Oct. 27th, 2010


RP: The Boys and the Lily

Characters: Tris, LilyLu, Tyler, Remus, Hugo, Landon, and John
Time/Date: Evening, October 27
Location: Tris and Hugo's suite
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris confiscates the couch but is trapped by a Lily
Status: Complete

Halloween Movie-a-thon FTW )

Oct. 25th, 2010


RP: Lobby Decorations

Characters: LilyLu, Tristan, open
Time/Date: Evening, October 25
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: None?
Summary: Lobby decorating
Status: open, ongoing
Feel free to make new trees for different areas of the lobby

Weren't there supposed to be more people down here? )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


RP: By the Light of the Moon

Characters: Tris, Remus
Time/Date: after moonrise, October 22
Location: In the jungle, the mighty jungle
Warnings/Rating: a wolfy good time?
Summary: Tris and Remus go for a romp
Status: Complete

You do your work by the light of the moon )

Oct. 21st, 2010


RP: New Digs

Characters: Tristan, Hugo
Time/Date: 8:15ish AM, October 22
Location: His room, the suite, Hugo's room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris wakes up and thinks he smells a live Hugo
Status: Complete

Funny how it still smelled like Hugo )

Oct. 20th, 2010


RP: When Disaster Strikes

Characters: Tris
Time/Date: morning, after the video, October 20
Location: old!island, roof
Warnings/Rating: angst!!
Summary: Tris freaks
Status: Closed

[Insert expletives here] )

Oct. 9th, 2010


RP: Happy Saturday

Characters: Tris, Remus
Time/Date: Afternoon, October 9
Location: rooftop pool
Warnings/Rating: Half-naked werewolf?
Summary: Tris decides to try that swimming thing
Status: Complete

Splish splash, notta bath )

Oct. 1st, 2010


RP: Movie Night

Characters: Tris, LilyLu, Remus, John, Hugo, Lee
Time/Date: Evening, October 1
Location: Rec area
Warnings/Rating: teenage/young adult shenanigans? Language?
Summary: Taking advantage of the lack of music to watch some movies
Status: Complete

Movies, no music )

Sep. 28th, 2010


RP: Sleepover in a Shack

Characters: Tris, Dave, Faye, Reid
Time/Date: Evening, September 28
Location: shacks at the far end of the island
Warnings/Rating: None. Or young-people shenanigans
Summary: Tris hosts a sleepover to avoid the worst of the music
Status: Complete

Jaime apparently wanted to punch people who were singing along )

Sep. 25th, 2010


RP: Aftermath

Characters: Lily, Tristan, Hugo, Didymus, Kyle
Time/Date: Just after midnight, Saturday morning
Location: Lobby
Warnings/Rating: Depends on who shows up
Summary: Dementors go bye-bye
Status: Closed

The lights came back on first ... )

Sep. 23rd, 2010


RP: Wolf! In the Hotel!

Characters: Tris, Dug
Time/Date: Night times, September 23
Location: Lobby, hallways, elevator, pool
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris is a wolf. Indoors
Status: Player drop

Aroo! )

Sep. 22nd, 2010


RP: Lily Demented

Characters: LilyLu, Dave, Harry
Time/Date: 1 AM-ish, September 23
Location: outside the hotel
Warnings/Rating: demented LilyLu
Summary: Lily and Dave are on patrol when the dementors almost double
Status: Complete

There were too many )

Sep. 18th, 2010


RP: Patro-what?

Characters: Dave, Tristan, Hugo
Time/Date: evening, September 18
Location: Outside
Warnings/Rating: Two goofy boys goofing off?
Summary: Dave tries to learn
Status: Complete

At least it wasn't a lemur ... )

Sep. 13th, 2010


RP: The Creamy Goodness Quest

Characters: Billy Batson and Tristan Moore
Time/Date: Starting out around 8 a.m. on Monday morning
Location: The kitchen, then the mall, and back again.
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Billy goes looking for the makings of milkshakes, finds them, and comes back to make them, encountering Tristan as he works.
Status: Complete!

Early enough to feel productive, late enough to feel like he'd slept in, Billy rose. )

Sep. 11th, 2010


RP: Breakfast Fun

Characters: Tris, Lily
Time/Date: morning, September 12
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris "helps" Lily with breakfast
Status: Closed


Sep. 4th, 2010


RP: Movie Night

Characters: LilyLu, Tristan, John
Time/Date: Nighttime, September 4
Location: Lobby rec area
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Tris and LilyLu watch movies and talk about stuff
Status: Complete

These were old, old, old movies ... )

Aug. 28th, 2010


RP: A Tris in Wolf's Clothing

Characters: Tristan, Reid
Time/Date: evening, August 28
Location: just outside the hotel
Warnings/Rating: naked Tristan? inappropriate laughter? TMI sharing?
Summary: Tris arrives. With bells on. But not literally
Status: complete

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun // And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun, fun )

November 2010



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