Oct. 14th, 2010


RP: Taking a Walk

Characters: Jake, Swan, Oy
Time/Date: 10:35 AM, October 14
Location: old!island, Outside, near the garden
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Jake walks and muses and chats up Swan
Status: Closed

He felt a little ill )

Sep. 29th, 2010


RP: The Artist and the Gardener

Characters: Kat, Swan
Time/Date: Afternoon, September 29
Location: the garden behind the hotel
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Kat draws; Swan gardens
Status: Closed

This was music? )

Sep. 24th, 2010


RP: Like a Crown

Characters: Swan, Jaime, Mal
Time/Date: Evening, September 24
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: ...Jaime?
Summary: Swan recalls something that might help
Status: Complete

It might not work, but it couldn't hurt; she just wished she'd thought of it sooner )

Sep. 20th, 2010


RP: Meeting new people

Characters: Ichabod, open
Time/Date: Some point in the evening, September 19 (I am late, I know)
Location: In the Rec room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: He's got to meet other people or never learn how to live in this place
Status: Complete

If the Headless Horseman could be real, this could be too )

Sep. 5th, 2010


RP: Lifeless

Characters: Swan, Ches
Time/Date: Late morning, September 5
Location: Outside, by the garden
Warnings/Rating: none
Summary: Swan now knows what other people feel like
Status: Complete

It was like part of her had been cut away )

Aug. 29th, 2010


RP: Silver bells and cockle shells...

Characters: Severus, poking Swan (and boy does that sound naughty...)
Time/Date: August 29, afternoon
Location: The garden
Warnings/Rating: Probably none
Summary: Plant identification
Status: Complete

Herbology was a necessary evil. )

Aug. 9th, 2010


RP: A Garden

Characters: Swan, Magius
Time/Date: morning, August 10
Location: behind the hotel
Warnings/Rating: none
Summary: Swan starts a garden
Status: Complete

Even here, her work wasn't done )

Jul. 10th, 2010


RP: In Which we Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, July 10, 2032
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, possible drunk and disorderly conduct
Summary: It's a party. or a war meeting. Who knows.
Status: Closed

She would be perfectly content whichever way this went )


RP: A real bed ...?

Characters: Swan
Time/Date: Late morning, July 10
Location: Her room to the lobby to the outside if she's uninterrupted
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Swan arrives
Status: Closed

Something was wrong ... )

November 2010



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