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Sep. 30th, 2010


RP: Have Mercy

Characters: Mercy, Sev
Time/Date: evening, September 30
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Mercy arrives
Status: Complete

Well, this wasn't Kansas. Or Pennsylvania. )


RP: Strange

Characters: Remus Lupin, Lily Evans
Time/Date: late afternoon, September 30
Location: His room, then the hallway
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Remus arrives, is confused, sees Lily
Status: Complete

Cut. )


RP: To Make a Potion

Characters: Lily Luna, Severus
Time/Date: Afternoonish, September 30
Location: His room, hallway, lobby, garden, and back again
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: LilyLu drops off some ingredients
Status: Complete

She wasn't lazy, she was just ... not that great at potions )


RP: Home isn't where I left it.

Characters: Lee and OPEN Lucky
Time/Date: Sept. 30, afternoon
Location: Second floor, to start
Warnings/Rating: Probably low/none
Summary: He wakes up and covers his ears?
Status: Complete

The sun was already up. )


RP: Swim Time

Characters: Reid and Jake
Time/Date: Early evening, September 29th
Location: Pool on roof
Warnings/Rating: None, just shirtless Reid
Summary: Reid wants to take a swim to relax
Status: Complete


Come in, the water's fine )

Sep. 29th, 2010


RP: Her Ears!

Characters: Ariana, Daniel
Time/Date: Evening, September 29
Location: Library
Warnings/Rating: Distressed witch; language
Summary: Ariana cannot find any relief from the music
Status: Complete

Thump thump thump )


RP: The Artist and the Gardener

Characters: Kat, Swan
Time/Date: Afternoon, September 29
Location: the garden behind the hotel
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Kat draws; Swan gardens
Status: Closed

This was music? )


RP: Dealing

Characters: Jaime, Mal
Time/Date: afternoon, September 29
Location: his room
Warnings/Rating: Angst, Jaime's mouth, Jaime being irrational, etc
Summary: Jaime figures they should talk
Status: Player drop

There would forever be a reminder ... )

Sep. 28th, 2010


RP: Sleepover in a Shack

Characters: Tris, Dave, Faye, Reid
Time/Date: Evening, September 28
Location: shacks at the far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: None. Or young-people shenanigans
Summary: Tris hosts a sleepover to avoid the worst of the music
Status: Complete

Jaime apparently wanted to punch people who were singing along )

Sep. 26th, 2010


RP: Awkward Encounters of the Third Kind

Characters: Dave, Corey, Booth
Time/Date: Late afternoon/early evening, September 26
Location: rec area
Warnings/Rating: None, really
Summary: Dave bumps into not!Becky again
Status: Player drop

He was glad the chocolate was gone )


RP: Nothing Wrong Here

Characters: LilyLu, John
Time/Date: evening, September 26
Location: John's room
Warnings/Rating: Smut, definitely
Summary: LilyLu goes to see John so he doesn't worry. Or something
Status: Complete

The past couple of days had been rough .. )

Sep. 25th, 2010


RP: Relaxation

Characters: Lily, Balthazar
Time/Date: Night, September 25
Location: his room
Warnings/Rating: No guesses. ;)
Summary: Lily is finally able to relax a little
Status: Player drop

Finally, it did seem to be over )


RP: Out of the Dark

Characters: Chase, Hugo
Time/Date: afternoon, September 25
Location: roof / pool area
Warnings/Rating: language, slurs, inappropriate topics. Chase being Chase, a magic fight
Summary: Chase is irritated
Status: Complete

He hadn't been hiding )


RP: Transformations, pt 2: ...and what strangeness does this daylight bring?

Who The Hulk and Severus Snape
Where The town
What The Hulk smashes things up a little and meets a wizard.
When Early to mid-morning of the 25th
Warnings/Rating Violence from Hulk?
Status Closed and complete.

Is it rage, or fear, or simple plans, or something more, that makes a man? )


RP: Aftermath

Characters: Lily, Tristan, Hugo, Didymus, Kyle
Time/Date: Just after midnight, Saturday morning
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Depends on who shows up
Summary: Dementors go bye-bye
Status: Closed

The lights came back on first ... )



Who: Ichabod, dementor effects, and who knows.
Where: Beginning in his room, moving to the lobby and... wherever
What: The man has some very dark memories, and they haunt him enough without the help of dementors
When: Friday evening (Yep, late to the party)
Warnings: Movie plot references? None.
Status: Complete

Yes... things I had forgotten, and would not like to remember... )

Sep. 24th, 2010


RP: Transformations, pt 1: One Dark Night...

Who David Banner, The Hulk, Dementors
Where David's Room, The Roof, then the town...
What David finds his despair too strong, and tries to take care of it, but someone else objects - - -
When Around 10P.M., 9/24, and into 9/25
Warnings/Rating R for Adult Subject matter involving suicide, violence, and other possible triggers
Status Closed and to be continued...(Open to witness tags only)

The darkest part of the soul, holds only despair... )


RP: Like a Crown

Characters: Swan, Jaime, Mal
Time/Date: Evening, September 24
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: ...Jaime?
Summary: Swan recalls something that might help
Status: Complete

It might not work, but it couldn't hurt; she just wished she'd thought of it sooner )


RP: Memories

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: Evening, September 24
Location: his room
Warnings/Rating: lack of punctuation. It's a stylistic choice
Summary: Jake remembers
Status: Complete

And that was the truth )


RP: Two Little Stories

Who Luke Skywalker and Matt Prept
Where In rooms, and the lobby
What Reactions to the new Dementor levels
When Between just before Midnight, 9/23 and this morning, 9/24
Warnings/Rating Depression, silliness, idk
Status Open and Ongoing
Note Tag either. Matt's in the Kitchen, Luke's in the main lobby. Multiple threads welcomed! Also, this is long!

I feel so helpless, like a boat against the tide... )

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November 2010



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