Oct. 29th, 2010


RP: Happy Halloween Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, October 30, Saturday
Location: Lobby, kitchen, rec area, etc
Warnings/Rating: None, hopefully?
Summary: There's a costume party and everyone's invited
Status: Complete

Popcorn and Pepsi and all manner of candy ... )

Oct. 24th, 2010


RP: Coincidence?

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: afternoon, October 24
Location: Outside, west of the hotel
Warnings/Rating: none, really
Summary: Jake ponders 19, coincidence, and the nature of captivity
Status: Closed

Standing in the rain )

Oct. 18th, 2010


RP: Find the Armor

Characters: Jaime, Lee, Reid, Oy, Jake
Time/Date: After dinner, October 18
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: none
Summary: Jaime tries to "find"
Status: Done-ish?

That ... hurt )

Oct. 14th, 2010


RP: Taking a Walk

Characters: Jake, Swan, Oy
Time/Date: 10:35 AM, October 14
Location: old!island, Outside, near the garden
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Jake walks and muses and chats up Swan
Status: Closed

He felt a little ill )

Sep. 24th, 2010


RP: Memories

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: Evening, September 24
Location: his room
Warnings/Rating: lack of punctuation. It's a stylistic choice
Summary: Jake remembers
Status: Complete

And that was the truth )

Sep. 14th, 2010


RP: Brooding

Characters: Severus and OPEN Jake and Oy
Time/Date: Sept. 14, early evening
Location: The roof
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Sev is a bit broken up
Status: Complete

He knew better. )

[OOC: I will probably be slow replying for the next couple of days, but I wanted to get a post up anyway. :-P]

Sep. 11th, 2010


RP: Fetch

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: early afternoon, September 11
Location: near the garden
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Jake and Oy play fetch
Status: Closed

The question was, who was winning? )

Sep. 8th, 2010


RP: Help! I need somebody! Help! Not Just Anybody!

Characters: David Banner and Open to multiple threads
Time/Date: After nightfall, 09/08
Location: A decrepit building
Warnings/Rating: PG
Summary: David goes exploring, and finds a rotten building, but is rescued by Jake.
Status: Complete.

Being free of the Monster was a gift David was prepared to thank the scientists for-- )

Aug. 30th, 2010


RP: Salvaging

Characters: River, Jake & Oy
Time/Date: August 30, later afternoon.
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Likely PG, but TBD
Summary: River attempts to fix something that is clearly broken.
Status: Closed, completed

It seemed the easiest solution... )

Aug. 20th, 2010


RP: Reavers in the Hotel

Characters: Lily, everyone else
Time/Date: Early early morning, August 20
Location: Hotel, everywhere
Warnings/Rating: Violence (including rape), character death, swearing, more violence, blood, guts, etc.
Summary: Reavers, man
Status: Wrapped up

Oh, the Chaos we will bring )

Aug. 18th, 2010


RP: The Gunslinger Arrives

Characters: Jake, Oy
Time/Date: Evening, August 18
Location: 3rd floor and downward to the lobby
Warnings/Rating: low
Summary: Jake arrives in the middle of chaos, hooray
Status: Closed

Had he gone todash again? )

November 2010



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