Sep. 3rd, 2010


RP: Angry Little Thief

Characters: Parker, open
Time/Date: Afternoon, September 3
Location: Hotel Roof
Warnings/Rating: Given events swears will happen
Summary: Parker heads for her haven, the roof
Status: Open, ongoing

Hiding on the Roof )

Aug. 28th, 2010


RP: The Magic Act

Characters: The magic users, the doctors, and the audience.
Time/Date: 9:30 and on, Saturday, August 28
Location: far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: low-moderate? I think they're a fairly non-swearing group
Summary: the magic users attempt to experiment with their magic
Status: Wrapped/ing up

Swish and flick )

Aug. 22nd, 2010


RP:Wounded Souls Can Only Find Solace with Another

Characters: Gwen Cooper, Jack Harkness
Time/Date: Night, August 21
Location: His room
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: Gwen realizes she should not be alone
Status: Private, ongoing

Darkness of the heart can only be cured by friends. )

Aug. 12th, 2010


Characters: Spike, Edward
Time/Date: Backdated to just after this
Location: Gwen's room
Warnings/Rating: Who knows? It's Jack
Summary: Jack wants answers and to see a friendly face
Status: Private, ongoing

It wasn't like this was the first time he'd woken up in a strange place )

Jun. 24th, 2010


RP: Pool Party

Characters: Lots of People
Time/Date: 3PM onward, Friday, June 25
Location: Rooftop pool
Warnings/Rating: a semi-bare butt and a screaming child
Summary: There's a party. at the pool.
Status: Completed
Do feel free to pop up new trees for smaller groups of characters. Names in the subject line is never a bad idea. Dr. Matt will be locking the door 'round about 4:30, after which point it will begin to get very very cold and start to snow. There is very little shelter up on the roof. Bwahahaha.

There was a pool, a grill, and a cooler full of cans of pop ... what could go wrong? )

Jun. 14th, 2010


RP: Did Ianto Do This?

Characters: Jack Harkness, Open
Time/Date: Evening, 13 June 2032
Location: His room then the 2nd floor
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Jack has a look around
Status: Incomplete

Though looking around the room, he wondered if it might actually be some sort of conspiracy between Ianto and Gwen to actually get him to sleep. )

November 2010



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