Oct. 20th, 2010


RP: Bears

Characters: Bears, Harry, Lee, Vance, Luke, Dug
Time/Date: 6 AM Thursday October 21
Location: Old!island, outside the hotel
Warnings/Rating: Violence, maybe? idk
Summary: Bears, yo
Status: Complete

We're here, let's be clear, we want our armor! )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


RP: The Force is With You

Characters: Luke Skywalker
Time/Date: Mid-afternoon, 10/03
Location: One end of the roof
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Luke meditates, and tries to find some good in the recent events. Narrative.
Status: Complete

The Force was with him, but what about when that was not enough? )

Sep. 24th, 2010


RP: Two Little Stories

Who Luke Skywalker and Matt Prept
Where In rooms, and the lobby
What Reactions to the new Dementor levels
When Between just before Midnight, 9/23 and this morning, 9/24
Warnings/Rating Depression, silliness, idk
Status Open and Ongoing
Note Tag either. Matt's in the Kitchen, Luke's in the main lobby. Multiple threads welcomed! Also, this is long!

I feel so helpless, like a boat against the tide... )

Sep. 4th, 2010


RP: Still in Shock

Characters: Corey, Luke
Time/Date: Evening, September 3
Location: Library
Warnings/Rating: Traumatized and shocked Corey still trying to adjust
Summary: Corey has no idea how to acclimate to this place
Status: Complete

She just wanted her brother )

Sep. 3rd, 2010


RP Useful Hacker

Characters: Edward, open to Luke Skywalker and Professor Snape (seperate threads please)
Time/Date: Evening, 9/2
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Ed's kooky
Summary: Ed lends Snape and Luke a hand.
Status: Semi open, ongoing

Finally, things to fix! )

Aug. 30th, 2010


RP: Impossible!

Characters: Lily, Luke
Time/Date: late morning, August 30
Location: rec area
Warnings/Rating: R, descriptions of a threesome
Summary: Lily watches something that hasn't happened and couldn't possibly happen
Status: Complete

Trepidation )

Aug. 28th, 2010


RP: The Magic Act

Characters: The magic users, the doctors, and the audience.
Time/Date: 9:30 and on, Saturday, August 28
Location: far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: low-moderate? I think they're a fairly non-swearing group
Summary: the magic users attempt to experiment with their magic
Status: Wrapped/ing up

Swish and flick )

November 2010



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