Nov. 5th, 2010


RP: Let's Try This Again

Characters: Faye, Open (poking any ambiguously English pups?)
Time/Date: Afternoon, November 5
Location: Faye's room (#513), Fifth floor corridor
Warnings/Rating: Not anticipating worse than language and angst/panic.
Summary: Faye finally attempts to overcome her fear.
Status: Open, ongoing

Second time's a charm? )

Oct. 29th, 2010


RP: Happy Halloween Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, October 30, Saturday
Location: Lobby, kitchen, rec area, etc
Warnings/Rating: None, hopefully?
Summary: There's a costume party and everyone's invited
Status: Complete

Popcorn and Pepsi and all manner of candy ... )

Oct. 28th, 2010


RP: This Is Not Going To End Well

Characters: River, Faye
Time/Date: October 28, sometime after this
Location: Faye's room
Summary: River would like an explanation. That is all.
Status: Private, ongoing

Everyone was being so evasive and confusing... )

Oct. 25th, 2010


RP: Lobby Decorations

Characters: LilyLu, Tristan, open
Time/Date: Evening, October 25
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Lobby decorating
Status: open, ongoing
Feel free to make new trees for different areas of the lobby

Weren't there supposed to be more people down here? )

Oct. 21st, 2010


RP: A Ghoulish Endeavor

Characters: Faye, Open
Time/Date: Noon-ish, October 20
Location: Algul Siento, Faye's room (#513)
Warnings/Rating: None, yet. TBD?
Summary: Faye has found the Halloween store and avoided the network. This proves to be an unfortunate combination of circumstances.
Status: Player drop/Closed
[ So, it's a day late. My eyes were made of fail last night. ]

Inappropriate Halloween festivities underway... )

Oct. 5th, 2010


RP: Discovery

Characters: Faye, open
Time/Date: Morning, October 5
Location: Faye's room, Lobby, Roof
Warnings/Rating: Language, some angst, Faye being stressed
Summary: Faye finds a relic from the past and wonders just what its presence might mean.
Status: Player drop/Closed

Princess of a palace cracked... )

Sep. 28th, 2010


RP: Sleepover in a Shack

Characters: Tris, Dave, Faye, Reid
Time/Date: Evening, September 28
Location: shacks at the far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: None. Or young-people shenanigans
Summary: Tris hosts a sleepover to avoid the worst of the music
Status: Complete

Jaime apparently wanted to punch people who were singing along )

Sep. 17th, 2010



Characters: Seeley Booth, Astrid Hofferson, Faye Valentine, Severus Snape
Time/Date: Noon, September 18
Location: Room 1006
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: The Lottery Winners meet to collect their "prize"
Status: Complete
Notes: [ Attempt at keeping posting order is jive but am not going to fuss if the occasional skip/misalign happens. Pls track so you know it's your turn. ]

Spooky )


RP: Just when this place seemed tolerable...

Characters: Faye, open-ish (poking at River)
Time/Date: Just after dark, September 14 (Tuesday)
Location: Faye's room (306), lobby
Warnings/Rating: language/narrative cursing, Faye being moody
Summary: Spike is gone... again. Faye isn't sure how to handle this.
Status: Open(ish?), ongoing
Note: Yes, I know I fail. Really, I do. This is backdated because Faye would have freaked much earlier but I didn't know how to write it out until now. Also, because I have been battling computer issues and feeling bad. Excuses are shiny, right?

If home is where the heart is and 'home' is a synonym for death... )

Sep. 11th, 2010


RP: The Pool

Characters: Jayne, Faye
Time/Date: afternoon, September 11
Location: the pool
Warnings/Rating: Jayne. that's a warning, right?
Summary: Jayne tries that swimming thing
Status: Complete

Last time he'd been up here ... )

Aug. 31st, 2010


RP: Make it go away!

Characters: Faye (narrative)
Time/Date: Early morning, August 31
Location: Her room (#306), 3rd floor hallway
Warnings/Rating: R, for descriptions of violence
Summary: Faye stumbles across more than she bargained for.
Status: complete
[This is what she sees. Only, y'know, in human form. If you can imagine that. And a warning? It is very violent.]

Being the past didn't make it any easier to watch... )

November 2010



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