete

It wasn't quite her original plan ... but it might do )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


RP: Criminals

Characters: Spike, Parker
Time/Date: Late afternoon, August 23
Location: Parker's room (403)
Warnings/Rating: Language, most likely
Summary: Spike and Parker meet for a discussion.
Status: Wrapped Up/Complete

We're both criminals, after all... )

Aug. 22nd, 2010


RP: After the Fire

Characters: Isadora, Iridia, Spike
Time/Date: Afternoon, August 22
Location: library area, lobby
Warnings/Rating: none to speak of
Summary: Dora pitches in with the clean up
Status: Complete

They'd certainly done a job on the place )

Aug. 20th, 2010


RP: Reavers in the Hotel

Characters: Lily, everyone else
Time/Date: Early early morning, August 20
Location: Hotel, everywhere
Warnings/Rating: Violence (including rape), character death, swearing, more violence, blood, guts, etc.
Summary: Reavers, man
Status: Wrapped up

Oh, the Chaos we will bring )

Aug. 18th, 2010


RP: Patrolling

Characters: Jayne, Spike, a reaver or three, oh noes!
Time/Date: Thursday, August 19
Location: Outside on patrol
Warnings/Rating: violence, probably language
Summary: Jayne and Spike are dead are heroes, or something
Status: Complete

Day three and counting )

Aug. 16th, 2010


RP: Raiding Time

Characters: Spike, Parker
Time/Date: Daybreak, August 16
Location: Lobby at first
Warnings/Rating: Language will inevitably arise
Summary: Spike and Parker go on a supply run
Status: Wrapped Up/Complete

Can we call it a crime spree if everything is free? )

Aug. 13th, 2010


RP: Lottery Winners

Characters: Jaime, Spike, Violet, House
Time/Date: Noon, August 14
Location: Room 1006
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: The lottery winners meet
Status: Complete-ish
Notes: It is suggested you track this, so you know when it's your turn.
The "this" link should work, because I spent like, an hour trying to get it to function. If it doesn't, hit me up and I'll link to a download site. It is a .wav file, so as long as you've got quicktime or something that plays .wavs, you should be all set. Also, I'm not going to fuss toooooo much about posting order since we do have such whacky schedules; just do what you can.

Puzzle pieces and disembodied voices )

Aug. 12th, 2010


RP: This is a New One

Characters: Spike, Edward
Time/Date: Backdated to him finding the costume
Location: Spike's room
Warnings/Rating: Language knowing Spike
Summary: Ed comes bearing clothes and booze
Status: Private, ongoing

Ed came armed to the teeth, her version at least )

Aug. 11th, 2010


RP: Stocking

Characters: Jason, Spike, Katie
Time/Date: just before midnight, August 11
Location: outside/stores/mall/etc
Warnings/Rating: Language, tasers, guns. it's a party :)
Summary: Jason is stocking because he drew the short straw
Status: Complete

He was armed, he was dangerous, and he was kind of terrified )

Aug. 8th, 2010


RP: Emerging

Characters: Lily, Spike
Time/Date: Morning, August 8
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: emo!Lily
Summary: Lily attempts to recall how to be social
Status: Complete

Numb was better than what she'd been having )

Aug. 4th, 2010


RP: The Private Video

Characters: Spike, Jaime (originally open)
Time/Date: Early morning, August 4th
Location: Room 213/lobby/kitchen
Warnings/Rating: character death, language/narrative cursing, angst, Spike in a bad mood
Summary: A mysterious video forces Spike to face the inevitable.
Status: Complete
Note: Sorry it's so long, but my muse is still overactive.

She was the only family he had left. )

Jul. 29th, 2010


RP: The Cowboy and The Hacker Reunite

Characters: Edward, Spike Spiegel
Time/Date: Sometime on July 29th
Location: Room 406
Warnings/Rating: Language knowing Spike, possible anime spoilers in comments.
Summary: The cowboy and the hacker meet again and start working on the mystery.
Status: Open, ongoing

Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code! )

Jul. 28th, 2010


RP: Just a Rat in a Cage

Characters: Spike (narrative)
Time/Date: early night, July 27
Location: Room 213
Warnings/Rating: Uhm... PG-13, I'd say.
Summary: He's far from home, and there's an unsettling hint of deja vu in the air...
Status: Complete

His eyes narrowed at the note, almost daring it to say the same thing twice... )

November 2010



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