Jul. 13th, 2010


RP: Sunning ... sort of

Characters: Tyler, Kara
Time/Date: July 14, noonish
Location: Pool
Warnings/Rating: Half-naked Tyler? Narrative swears
Summary: Tyler enjoys the warm and the pool while thinking
Status: Closed

He didn't like the newest series of events ... )

Jul. 11th, 2010


RP: White Line

Characters: Kara, Chase, Open
Time/Date: Morning
Location: Lobby to white line
Warnings/Rating: eventually there will probably be a bit of emo girl
Summary: Kara crosses the white line
Status: Open, Ongoing

As if she was going to chicken out )

Jul. 10th, 2010


RP: In Which we Party

Characters: Everyone's invited
Time/Date: Evening, July 10, 2032
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Jaime's mouth, possible drunk and disorderly conduct
Summary: It's a party. or a war meeting. Who knows.
Status: Closed

She would be perfectly content whichever way this went )

Jul. 8th, 2010


RP: Swimming

Characters: Kara, Chase
Time/Date: Afternoon
Location: Pool
Warnings/Rating: none, probably
Summary: Going for a swim, but keeping the door propped open
Status: Complete

Not going to be locked up here this time )

Jun. 30th, 2010


RP: Popcorn and Movies

Characters: Tyler, Kara, Susan
Time/Date: Late night, June 30/Early morning July 1
Location: Hotel Lobby rec room area
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Kara has company since she doesn't want to sleep
Status: Complete

It was something to do, right? )

Jun. 29th, 2010


RP: Stalking the Stars

Characters: Dru, Kara
Time/Date: Nighttime, June 29
Location: Roaming around by the gas station
Warnings/Rating: Insanity
Summary: Dru wonders why the stars aren't real
Status: Complete

She'd named them once before ... )

Jun. 24th, 2010


RP: Pool Party

Characters: Lots of People
Time/Date: 3PM onward, Friday, June 25
Location: Rooftop pool
Warnings/Rating: a semi-bare butt and a screaming child
Summary: There's a party. at the pool.
Status: Completed
Do feel free to pop up new trees for smaller groups of characters. Names in the subject line is never a bad idea. Dr. Matt will be locking the door 'round about 4:30, after which point it will begin to get very very cold and start to snow. There is very little shelter up on the roof. Bwahahaha.

There was a pool, a grill, and a cooler full of cans of pop ... what could go wrong? )

November 2010



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