Aug. 13th, 2010


RP: Lottery Winners

Characters: Jaime, Spike, Violet, House
Time/Date: Noon, August 14
Location: Room 1006
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: The lottery winners meet
Status: Complete-ish
Notes: It is suggested you track this, so you know when it's your turn.
The "this" link should work, because I spent like, an hour trying to get it to function. If it doesn't, hit me up and I'll link to a download site. It is a .wav file, so as long as you've got quicktime or something that plays .wavs, you should be all set. Also, I'm not going to fuss toooooo much about posting order since we do have such whacky schedules; just do what you can.

Puzzle pieces and disembodied voices )


RP: Real men wear skirts.

Characters: House, Open
Time/Date: Late, August 12th
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: a bored House. ...It really IS a warning...
Summary: Greg demands entertainment. ...And a new wardrobe.
Status: Open, ongoing

Give us this day our daily meds )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


RP: The Future Unfolds

Characters: Lily, House
Time/Date: mid-morning, August 2
Location: her room/lobby/by the line behind the hotel
Warnings/Rating: character death, devastated Lily
Summary: Lily sees a video she'd like to unsee
Status: Complete

She just felt ... broken )

Jul. 10th, 2010


RP: In Which we Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, July 10, 2032
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, possible drunk and disorderly conduct
Summary: It's a party. or a war meeting. Who knows.
Status: Closed

She would be perfectly content whichever way this went )

Jul. 8th, 2010


RP: Moonwatcher

Characters: Lily, House
Time/Date: Nighttime, July 8
Location: Hotel front steps
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Emo Lily is emo
Status: Closed

High in the sky, the song that I’m singing // A sweet little lie, I cry wolf, cry )

Jul. 7th, 2010


RP: Apparently a very important date

Characters: Gregory House, Open
Time/Date: July 8th
Location: Bedroom then Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Possible Language (It's House)
Summary: Falling down the rabbit hole!
Status: Open

November 2010



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